Chapter 10: Insect Techniques and Uchiha Secrets

The Shinobi World is a Distorted Realm.

On one hand, it closely resembles modern society, equipped with electronics, computers, televisions, and gaming consoles. They have an understanding of concepts like the universe and planets, and possess many advanced scientific and medical ideas.

Yet, it is also a highly primitive world where most villagers still live an agrarian lifestyle, rising with the sun and resting with its descent.

In such a world, Shishou found himself at a loss on how to make money.


On the platform, Iruka roared.

With a swift flick of his wrist, he sent a piece of chalk hurtling towards the daydreaming Shishou with the precision of a throwing weapon.


The chalk hit its mark but was intercepted mid-air by the insects emerging from Shishou's gourd.

Seeing his chalk deflected, Iruka's veins bulged in frustration. He snapped another piece of chalk into three and threw them all at Shishou, only for his insects to intercept them again.


The classmates couldn't help but exclaim at the impressive display, with some even shouting.

"Shishou, great job! Drive Iruka-sensei crazy!"

Shishou didn't need to guess to know who said that.

Sure enough, the next second, the embarrassed Iruka roared at Naruto,

"Naruto, what did you just say? Say it again!"

"Iruka-sensei, I'm sorry!"

Realizing he was in trouble, Naruto quickly apologized without any dignity.

"Shishou is really amazing," Hinata said, admiringly looking at him.

"I didn't know he was so skilled, and he looks pretty good too," Ino remarked, glancing at Shishou.

Uchiha Sasuke cast a casual glance at Shishou before returning to his studies. Driven by vengeance, Sasuke only focused on those he deemed strong.

Shishou didn't find much satisfaction in deflecting Iruka's chalk.

Firstly, Iruka was just a Chunin, and the chalk wasn't lethal.

Secondly, this was the simplest insect technique of the Aburame clan.

Though it did look quite impressive.

"Iruka-sensei, I'm sorry."

To avoid further trouble, Shishou also apologized, much like Naruto.

"Pay attention in class!"

Iruka glared at Shishou before turning back to the lesson.



Shishou arrived at the Forest of Death and saw Uchiha Mikoto sitting in a tree, gazing toward Konoha.

Is she thinking about Sasuke?

Seeing Mikoto's expression, Shishou understood her thoughts.

Uchiha Mikoto knew Sasuke hadn't died by Itachi's blade and was worried about his safety.

"If I were you, I'd focus on getting stronger," Shishou said, reverting to his twelve-year-old form and addressing Mikoto seriously.

"You…you seem to have grown a lot," Mikoto said, looking shocked at Shishou's sudden growth spurt.

"This is my true form," Shishou lied, not bothering to explain, and then looked towards the abandoned laboratory below, asking, "How are they?"

Mikoto stared curiously at Shishou, thinking of his undisguised desire for her, suddenly understanding.

Entering puberty at twelve, it's natural to be curious about such things...

"They're still a bit down, but they've improved a lot in the past two days," Mikoto replied.

"That's good. They're in your hands now," Shishou said, nodding. He then turned to Mikoto and continued, "I need all the Uchiha clan's information on ocular jutsu."

Having awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan, Shishou naturally wanted to seize the opportunity to enhance his power.

Moreover, Uchiha's ocular genjutsu was incredibly useful for dominating weaker opponents.

The main issue was that his Phosphorus Devourers now required exponentially more energy to evolve and reproduce.

Even in the Forest of Death, encountering giant insects and animals like before was rare, and overdoing it could draw Konoha's attention.

Therefore, Shishou planned to strengthen both his insect techniques and his Sharingan skills.

When powerful enough, he could hunt elite ninjas for their energy.

The energy provided by a Jonin was equivalent to that of a giant summoning beast.

He had learned this from the night of the Uchiha massacre.

"You're not from the Uchiha clan?" Mikoto asked, surprised. She had assumed he was Uchiha due to his Sharingan.

"I'm from the Aburame clan. My name is Aburame Shishou . It's said our clans intermarried long ago," Shishou lied again, unwilling to explain further.


Mikoto looked at Shishou skeptically but continued,

"All the Uchiha scrolls are hidden in the Naka Shrine. I can tell you the location, but you must give me a copy of those secrets."

She intended to use the scrolls to teach the Uchiha children.

Shishou smiled at her request.
