"ELITE!? me? I could never, it's for my older brother to become the Elite I'm fine with being a POSE." young Crew says in response to Lù while they are practicing shooting in Hyōteki field which is a celestial material stone mountain in the academy and small artificial stars light up the area. 

"What? Seriously? That's your reason? Bruce is the younger brother of Pact siblings but he still managed to represent Arcturus while his older sister Suzy is training to become 2Oth Elite there is always a way and you are only 16" Lù scolds him like a mother scolding her son.

As for me, I know eavesdropping is bad but I have been hiding behind the hanging trees to hunt the white deer who will soon pass by this way who knew I would end up eavesdropping on these teenagers, at least I am not alone. I can feel other two hunters' presence one in the bushes and the other on my right tree. I am assuming they are here to hunt the white deer as well.

The trees rustle and bustle with the light movements as Lù and Crew talk over the noise of the forest. 

Four feet away I see it. A white deer coming near the glass pond. I am ready with my gun. I have already charged the bullets and aim to shoot.



Shit the hunter on my right shot first and missed the shot and scared the deer away. But I will not let the deer get away, I jump down from the tree making Lù and Crew squeak in surprise twice. Someone is already there before me aiming at the deer it's Knell and Lock joins from the other side. 

The deer is scared and is already running through the glass pond. I take a deep breath, kneel on one knee and fire before any of them the purple bullet leaves my gun and hits the neck of the deer making it lose balance another three bullets of green, red, and black follow my bullet hitting other parts of the deer finally making it fall in the water.

"Hey hey hey you guys stole my deer"

comes out a guy with a buzz cut and he is shirtless. Junio.

"Are you kidding me you made the deer run away jackass!!!" Lock confronts angrily. "It doesn't matter Lock since none of us got the deer" Knell. "I got it," I say defensively.

"Te`ne` is so cool," Lù says with admiration. Both of them look at Te`ne` as she holds her gun looking par with the guys. "It's so cool that we have three candidates for the position of first Elite" she continues.

"Well obviously it will be one of them, being Just's only son Knell is most experienced I would say for the position, should we bet?" Crew asks excitedly.

"Bet what?"

I look at both of them confused and both look surprised by my presence. 

"Bet on...uh...-"

I wait for him to speak up but it seems he is contemplating.

"Anyways we are going to the class ahead just letting you know" I left after the other guys left.

I head to the class of combat ranking. Every class outcome in the AAA is ranked to ensure the progress of the PROs so that fair hierarchy can take place. Can I reach there and fulfill my goals? As I was walking past the hallway I heard V.P. talking to Knell.

"Must I repeat again that in no way I can haste the power manifestation I know you are grieving your father's death and want to take that position quickly but-"

Knell interrupts 

"I understand I will wait patiently," Knell says with a smile but I notice him clenching his fists and his jaw. Knell notices me smiles warmly and walks ahead. I was left there confused.


We all had to choose our partners I paired up with Suzy.

To become POSE we must follow a series of training where we enhance 100% of our abilities in each field combat, communication, knowledge, athletics, strategy, literature, etc. Later on the day, Cosmos Bay bestows us the gift of supernatural power our core will manifest a power on its own suitable for us. 

For now, I only need to focus on the combat and win. 

Vasilikós Ibar (V.I.) the combat trainer android is supervising us. "The rules are simple let your fists talk you aren't allowed to use any weapons today," V.I. says calmly and stands aside as a referee.

Suzy was of medium stature. She was said to be the perfect girl of the academy it would only raise my rank to win against her. The bell rings and I take my stance slowly. Come on Suzy strike first!!

Her eyes are calm and she hasn't even taken a proper stance. Impatient I kick first but she guards with her elbow, it did make her lose her balance though. My fighting spirit became weak seeing how weak she is or was it a bluff? I didn't want to fight her anymore cause she was struggling. 

"Withdraw if you can't fight I can go harsher than this you might actually bleed" I warn her. "Try me" she scoffs even though she can barely stand. I get it she is trying to gain experience and learn from the fight but I am not her teacher and her lack of capability isn't my responsibility. 

But I hate to be the bully so I do a fake punch catching her off guard while I knee strike her on the stomach which leaves her on the ground groaning in pain.

"Winner Te`ne`!!" V.I. announces.

I help Suzy get up and get down from the stage and Knell goes to the stage next followed by Junio.


What just happened? The arena was bloody Junio had lost his sense and was standing in support of Knell who held him by his collar Knell looked sad and frustrated but he was the one that caused the bloody mess.

"Winner Knellson!!!" Announces V.I.