Chapter 52: Spoils of War

Mist Village

"Flying Thunder God?"

Hearing Obito's words, the nearby ANBU and Ao were stunned. They never expected this stranger to possess Konoha's Flying Thunder God technique.

Could he be from Konoha?

Ao frowned, scrutinizing Shishou.

"I'll remember you," Obito snarled, his eyes blazing with fury. With a final glare, he vanished into the Kamui dimension. He had no idea what Shishou had done, but he couldn't risk staying any longer. The presence of Flying Thunder God nullified his Kamui.

In the next moment, Obito discreetly extended a hand from the Kamui dimension, pressing it against the ground. Instantly, countless vines erupted from the earth, surrounding and attacking Shishou from all directions.

"How sneaky!" Shishou muttered, using Flying Thunder God to teleport away, rescuing a nearby Mist Village ANBU in the process. Without his Sharingan's dynamic vision, Shishou might have fallen for Obito's ambush. But with his Mangekyo Sharingan, he saw the incoming vines with perfect clarity.

Though Shishou's Flying Thunder God lacked the sensory precision of the Fourth Hokage, his dynamic vision during close combat made up for it. Wearing special contact lenses, he hid his Sharingan from prying eyes, allowing him to use its powers freely.

From a distance, Ao and Mei Terumi were astounded to see Shishou using Wood Release.

Realizing his sneak attack failed, Obito reappeared on the head of the Three-Tails.


Seeing Obito on the Three-Tails, Mei Terumi quickly retreated.

"The Fourth Mizukage really is being controlled," said Ao, arriving with a group of ninjas. He looked heartbroken at the sight of the figure on the Three-Tails' head.

"Ao, you shouldn't have come here," Mei Terumi shouted, concerned.

"Ha ha ha! Today, I will make Mist Village pay!" Obito's voice was maniacal. "Rin, today Mist Village will die for you!"

His Mangekyo Sharingan spun rapidly as a dark purple sphere formed in the mouth of the Three-Tails.

Tailed Beast Bomb!

Seeing the forming Tailed Beast Bomb, Mei Terumi was terrified. She knew the destructive power of such an attack. Mei gritted her teeth, preparing to intercept the bomb with all her might. The Three-Tails aimed directly at the Mist Village; allowing it to hit would be catastrophic.

Must you be so ruthless? Shishou thought, exasperated by Obito's senseless vengeance.

With a flick of his hand, dozens of mimicked Phosphor Bugs disguised as flies spread around the Three-Tails.


The Tailed Beast Bomb finally completed, launching towards Mist Village.

"Ha ha ha! You will all die!" Obito's laughter was insane.

"It's over," Ao and the Mist Village ninjas felt a wave of despair seeing the bomb in the air.

"We must stop it!" Mei Terumi poured every ounce of her chakra into a defensive barrier.

Water Style: Water Wall!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The deafening explosion nearly burst Shishou's eardrums. A massive shockwave followed, accompanied by a severed leg. Using Flying Thunder God, Shishou appeared behind Mei Terumi, shielding her with the water wall she created from the blast's remnants, protecting the Mist ninjas.

Mei Terumi collapsed from exhaustion into Shishou's arms.

"Cough, cough," Mei Terumi coughed, struggling to see the intact Mist Village. Tears of relief filled her eyes. But as they looked ahead, they saw the Three-Tails engulfed in a massive fireball from the explosion.


The Mist Village ninjas and Mei Terumi were collectively bewildered. The Tailed Beast Bomb hadn't exploded in the village or on Mei's water wall but on the Three-Tails itself.

Minutes later...

"It's you!" Obito emerged from the Kamui dimension, glaring at Shishou. His mask was shattered, revealing a ferocious face. His right hand and leg were gone, leaving him in a pitiful state. If not for the powerful life force granted by Hashirama's cells, he might have died.

Seeing Obito's condition, Shishou was surprised. With Kamui, Obito shouldn't be so battered. Realizing the reason, Shishou smirked. The Tailed Beast Bomb's explosion created extreme heat lasting for minutes. Obito's Kamui couldn't withstand it, forcing him to solidify before fully entering the Kamui dimension, hence getting injured.

Understanding this, Shishou taunted, "Knowing I have Flying Thunder God, you still dared to use a Tailed Beast Bomb in front of me. Are you stupid?"

He had spread Phosphor Bug flies to mark the area for Flying Thunder God, redirecting the Tailed Beast Bomb back at the Three-Tails. Using an instant Flying Thunder God with a shadow clone taught by Yugao, he managed the feat.

Hearing their exchange, the Mist ninjas, especially Mei Terumi, looked at Shishou with immense gratitude. Mei's heart pounded a bit faster as she stared at him.

Obito coughed up blood, clearly enraged by Shishou's mockery. With one last hateful look, he disappeared into the Kamui dimension to seek treatment.


Though severely damaged, the Three-Tails' formidable defense and life force allowed it to survive. It roared and fled. Mei Terumi wanted to give chase, but her body was too weak. The Mist ninjas lacked the strength to stop it, and Shishou had no reason to pursue it, especially with everyone watching. They could only watch as the Three-Tails disappeared.

"How long do you plan to hold me?" Shishou teased, holding Mei Terumi. "I do enjoy holding a beautiful woman, but many eyes are on us."

Mei Terumi blushed, giving him a playful glare. "Can't you hold on a bit longer?" She struggled to stand.

Shishou, tall and strong with extraordinary abilities, had just saved Mist Village. He seemed like the perfect match for Mei Terumi, despite his scruffy beard, which she found slightly unattractive.

"Wait," Shishou said, seeing the approaching grateful Mist ninjas. He swiftly moved across the battlefield, collecting Obito's severed limbs and several scales from the Three-Tails. With his spoils in hand, he rejoined Mei Terumi and the others, heading into Mist Village.

Meanwhile, the Three-Tails retreated to a secluded valley, shrinking back into the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura. Free from Obito's control after the explosion, he felt deep shame for the chaos he caused, unable to face Mei Terumi and the others.

Hiding in the shadows, Yagura's eyes filled with tears of remorse, whispering, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

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