Chapter 20: Just Pledge Yourself to Me

In the Land of Fire, at the mansion in Fire Source City.

After thoroughly investigating Danzo's laboratory, Shishou brought Uzuki Yugao to the mansion in Fire Source City.

With Danzo targeting her, returning to Konoha would mean certain death for Uzuki Yugao.

"How is she?" Shishou asked.

"The injury on her hand is not serious, and there are no lasting aftereffects. She'll wake up soon," Mikoto replied, wiping the sweat from her forehead after treating Yugao.

"Is that so? Thank you for your hard work."

"I need to meet with Zhuhui. You stay with her and explain the situation," Mikoto said, preparing to leave.

Today was Zhuhui's weekly report day, where she provided updates on the casino and union businesses. Since Shishou's businesses in Fire Source City had become quite lucrative, generating millions in weekly revenue, Mikoto took these reports seriously.

"You don't need to handle those matters. Zhuhui can take care of it," Shishou said, pulling Mikoto into his arms, breathing in her scent.

"Really, it's fine?" Mikoto's face blushed deeply, her Sharingan's three tomoe spinning as she tensed under Shishou's touch. She found herself increasingly unable to resist him.


Noticing that Uzuki Yugao had already awakened and was coughing to signal her presence, the two became aware of her.

If the two hadn't become more and more daring, Yugao would have preferred to continue pretending to be unconscious.

"I-I'll leave now," Mikoto stammered, her face red as she hurriedly left the room.

"So, how do you plan to repay me for saving your life?" Shishou asked, his tone slightly teasing as he watched Mikoto leave. He then turned his attention to Yugao, who was now fully awake.

"You're not Orochimaru. Who are you?" Uzuki Yugao asked, sitting up and staring at Shishou.

She had been awake for a while and had already realized from their conversation that he wasn't Orochimaru.

"You don't need to know who I am. Just know that I mean you no harm," Shishou replied calmly. "Danzo is after you. You can't return to Konoha now. What are your plans?"

"If you have any family in Konoha, I can help bring them out," he added, lying leisurely on a tatami mat, propping his head up with one hand while observing Yugao.

As a minor character with little screen time, Uzuki Yugao's beauty was undeniable. Just looking at her was pleasing to the eye, especially with her striking purple hair.

It's a shame she's still a bit young. If she were more mature...

Should I use my Mangekyō Sharingan on her?

Shishou pondered, admiring her beauty.

"I can't go back?" Yugao murmured, frowning. As an Anbu Chunin, she understood the consequences of crossing Danzo. The news wasn't surprising.

Since she had no family in Konoha, not being able to return wasn't a big deal.

"Thank you for saving me. How can I repay you?" Yugao asked, looking at Shishou.

How to repay?

A drop of water should be returned with a burst of spring water.

I'll take a loss, and you can pledge yourself to me.

Shishou remembered a joke from his previous life and, feeling amused, said, "Since you can't return to Konoha, why not help me?"

"I have some business in Fire Source City that needs someone skilled. You're perfect for the job."

"What do you think?"

Yugao nodded, thinking his suggestion was reasonable.

Wait, did he just say Fire Source City?

"This is Fire Source City?" Yugao exclaimed in shock. She had only been unconscious for about an hour. How had she ended up in Fire Source City?

Even if she traveled at full speed, it would take over ten hours to get from Konoha to Fire Source City.

Could he be lying to me?

Yugao left the room and leaped to a large tree in the courtyard.

"It really is Fire Source City..." she murmured, recognizing the familiar scenery from her previous visits.

"Have you made up your mind?" Shishou asked, appearing beside her and looking out at the city.

"How did you do it?" Yugao asked.

"Do what?" Shishou replied.

"How did you get from Konoha to Fire Source City in an hour?"

"Oh, that. It was the Flying Thunder God technique," Shishou said casually.

"What? The Flying Thunder God..." Yugao was so shocked that she lost her footing and fell from the tree.

Luckily, Shishou was quick to catch her, preventing her from hitting the ground.

"Are you trying to take advantage of me?" Shishou teased, smiling at her.

"Y-you're talking nonsense," Yugao blushed, quickly pulling away from his embrace. "You can use the Flying Thunder God technique?"

Without further explanation, Shishou placed his hand on her shoulder and used the Flying Thunder God technique to return to the room they had just left.

It's really the Flying Thunder God!

"Alright, I have to return to Konoha. You stay here for now," Shishou said, ready to leave again. "Since you know my secret, you'll have to stay with me from now on. In a few days, I'll assign you some tasks."

Without waiting for a response, Shishou disappeared, planning to leave the troublesome Yugao to Mikoto.


"Just because you can use the Flying Thunder God technique, you think you're so great," Yugao muttered through gritted teeth.

She didn't take his last two statements to heart.

Leaving the room, Yugao started wandering around the mansion.

"Why are there so many children here?"

"And why do they seem hostile towards me?"

As she wandered, Yugao noticed some peculiarities in the mansion, including the children's inexplicable hostility towards her.

Reaching the mansion's gate, she was about to explore Fire Source City when someone blocked her path.

"The benefactor said you can't leave now!" Uchiha Izumi stood in front of Yugao, looking at her seriously.

Since Yugao was still wearing her Konoha uniform, Izumi didn't have a good impression of her.

Looking at the girl blocking her path, Yugao felt a sense of familiarity, as if she had seen her before.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in her mind, and she exclaimed in disbelief, "You're Uchiha Izumi?"