Chapter 65: Have You Fallen for Me?

The earth rumbled as countless trees and vines surged up, transforming the once barren valley into a dense forest. Kakuzu's five hearts were shattered, leaving him with only two. If not for his last-minute activation of Earth Spear, he would have been strangled by the vines of Shishou's Birth of the World of Trees.

Kakuzu, surrounded by towering trees, felt a wave of fear wash over him, reminiscent of his battle with the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. Struggling to free himself from the vines, his efforts were in vain.

Kisame wasn't as fortunate. He was severely injured, with both his arms and legs torn off by the trees. He was now hiding inside Samehada, barely clinging to life by absorbing its chakra.

Only Obito, who had retreated into the Kamui dimension, and Zetsu, who had merged with the trees, managed to escape the initial onslaught.

Obito's face was a mask of shock and anger. How could Shishou be this powerful? Birth of the World of Trees was a technique even he couldn't master.

Seeing Shishou standing atop the centipede, speeding away, Obito gritted his teeth. "Let's retreat," he ordered. He knew that continuing the fight was pointless. Their plan to capture the Three-Tails had failed spectacularly, thanks to Shishou's interference.

Gathering the injured Kisame and Kakuzu into the Kamui dimension, Obito and Zetsu made their escape. Obito couldn't bear to stay in that place any longer.

Meanwhile, the ninja from Kirigakure, led by Elder Gengetsu, arrived at the scene to support Mei Terumi.

"Another Wood Release? And such a large-scale technique!"

"The Three-Tails wouldn't have survived that."

The group was stunned, unable to comprehend the enormity of the jutsu.

"Is this the legendary Birth of the World of Trees?" Gengetsu murmured, astonished. As someone who had lived longer than the Third Hokage, he recognized Hashirama Senju's signature move.

"Find Mei Terumi!" Gengetsu commanded, shaking off his shock. In his mind, only the mysterious person controlling the Three-Tails could use Wood Release. He doubted Mei Terumi could have survived such an attack but held onto a sliver of hope. He didn't want to go through the process of selecting a new Mizukage again so soon.

Shishou, seeing Obito and his group retreat, had the centipede halt. He placed the wooden sphere on the ground and stored the severed White Zetsu arm in his storage space before entering the wooden sphere.

His primary concern was to save Shizune. The Akatsuki members could be dealt with later.

Inside the wooden sphere, Mei Terumi sneezed suddenly. "What's wrong?" Shishou asked while examining Shizune.

"Maybe I caught a cold fighting Kisame," Mei replied, trying to lighten the mood but feeling awkward. She quickly changed the subject. "How is she?"

Tsunade, still shaky from her hemophobia, looked at Shishou with concern. "She's hanging on by a thread. Her internal organs are severely damaged, and she has multiple fatal wounds. If we don't find a way to treat her, she won't survive," Shishou said, sighing. He had always admired Shizune, especially in her nurse uniform.

"No..." Tsunade trembled, tears streaming down her face. She didn't want to lose Shizune too, after losing her brother and lover.

"I won't let you die, Shizune," Tsunade said, forcing her shaking hands to start healing Shizune. Despite her tremors, she managed to perform the healing jutsu.

"That's the strong, beautiful Tsunade I know," Shishou thought, admiring her determination. If this could help her overcome her fear of blood, it would be even better.

Shishou gently pushed Tsunade aside, removing Shizune's clothing to get a better look at her injuries. Using his Phosphorescent Insects to coat his hand, he reached into Shizune's abdomen, touching her damaged organs. The insects, acting as a barrier, prevented any infection.

"What are you doing?" Tsunade and Mei both exclaimed, confused and worried by his actions.

"Relax, I've washed my hands," Shishou joked. Using the Phosphorescent Insects, he channeled life energy into Shizune, accelerating her healing.

"Mm~" Shizune groaned, slowly regaining consciousness. "Shizune," Tsunade cried, holding her hand, tears flowing.

Seeing Tsunade's tears, Shizune tried to speak but was too weak. Then she felt a strange sensation in her chest and looked down to see Shishou's hand inside her, touching her heart.

"Have you fallen for me?" Shishou teased.

Shizune, despite her medical expertise, couldn't handle the sight of someone's hand inside her, manipulating her organs. She fainted, causing Tsunade to panic again.

"She's just unconscious," Shishou reassured her. Tsunade sighed in relief but then noticed something strange.

"Why do you look like that?" Tsunade and Mei asked simultaneously, staring at Shishou in confusion.