Chapter 51: First Encounter with the Killer

Mist Village.


Shishou and the Land of Water official had just arrived outside the Mist Village when they witnessed a monstrous red and black three-tailed beast rampaging through the village.

The creature immediately charged towards Shishou and his companion.

Damn. Could I be any unluckier?

Watching the rampaging Three-Tails headed their way, Shishou felt a pang of frustration. Has Mei Terumi and Ao already discovered that the Fourth Mizukage was being controlled? And it just had to happen today, of all days, when I'm here for an inspection.

Seeing the terrified official beside him, Shishou sighed and moved to get them to safety. However, the rampaging Three-Tails seemed fixated on them and continued to chase.

Shishou: "..."

There's a phrase about this that I'm not sure if I should say right now. I'm here to cause trouble for Uchiha Obito, not to have trouble find me.

This is just absurd.

Shishou knocked out the panicked official with a swift chop, preparing to test his Wood Release techniques. After all, in his current disguise as a burly man with a beard, he wasn't worried about being recognized.

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!

Suddenly, a water dragon crashed into the rampaging Three-Tails, successfully diverting its attention.


A tall woman with a commanding presence appeared beside Shishou, urging him to leave. It was Mei Terumi.

The next moment, the semi-tailed beast form of the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, lunged at Mei Terumi with a powerful claw.

Water splashed everywhere.

Mei Terumi's body turned into a water sphere, imprisoning the tailed beast form of Yagura inside it.

Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu!

Mei's real body emerged from a nearby puddle left by the water dragon, touching the water prison to continuously suppress the tailed beast form of Yagura.


In the next second, Yagura broke free from the water prison and pounced towards Mei. Prepared for this, Mei unleashed a stream of water from her mouth.

Water Style: Water Pillar Jutsu!

The water formed into a meteor, directly hitting the tailed beast form of Yagura, then exploded into a massive torrent, carrying Yagura far away.

Watching the accurately aimed water pillar hit the Fourth Mizukage, Mei Terumi did not show any sign of relief. The immense chakra in Yagura was growing stronger, and his form was becoming larger.

Shishou threw the unconscious official to the approaching Mist Village ANBU and activated his Sharingan, scanning the surroundings. Soon, he spotted Uchiha Obito hiding in the shadows, using his Mangekyo Sharingan to control the Fourth Mizukage.

So it's you causing this trouble, Uchiha Obito!

"How long until Ao finishes preparing to dispel the genjutsu?" Mei asked urgently, watching the growing form of Yagura.

"Five more minutes," an ANBU member responded quickly.

"If you don't leave now, it will be very dangerous," Mei turned to Shishou, frowning.


In a few exchanges, the Fourth Mizukage completed his full tailed beast transformation, becoming a gigantic three-tailed turtle in front of Mei and Shishou.

Seeing the three-tailed beast even larger than Moryo, Shishou stroked his chin, not answering Mei's question.

Mei had no time to pay him further attention, quickly charging towards the Three-Tails to intercept it.

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!

Facing the Three-Tails, Mei showed no fear. Her hands flew through a series of hand signs, and a water dragon surged from her mouth, roaring towards the Three-Tails. This time, the water dragon was twice as large and powerful as before, infused with Mei's chakra nature transformation.

However, the Three-Tails swung its massive tail, smashing the water dragon into pieces.

"Why aren't you helping?" Shishou asked the nearby ANBU with a smile.

"We...we're not strong enough; we'd only get in the way," the ANBU member stammered.

Shishou knew he was telling the truth. If they intervened, they would likely cause more harm than good.

Soon, Ao arrived, holding a special scroll designed to dispel the genjutsu controlling the Fourth Mizukage.

"Hehe, I can't let you succeed," Obito, still harboring a deep hatred for the Mist Village due to Rin's death, would not allow Ao to succeed.

The space beside Ao suddenly distorted, and a figure appeared, reaching for Ao's scroll.

Water Style: Great Waterfall Jutsu!

Having been observing Obito, Shishou unleashed his prepared Great Waterfall Jutsu, blasting Ao away and leaving Obito standing in place, separated from Ao by the distance.

Seeing this, Mei Terumi, who was battling the Three-Tails, glanced gratefully at Shishou. She knew about the person behind the Fourth Mizukage's control, so Obito's appearance didn't surprise her. Shishou's action, though seemingly an attack on Ao, had actually saved him, and Mei understood this well.

Obito, enraged by his missed opportunity, glared at Shishou, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Hehe, come on, you failure," Shishou taunted, beckoning Obito with a contemptuous smile.


Hearing the taunt, Obito's breath hitched, and his eyes turned blood-red with rage. He hated being called a failure more than anything.

Enraged, Obito activated his Kamui, and the space beside Shishou began to twist as a hand reached out to grab his shoulder.

Shishou, seemingly oblivious, allowed Obito to grab him. The moment Obito initiated Kamui to transport Shishou, he felt a searing pain in his right hand!

Seeing his hand turn purple and the discoloration spreading rapidly, Obito quickly severed his own arm and threw it away. He then glared hatefully at Shishou, who had reappeared in the distance, and growled, "Flying Thunder God?"

Having suffered greatly from this technique before, Obito recognized it immediately.

Shishou's smile widened as he glanced at the discarded arm.

"Those who kill will be killed. First encounter with the killer, kill him at first sight."

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