Chapter 11: Playing Hard to Get

"Madam, do you wish to see Sasuke?"

After Uchiha Mikoto revealed the location of the Naka Shrine, Shishou stood beside her, gazing in the direction of Konoha.

Hearing Sasuke's name, Mikoto trembled and nodded.

"Do you understand what would happen if you appeared before Sasuke now?" Shishou turned to look at the beautiful woman beside him.


"I understand," Mikoto replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

Able to awaken the three-tomoe Sharingan, Mikoto was no fool. She quickly grasped Shishou's meaning. If she, supposedly dead, appeared before Sasuke, it would immediately endanger him. It was better to stay hidden as she was now.

"Madam, it seems you haven't fully understood my point," Shishou said, reaching out to caress Mikoto's face, savoring her conflicted expression as she wanted to avoid his touch but dared not move away.

Enduring Shishou's touch, Mikoto's heart raced, fearing he might try something inappropriate right then. But his next words made her breathe a sigh of relief.

"If you wish to see Sasuke, you need immense power, the kind that can cut down anything blocking your path to him."

"Moreover, Itachi has committed the massacre. Sasuke sees him as his greatest enemy. Do you really want to just watch them..."

Shishou paused deliberately, observing Mikoto's expression closely before continuing calmly:

"Do you really want to watch your sons fight to the death?"

A mix of sadness, hatred, and complexity flashed across Mikoto's face, and finally, she closed her eyes in pain.

"I will avenge my clan myself!"

Saying this, Mikoto's face darkened as she recalled Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan. Her own three-tomoe Sharingan was powerless against it.

She knew her talent well. Having only awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan in her twenties, she had no hope of awakening the Mangekyo. Years of living a peaceful life had dulled her combat skills.

How could she seek revenge in such a state?

But the thought of Itachi and Sasuke killing each other was unbearable.

Maybe, he could help...

Unconsciously, Mikoto looked at Shishou. Their eyes met, and she quickly averted her gaze.

"I once read an ancient record detailing the Uchiha clan's secret to awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan. This is how I, with diluted blood, managed to awaken the three-tomoe Sharingan," Shishou said, hands clasped behind his back, eyes on Konoha.

"If you wish, I can help you awaken the Mangekyo. But it will cost you greatly."

To strengthen his argument, Shishou revealed his own Sharingan.

Seeing Shishou's Sharingan, Mikoto didn't doubt his words. After a moment, she asked with difficulty, "What do you need me to do?"

She was ready to do anything to prevent Itachi and Sasuke from fighting, knowing what it might entail.

"Heh, we'll discuss this later," Shishou said. "Take good care of them."

Seeing Mikoto's determined yet resigned expression, Shishou smiled slightly and vanished.

Now wasn't the right time for Mangekyo experiments, considering Mikoto's current physical and mental state. It was better to bide his time and ensure she would obey him completely later.

Moreover, hurting Mikoto in the process would be a loss. He valued her more than the Mangekyo.

After all, despite the massive upheaval she had endured, Mikoto hadn't awakened the Mangekyo. Forcing it might prove extremely difficult.


Watching Shishou disappear, Mikoto felt a mix of regret and fear.

Regret for showing resistance, and fear that Shishou might refuse to help her.

She found herself oscillating between hope and despair.

"Auntie, it's time for dinner," a girl's voice called from the cave entrance, snapping Mikoto out of her thoughts.

"I'm coming, Izumi," Mikoto replied, leaping down from the tree with renewed resolve.

Having glimpsed a chance to grow stronger and see Sasuke again, she couldn't give up.

"Perhaps, it's time to show him what a real woman is capable of."



Shishou, unaware of Mikoto's newfound determination, was watching Root members leave a distant area, frowning.

He had left earlier when his insects warned him of nearby intruders.

Following them, he discovered a Root hideout in the Forest of Death.

This intrusion into what he considered his territory irked him greatly.

"I need to move Mikoto and the others soon," Shishou decided, turning to leave.