Chapter 50: The Fragile Girl

"Well done," Shishou praised as Yugao returned from her match.

"Hmph!" Yugao was still annoyed by the obscene remarks from the audience, responding with a cold snort.

"I'll avenge you," Shishou said, unfazed by her cold response, with a smile.

In the next match, Shishou faced a wandering ninja. While dodging the ninja's Water Style attacks, Shishou used his Sharingan to copy the Water Style: Great Waterfall Technique and counterattack. However, he deliberately missed his opponent, drenching the spectators and drawing a torrent of curses from them.

"Feeling better?" Izumi teased Yugao, amused by Shishou's antics.

"Hmph! He's just being ridiculous," Yugao muttered, but her mood had visibly improved.

Pakura and Mikoto watched Shishou's protective behavior with a mix of amusement and exasperation. Though it seemed childish to waste chakra this way, they would have appreciated the gesture had it been for them.

Eventually, amidst the spectators' jeers, Shishou managed to hit the wandering ninja, knocking him out of the ring.

Mikoto, Izumi, and Pakura all took their turns and successfully advanced to the next round.

"Give me your hand," Shishou said as Pakura returned from her match.

"What for?" Pakura asked warily, remembering how Shishou had taken advantage of her once before.

"To replenish your chakra," Shishou explained with a smile.

After receiving a nod from Mikoto, Pakura cautiously placed her hand in Shishou's. She felt a warm energy flow from Shishou, restoring her depleted chakra. Pakura glanced at Shishou curiously, wondering how he had done it.

Using his insects' ability to transfer chakra, Shishou replenished the chakra of all four women before sitting down to await the next match. The energy came from the insects' previous consumption of animals, so it didn't deplete his own reserves.

Two hours later, Shishou emerged victorious, taking first place. With their chakra fully restored, Pakura, Mikoto, Izumi, and Yugao secured the second, third, fourth, and fifth places, respectively.

Thus, Shishou claimed half of the mining rights in Fire City, selecting key resources like iron and coal essential for industrialization. Over the next month, with Takeko's assistance, he established his mining company:

—Golden Miners!

August, Konoha's 59th Year.

In the capital of the Land of Water, Shishou left a casino, feeling disappointed. It wasn't because he had lost money, but because he had been following a lead from the ninja black market about Tsunade's presence in the area. After days of searching, he hadn't found her, which left him frustrated. Fortunately, the black market contact promised to keep looking or refund his money, which eased Shishou's disappointment.

Entering a local ramen shop, Shishou collided with two girls, knocking him to the ground.

"Sorry, sorry," the girls apologized, helping him up. One had blonde hair, the other black, both appearing around thirteen or fourteen.

Shishou was puzzled. As a burly man over six feet tall, it was unusual for anyone, let alone fragile-looking girls, to knock him down.

"It's nothing," Shishou said, waving off their concern. He headed to the counter and ordered a bowl of seafood ramen. The ramen in the Land of Water was renowned, and he never tired of it. As he ate, he considered starting a seafood trade business.

Meanwhile, outside the shop, the black-haired girl whispered to the blonde, "Lady Tsunade, where should we go next?"

"Hmm, let's get out of the Land of Water before those casino thugs catch up," the blonde replied, not breaking her stride.

The two girls were, of course, Tsunade and Shizune, transformed to avoid debt collectors.

After finishing his ramen, Shishou wandered the capital. Since he was already there, he decided to explore and buy gifts for Mikoto and the others. He visited the ninja academy every few days to keep up appearances with Ino and Hinata, but his insect clone usually handled his school duties.

As he strolled, Shishou mused about the political situation. "I wonder if the Mist Village is still under the Fourth Mizukage's control. If so, it might be worth causing some trouble for that Uchiha scoundrel."

Shishou intended to oppose the Akatsuki sooner or later, so taking the initiative seemed wise. Moreover, he could use the opportunity to establish a seafood trade business and perhaps meet Mei Terumi, who was in her prime at twenty years old.

Determined, Shishou headed to the Land of Water's administrative hall to start his company.

With sufficient funds, it took just a day to establish his seafood trade business:

—Master Angler, Inc.

Registered with a capital of ten million ryo, Shishou's venture received enthusiastic support from the local officials. He then inquired about security services and was promptly directed to the Mist Village.

Accompanied by a government representative, Shishou set off to visit the Mist Village for further negotiations.