Chapter 13: The Reason for Learning Flying Thunder God

Shishou was prepared for Minato's question and answered directly, "I've spoken with your original self."

Yes, Shishou was too lazy to explain and chose to lie.

After all, he couldn't say he knew it from watching Pain's invasion of Konoha, right? That would spoil everything.

Spoken with my original self? This response stunned Minato.

If you've already spoken with my original self, why are you here? And how could you talk to me when I'm dead and in the Shinigami's belly?

"Orochimaru cut open the Shinigami's belly and used the Reanimation Jutsu to bring you back," Shishou said, throwing out a significant fact to shock Minato.

Yes, Orochimaru indeed cut open the Shinigami's belly and reanimated your body. And indeed, your original self did return to the Pure Land soon after. Although this was supposed to happen many years later, it was still true.

Shishou didn't intend to give Minato more time to think and continued, "I came here to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique from you. I originally planned to approach Genma Shiranui and his team or steal the Scroll of Seals, but that would cause unnecessary trouble and harm to others, which I dislike."

"Of course, if you refuse, I understand. After all, you don't know me, and having concerns is natural," Shishou added, "I'll think of another way if you reject me."

These were Shishou's true thoughts. If Minato refused, he wouldn't insist.

Minato wasn't surprised about Orochimaru using the Reanimation Jutsu. He became Hokage by defeating Orochimaru and knew his nature well. If Orochimaru had the chance, he would certainly use the Reanimation Jutsu on him. Therefore, Minato believed Shishou's words to a certain extent.

Seeing Shishou's candidness, Minato was at a loss for words. Despite Shishou's youthful appearance, Minato sensed a powerful aura from him—a confidence that comes with great power.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Naruto's classmate. If you want to know about him, you can ask me," Shishou said.

"Naruto?" Minato was visibly excited. How could he not be? His son was born just before he died, and he never even got to hold him.

"Well, he didn't have a good start, but things have improved since he met Iruka-sensei," Shishou recounted Naruto's past few years. Finally, he added, "Here, this is what Naruto looks like now."

Shishou raised his right hand, and an image of Naruto appeared, which then played like a video. In this subconscious space, with his Sharingan and Yin Release chakra, Shishou could materialize his thoughts.

"Naruto..." Minato looked at the video of Naruto's life, his eyes filled with longing as he gently reached out to touch it.

After a long while, Minato sincerely thanked Shishou, "Thank you!"

Then, he turned serious and asked, "If I decide not to teach you the Flying Thunder God Technique, what will you do?"

As the Fourth Hokage, Minato was very cautious about passing on the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"I would wait for Genma Shiranui and his team to go on a mission, then ambush them and use my Sharingan to make them reveal the technique," Shishou replied calmly, leaving Minato speechless.

Minato wondered where Shishou got such confidence. It was as if dealing with Genma Shiranui and his team was a simple task. Despite himself, Minato believed Shishou's words to be mostly true.

To prevent Genma and his team from being harmed, Minato decided to teach Shishou the Flying Thunder God Technique, but he had one last question.

"Why are you so eager to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique?"

Shishou was momentarily taken aback, then replied somewhat sheepishly, "I have a woman outside the village. Traveling back and forth is too troublesome, so I wanted to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique."


It wasn't because of the technique's power or to enhance his strength. It was simply because he had a woman outside the village and found traveling too troublesome?

How old are you, kid? And you've already learned to keep a woman?

Though, admittedly, the Flying Thunder God Technique is quite suitable for secret meetings...

Hearing this, Minato was stunned, as if struck by lightning multiple times. Thinking of his son, who was still playing pranks on classmates, a sense of 'other people's children' welled up in his heart.

That woman is your wife's best friend, Uchiha Mikoto...

Seeing Minato's incredulous look, Shishou swallowed the last part of his thought.

"Alright, you've convinced me," Minato sighed. "I'll teach you the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Minato agreed to Shishou's request.


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