Chapter 19: This Thigh Meat is Quite Nice

Uzuki Yugao followed closely.

Shishou quickly arrived at a base he had previously discovered, led by a member of the Root.

The Root member approached a concealed tree root, fumbled for a moment, and revealed an electronic keypad.

As the Root member began inputting the password, Shishou quietly activated his Sharingan, copying every movement.

Once the Root member entered the password and slipped inside, Shishou prepared to reveal himself when another figure appeared at the keypad. Mimicking the previous actions, the figure entered the password and entered the base.

"Is that an Anbu?" Shishou wondered, seeing the distinctive Anbu mask.

"What is the Third Hokage's Anbu doing investigating Danzo's Root?"

"Could there be a major secret hidden here?"

Approaching the keypad, Shishou pressed his fingers to the door seam.

Phosphorus-decomposition insects emerged from his fingertips, quickly slipping inside and forming the shape of Orochimaru on the other side of the door.

Considering his targets were Danzo and the Third Hokage, Shishou chose to disguise himself as Orochimaru without hesitation.

After all, given Orochimaru's persona, his appearance anywhere wouldn't seem strange to anyone.

His actions wouldn't seem strange either.

Isn't that peculiar?

After deploying the phosphorus-decomposition insects, Shishou returned to the forest to hide, beginning to control the Orochimaru-formed insect clone as it walked through the passage.

Thanks to the system, Shishou's phosphorus-decomposition insect clone could be controlled within a kilometer radius, sharing his vision.

Though it couldn't act autonomously like a typical clone, its controllability and shared vision made it a highly practical skill for Shishou.

Controlling 'Orochimaru', Shishou had just taken a few steps when he heard sounds of combat ahead.

Then, Danzo's voice echoed.

"Yugao, tell me, did Hiruzen send you?"

Uzuki Yugao knelt on the ground, clutching her injured left hand, gritting her teeth as she faced Danzo.

"No, I merely noticed the disappearance of many large animals in the Forest of Death and came to investigate. I followed the Root member here after seeing him."

The Forest of Death was Konoha's training ground for ninjas, and its giant beasts were invaluable training tools.

With the Chunin Exams approaching, as one of the proctors appointed by the Third Hokage, Yugao was particularly concerned about the forest's condition.

Noticing the discrepancy in animal numbers, she immediately came to investigate, only to run into Danzo.

"What a fool!" Shishou thought, exasperated.

Why are you so foolish?

If you had mentioned the Third Hokage as your backing, Danzo might have hesitated and spared your life.


Tsk tsk tsk, there's no hope.

Outside the base, listening to Yugao's response through the phosphorus-decomposition insects, Shishou sighed.

However, considering that Uzuki Yugao was only thirteen or fourteen, having just become a Chunin, her naivety was understandable.

Sure enough, as soon as Yugao finished speaking, Danzo turned to leave, instructing his subordinates.

"Dispose of her."

The secrets of this lab must not be revealed to outsiders.


Hearing Danzo's order, Yugao's face turned pale. She immediately used the Body Flicker Technique to escape down the passage.

Three Root members instantly pursued her with the Body Flicker Technique, vanishing simultaneously.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three sounds of bodies hitting the ground echoed in the dark passage.

The next moment.

Shishou emerged from the passage, carrying the injured Uzuki Yugao over his shoulder, and stood before Danzo.

Since his activities had indirectly led Yugao into danger, Shishou couldn't just let her be killed.

He had used the Flying Thunder God mark left by his phosphorus-decomposition insect clone to enter the base and rescue her.

Of course, he appeared disguised as Orochimaru using the phosphorus-decomposition insects, avoiding trouble for himself.


Danzo's pupils contracted as he recognized the figure.

If there was anyone Danzo least wanted to see in this base, it would be the Third Hokage. Orochimaru was a close second.

This base was constructed to replicate Yamato's Wood Release through human experiments.

Danzo didn't want the Third Hokage to know about the experiments.

Nor did he want Orochimaru to find out.

Because Yamato was secretly kept by Danzo after being taken from Orochimaru, leading Orochimaru to believe the Wood Release experiments had failed, abandoning further research on Hashirama's cells.

If Orochimaru found out, it would be a relentless pursuit.


Hearing her rescuer's name, Uzuki Yugao was shocked. She struggled to escape, despite her injuries.

She had heard numerous horrifying stories about Orochimaru's inhumane human experiments. Facing Orochimaru seemed worse than death.

However, with her injured hand and Shishou holding her legs, she could only wriggle helplessly.

"Don't move!"

Seeing Yugao squirm, Shishou frowned, giving her a light slap on the backside.

Hmm, this thigh meat is quite nice!


Hit in a sensitive spot, Yugao was overcome with shame, anger, and fear, making her faint.

"Hehehe, Danzo-sama, long time no see," Shishou mimicked Orochimaru's voice, addressing Danzo.

"Why has your voice changed like this?" Danzo asked, his initial surprise giving way to cautious vigilance. "Tell me, what brings you here to see me?"

What's going on?

Did I not imitate it correctly?

Isn't this how Orochimaru usually laughs?

Shishou silently grumbled to himself, recalling Orochimaru's mannerisms as he carefully chose his words.

"I heard that the Uchiha clan was annihilated. I asked for a few corpses from Danzo-sama for my research."

Requesting Uchiha corpses was indeed something Orochimaru might do.

"I see."

Hearing Orochimaru's request, Danzo immediately accepted the explanation. This was indeed something Orochimaru would do.

"Ryoma," Danzo called to Aburame Ryoma behind him.

"Yes," Ryoma responded, taking out a scroll and handing it to Shishou.

They really have them!

That old dog Danzo, doesn't even spare the dead Uchiha.

"In that case, I'll take my leave," Shishou said, taking the scroll and starting to back away.

For him, rescuing Uzuki Yugao was his main objective, so he seized the opportunity to leave.

Facing Danzo, who possessed Uchiha Shisui's right eye, Shishou did not want to engage in a confrontation.

"Leave Uzuki Yugao behind!" Danzo commanded, glancing at the unconscious Yugao in 'Orochimaru's' arms.

Even though Yugao hadn't seen the contents of the lab, Danzo still didn't trust her.

"Rest assured, she will never appear in Konoha again," Shishou said, disappearing into the passageway, leaving behind a final statement.

"Ryoma, relocate the entire lab immediately!" Watching the departing 'Orochimaru', Danzo turned and re-entered the lab, giving orders to Aburame Ryoma.




Shishou returned to the Forest of Death, crushing all the tracking insects sent by Aburame Ryoma. He then quickly carried Uzuki Yugao away.

Before long, he used the Flying Thunder God technique to return to the lab, hiding in the shadows. Using his phosphorus-decomposition insect clone, he began to explore the entire lab.

"So this is a lab for experimenting with Wood Release!"

Understanding the purpose of the lab, Shishou narrowed his eyes and disappeared from the spot.