Chapter 14: Good Luck Casino

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Naruto from now on," Shishou murmured to himself as he glanced at the still-sleeping Naruto. He had just completed his training with the Flying Thunder God technique, a legendary jutsu created by the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. This S-rank technique was so powerful that it allowed Tobirama to defeat Uchiha Izuna, Madara Uchiha's brother, who possessed the formidable Mangekyō Sharingan.

During the Third Shinobi World War, the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze, took the Flying Thunder God technique to new heights. He used it to eliminate fifty Jonin from Iwagakure and held his own against the A-B Combo from Kumogakure, earning the title of "Yellow Flash." Minato's prowess with this technique was a key factor in his ascent to the position of Fourth Hokage, surpassing even Orochimaru.

Despite Shishou's natural talent and understanding, mastering the Flying Thunder God was no easy feat. It would take him at least another month to be able to use it minimally. Achieving the level of skill that the Second and Fourth Hokage possessed in combat would require even more time and effort.

Sighing, Shishou looked at Naruto once more. He knew he had to bide his time before approaching the boy directly. Until Naruto demonstrated his commitment to the Will of Fire, the Third Hokage would not permit anyone else to get involved in his life—not even Danzo, who constantly badgered Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen, you'll regret this!" Danzo would insist.

To which the Third Hokage would firmly reply, "Danzo, I am the Hokage."

A month later, Shishou found himself in Hiyorigawa City, a bustling town in the Land of Fire. Only about ten hours away from Konoha for a ninja, or five to six days for ordinary people, Hiyorigawa was known for its rich mineral resources. This made it a magnet for various factions and a melting pot of diverse elements. The city's law and order were notoriously lax.

In addition to its mines, Hiyorigawa was famous as a den of vice, offering every form of indulgence imaginable. The streets were lined with merchants, taverns, and casinos. Scantily clad women stood at doorways, beckoning passersby with alluring smiles.

"Lucky Casino," Shishou read aloud, looking up at the sign before stepping inside. The place was crawling with rogue ninjas, including a sensory type. Clearly, the casino owners were wary of powerful ninjas cheating.

As he entered, Shishou activated his Sharingan, scanning the hidden casino ninjas with ease. He approached the counter and handed over his money. "Give me five chips worth ten thousand each."

With only fifty thousand ryo to his name—savings he had accumulated over years—Shishou knew he had to make them count. He took his chips and headed to a dice game table, taking a random seat. The rules were simple: bet on high, low, or a triple. Winning doubled the bet, while a loss meant the casino kept everything. Betting on a triple yielded a tenfold payout.

"Place your bets," the beautiful dealer announced after shaking the dice and covering them with a cup.

Shishou casually tossed a ten-thousand-ryo chip on 'low.' The cup lifted to reveal a three, a five, and a six—'high.'

"Congratulations to those who bet on high," the dealer said politely, collecting the losing chips and starting a new round.

Unfazed, Shishou continued. This time, he bet his remaining forty thousand ryo on 'triple.'

The dealer's eyebrows arched in surprise. She lifted the cup: three ones—a triple.

"Wow," murmurs of astonishment rippled through the crowd. "He actually hit the triple."

Shishou collected his four hundred thousand ryo in winnings without a trace of emotion. He had subtly released nano-sized insects onto the dice, allowing him to manipulate the outcome with precision undetectable even to those with Mangekyō Sharingan.

With each roll, his pile of chips grew. Within half an hour, Shishou had amassed over ten million ryo. The dealer had been replaced by the casino's owner, a striking woman who eyed Shishou with a mix of fear and admiration. The room buzzed with excitement and tension as Shishou made his final bet: the entire ten million on another triple.

The casino owner's hand trembled as it hovered over the cup. The crowd fell silent, their eyes glued to the table. Winning this bet would mean a payout of one hundred million ryo—a fortune beyond the wildest dreams of everyone present.

"Young man," the owner's voice wavered, her expression pleading. "Could we speak upstairs?"

Shishou noted the desperation in her eyes. Reluctantly, he nodded. "Alright."

The owner led him to her private office on the second floor. As the door closed behind them, they heard the roar of disbelief from the crowd below.

"Three sixes! It's another triple!"

"He's giving up a hundred million ryo just like that?"

The owner, bamboo in name but a willow in demeanor, exhaled in relief, her shoulders slumping. She was just an ordinary woman, running this small casino to survive. The local powers allowed her to operate as long as she paid them 80% of her earnings. Losing a hundred million ryo would have spelled disaster for her.

"Thank you," she said earnestly, looking at Shishou with gratitude. "You've saved my life."

Shishou gave a faint smile, understanding the weight of her words. "It's alright. Sometimes, a gamble isn't worth the risk."

As he left the casino, Shishou couldn't help but think of Naruto again. Both of them were navigating worlds of uncertainty, where every move counted. And just like in the casino, sometimes, it was about knowing when to walk away.