Chapter 63: Defeating You Will Be Enough

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The clash of monstrous strength echoed through the valley as Tsunade's raw power collided with Kakuzu's formidable defenses. Although Tsunade's monstrous strength had the upper hand, Kakuzu's Earth Grudge Fear allowed him to resist most physical attacks, making it a tough match.

Meanwhile, Shishou's giant red centipede was holding its own against the Three-Tails. Despite being half its size, the centipede's tough exoskeleton made it resilient. Victory over the Three-Tails wasn't in sight, but neither was defeat.

"Heh, what trick will you use against me now?" Shishou taunted from his position, knowing that he was the only one fully aware of Obito's abilities.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Obito responded with a sinister laugh. "I don't need to do anything. I just need to keep my eyes on you."

Obito's words unsettled Shishou. His strategy had been to provoke Obito into attacking, giving him a chance to strike when Obito materialized. However, Obito saw through his plan, and with his Kamui ability, as long as he stayed defensive, Shishou couldn't touch him.

As time passed, the tide began to turn. Mei Terumi was struggling against Kisame due to his unique physiology and his sword, Samehada, which minimized his chakra depletion. The red centipede was also starting to show signs of wear against the relentless Three-Tails.

Only Tsunade seemed to have the upper hand against Kakuzu, but her progress was halted when a new threat emerged.

"Tsunade, look who it is!" Zetsu's voice echoed as he appeared atop a tree, holding an unconscious Shizune, who was severely injured and bleeding profusely from a gash in her abdomen.

"Shizune!" Tsunade's face went pale at the sight of her gravely injured comrade. Memories of losing her brother Nawaki and her lover Dan flooded her mind, causing her to collapse to her knees in terror.

"What's happening?" Kakuzu was puzzled by Tsunade's sudden change in demeanor.

"It seems the rumors are true," Zetsu remarked, tossing Shizune to the ground near Tsunade. "The great Tsunade of the Sannin developed hemophobia after witnessing the deaths of her loved ones. When her phobia kicks in, her strength diminishes drastically."

"Shizune, I'll heal you right away..." Tsunade, trembling, crawled to Shizune's side, but her shaking hands couldn't perform the healing jutsu.

"You really had a backup plan," Shishou said, frowning at the sight of the gravely injured Shizune.

"Of course," Obito replied calmly.

"Finish her," Obito ordered.

"Understood," Zetsu and Kakuzu moved toward Tsunade.

In that moment, Shishou threw several shuriken at Obito and then used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport to Mei's side, grabbing her shoulder. Another use of the Flying Thunder God Technique brought them both to Tsunade's side.

At the same time, the red centipede abandoned its fight with the Three-Tails and charged at Zetsu and Kakuzu, forcing them to dodge its attack and giving Shishou, Mei, and Tsunade a brief reprieve.

Shishou, Mei, Tsunade, and the critically injured Shizune were now surrounded by Obito, Kakuzu, Kisame, Zetsu, and the Three-Tails.

"Shishou, what now?" Mei asked, her face pale with worry.

"Can you perform any healing jutsu?" Shishou glanced at Tsunade's trembling hands, then placed several healing insects into Shizune's body to stabilize her.

Mei nodded, "A little."

"Good, start with stopping her bleeding," Shishou instructed. "Leave the rest to me."

Mei hesitated but seeing Shishou's determined expression, she began to treat Shizune's wounds. Tsunade watched with gratitude, but still paralyzed by her fear.

"What's your plan now?" Obito mocked. "Can your Flying Thunder God Technique take everyone at once?"

"That's a simple problem to solve," Shishou responded, smiling. "I'll just have to defeat all of you."

Obito sneered, "If you think you can!"

Obito pressed his hand to the ground, summoning sharp wooden spikes that shot up toward the women behind Shishou.

Seeing the attack, Shishou quickly formed hand seals and slammed his hands to the ground.

"Wood Release: Wood Wall!"

Thick wooden barriers erupted from the ground, intercepting Obito's wooden spikes and protecting Mei, Tsunade, and Shizune.

Taking advantage of the moment, Shishou surged forward, his Sharingan spinning as he closed the distance between him and Obito. With swift precision, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to appear behind Obito, aiming a powerful strike at the exact moment Obito had to become tangible.

Obito barely dodged, the air around him distorting as he phased in and out of existence. Shishou anticipated his movements, pressing the attack relentlessly.

Meanwhile, Mei's healing jutsu slowed Shizune's bleeding, buying precious time. Tsunade, regaining some composure, began to focus on assisting with the healing.

"You won't win this," Kakuzu growled, launching another attack.

"That's where you're wrong," Shishou retorted, his eyes narrowing with determination. "As long as I stand, I will protect them."