Chapter 69: The Aftermath in the Mist

The Land of Water. Kirigakure. In the commercial district.

"How do you plan to handle the Fourth Mizukage?" Shishou asked, eating the ice cream Mei Terumi had given him, his curiosity evident.

Ever since Mei had seen his true form, she insisted that he remain in that form around her. Shishou knew it was a peculiar preference of hers but didn't mind. After all, maintaining his larger form drained his Mangekyō Sharingan's power, and he preferred to conserve his strength until he could successfully implant Hashirama's cells.

"I originally planned to keep the Fourth Mizukage hidden, leading the Anbu from the shadows," Mei said, licking her ice cream and draping an arm around Shishou's shoulders. She was wearing a form-fitting summer dress that highlighted her curves.

The Fourth Mizukage felt deep remorse for his actions while being controlled and wanted to atone by dying, but Mei had stopped him.

"What's the issue?" Shishou asked, catching Mei's playful hand as she tried to mess with his face.

"The elders, particularly Elder Genji, are worried he might get controlled by that mysterious man again," Mei sighed, licking her ice cream again.

"So, they want him to atone and then select a new jinchūriki?" Shishou guessed.

Mei nodded silently in agreement.

"They don't expect you to become the jinchūriki, do they?" Shishou asked, eyeing Mei.

"They do," Mei replied, nodding with a hint of resignation. "Also, they think the Tree Birth Transformation you used was the work of the masked man. It scared them nearly to death. So, they've been on edge, fearing another attack."

"They've called back Utakata and other elite ninjas to bolster our forces," Mei continued. "If I become the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails, my power would increase significantly, and they'd feel more secure."

Shishou looked at Mei, seeing her mood sour as she fell silent. He knew becoming a jinchūriki now would put her in Akatsuki's crosshairs, making it extremely dangerous. Plus, becoming a perfect jinchūriki like Killer Bee would take time.

"You could tell Elder Genji about me using the Tree Birth Transformation," Shishou suggested after some thought.

"No," Mei pouted, shaking her head.

"Why not?"

"Because only with a powerful external threat can Kirigakure unite against a common enemy instead of squabbling among ourselves," Mei explained.

"So, you're intentionally keeping them in the dark to foster unity?"

"Exactly. And I've hidden Tsunade's presence and exaggerated a bit," Mei admitted with a mischievous smirk.

"How so?"

"I said the masked man's wife was killed by Kirigakure ninja during the Great Ninja War, and he bears a deep grudge, seeking revenge," Mei said proudly.

Shishou stared at Mei for a few moments, realizing she had unknowingly hit close to the truth.

"You don't need to become the Three-Tails jinchūriki," Shishou said. "I'll tell you the masked man's abilities. With proper preparation, you can prevent the Three-Tails from being controlled again. A stable Three-Tails jinchūriki plus the Six-Tails will make Kirigakure formidable."

Mei gazed at Shishou with curious eyes. "Why are you always helping us?"

"One, I'm a pacifist. I want peace in the ninja world," Shishou said, holding up one finger.

"And two?" Mei asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Two, it's because of you," Shishou said, squeezing her hand and giving the answer she hoped for.

"You're so sweet!" Mei exclaimed, pressing her cheek to his with a happy smile.

"So, how will you repay me?" Shishou teased.

"How do you want me to repay you?" Mei asked playfully.

"I'd like to go on a vacation with you to the beach."

"You just want to see me in a swimsuit, don't you?"

"Ah, you caught me!" Shishou laughed.

Finishing their ice cream, they walked to the Mizukage's office, talking and laughing. After dismissing the Anbu, Shishou explained Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan abilities and his grudge against Kirigakure.

"So, everything I made up was actually true?" Mei asked, stunned.

"Yes. That's why I was so shocked when you said it. I thought you knew," Shishou said, laughing.

"No wonder your expression was so strange," Mei pouted.

Shishou leaned in and whispered something in Mei's ear.

"Keep this information to yourself. It could cause trouble if it gets out," Shishou warned.

"I understand," Mei nodded seriously. She had no intention of breaking Shishou's trust.

Knowing about the Mangekyō Sharingan and Obito's space-time ninjutsu gave her a headache but also a direction for future precautions.

"Oh, by the way," Mei said with a mischievous grin, "I plan to inform the Third Hokage that the masked man used the Tree Birth Transformation."