Chapter 64: Wood Release: Birth of the World of Trees

"Wood Release: Wood Formation Wall!"

A circular wooden barrier rapidly formed around Tsunade, Mei Terumi, and Shizune, blocking Obito's wooden spikes.

Obito's eyes narrowed at the sight of the jutsu. "Wood Release?"

Mei Terumi, seeing the wooden walls around them, was momentarily stunned, then let out a chuckle. "The Third Hokage must be having a hard time with this."

Tsunade, however, was too focused on Shizune to react.

Outside the wooden barrier, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Kisame were equally taken aback, surprised that Shishou could also use Wood Release.

"Heh, interesting," Kisame laughed. "I've seen three people use Wood Release today. Quite the surprise."

Kisame's eyes flicked between Obito, Zetsu, and Shishou. Then he looked at Kakuzu with a grin. "Hey, Kakuzu, do you have a Wood Release heart in there somewhere? Show us."

"Hmph," Kakuzu snorted, ignoring Kisame. He wished he did have a Wood Release heart, but his Earth Grudge Fear technique was limited to the five basic elements.

"Who exactly are you?" Obito asked, his tone serious.

Without answering, Shishou spread his Phosphorescent Insects throughout the space within the Wood Formation Wall, creating an extra layer of protection for the three women.

"Enough talking," Shishou said, his voice cold. "Let's finish this."

Kakuzu smirked, his Fire Mask rising. "Fire Style: Searing Migraine!"

The red centipede coiled to shield itself, blocking the fiery attack. It then grabbed the wooden sphere containing Tsunade, Mei, and Shizune and began to move away.

Simultaneously, Shishou teleported to Obito, grabbing his shoulder to prevent him from phasing into the Kamui dimension. Shishou had already marked the area with his Flying Thunder God seals, allowing him to appear anywhere within a wide radius.

He threw several shuriken at Kisame, while a swarm of Phosphorescent Insects buzzed towards the Three-Tails.

"Watch out for poison!" Obito warned as he phased to avoid Shishou's grasp.

Kisame deflected the shuriken with Samehada, while Zetsu summoned vines to block the centipede's path. Kakuzu reinforced the vines with his threads, trying to immobilize the centipede.

Shishou then teleported next to Zetsu, grabbing White Zetsu's arm. The Phosphorescent Insects quickly spread, forcing Black Zetsu to cut off the infected limb to prevent further infestation.

Kisame swung Samehada at Shishou and Obito, but Shishou vanished before the blade hit, reappearing next to the centipede.

The Three-Tails, weakened by the insect's chakra absorption, reverted to its host form, the unconscious Fourth Mizukage, Yagura.

Shishou reached for Yagura, but Obito's hand emerged from a distorted space, aiming for Yagura as well. Shishou changed his target, grabbing Obito's arm instead, forcing Obito to withdraw.

Grabbing Yagura, Shishou teleported back to the centipede. "Phosphorescent Insects, return!"

A surge of chakra filled Shishou as the insects returned, carrying the Three-Tails' chakra. Empowered, Shishou felt confident enough to use a powerful technique.

"Get ready to run," Shishou warned, his voice cold.

Shishou formed hand seals, releasing a massive amount of chakra into the ground. The earth trembled, splitting open as countless trees and vines erupted.

"Wood Release: Birth of the World of Trees!"

A forest sprang forth, overwhelming the battlefield.