Chapter 70: Tsunade's Efforts

"By the way, I'm planning to send someone to Konoha to inform the Third Hokage about the masked man using the Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees," Mei Terumi said.

Hearing this, Shishou was momentarily taken aback, then squeezed her cheek and chuckled, "If Konoha finds out someone can use such a powerful Wood Release technique, they'll go crazy."

Indeed, Konoha would likely become frantic in their search for anyone capable of using the legendary Wood Release. Shishou knew that at the very least, Danzo would go berserk.

"Actually, even if I don't say anything, they'll find out through their spies," Mei continued. "Never underestimate Konoha's determination in these matters. If Kirigakure tries to hide it, we could face retaliation from Konoha."

"So, you're planning to curry favor with Konoha by voluntarily giving them this information?" Shishou asked.

Mei nodded, lifting her chin proudly. "Yes, it's a strategic move to gain Konoha's goodwill."

There was another reason Mei didn't mention. She believed Shishou's use of Wood Release and the Flying Thunder God Technique indicated a deep connection with Konoha. This was her main motivation for seeking an alliance with them.

"Aren't you afraid Tsunade will tell the Third Hokage the truth?" Shishou pointed out a potential flaw in her plan.

"Well, she hasn't returned to Konoha in ages, has she?" Mei replied, realizing the potential problem and looking a bit resigned. "Fine, I'll just inform the Third Hokage that someone outside Kirigakure used the technique. Let him figure out the details himself. We'll delay as much as we can. As long as I control the flow of information, we'll be fine."

Shishou could only smile at her determination. He didn't intend to interfere in the politics between the Great Ninja Villages.

After discussing business matters related to the fishing company and the port, Shishou had lunch with Mei before returning to the Konoha Ninja Academy. Ensuring his bug clone was still effective and undetected, he then teleported to the Land of Demons.

In the Shrine of the Priestess of the Land of Demons, Shizune had almost fully recovered thanks to three days of intensive treatment from Uzumaki Eri. She looked even more energetic than before, now playing games with Karin and Shion.

Priestess Miroku was conducting her monthly blessing rituals in the capital, with Uzumaki Eri assisting her. Shizune was left to take care of Karin and Shion.

"Karin, Shion, where is your mother?" Shishou asked as he approached the trio.

Before Shion could answer, Karin covered her mouth and extended her hand towards Shishou, "I want some pocket money."

Her meaning was clear: to find out her mother's whereabouts, Shishou would have to pay. Shion quickly followed suit, extending her hand as well, "Me too! Me too!"

Due to their studies in sealing techniques, their mother kept a tight leash on their pocket money. Shizune, unaware of the dynamics, remained silent.

Shishou was a bit taken aback by Karin's boldness. This bad habit needed to be corrected. Thinking quickly, he said, "If you tell me where they are, I'll take you to the capital of the Land of Fire next time I have time."

"Really?" Karin and Shion exclaimed, eyes sparkling with excitement. They had never been to the capital of the Land of Fire.

"Of course," Shishou nodded, knowing he controlled when he had "time."

Shizune watched the scene, suppressing a smile. She suspected Shishou's promise of "having time" could take a while to materialize. She had fallen for such tricks in her childhood too.

After getting the information about Miroku and Eri, Shishou turned to Shizune, "Take me to Tsunade."

"Sure," Shizune replied, leading the way.

As they walked, Shizune couldn't help but glance at Shishou repeatedly, shocked at how young he seemed. She remembered vividly how he had treated her injuries, and it left her both curious and wary of him.

Noticing her glances, Shishou asked, "What is Tsunade up to now?"

"Tsunade-sama is in the kitchen," Shizune replied.

"The kitchen?" Shishou was puzzled. Tsunade didn't strike him as someone who enjoyed cooking.

"Yes, she's trying to overcome her hemophobia by slaughtering chickens," Shizune explained.

"Slaughtering chickens?" Shishou thought, amused by the image. Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, resorting to such a method.

When they reached the kitchen, they found several headless chickens lying around, and Tsunade, covered in blood, was efficiently butchering a black chicken. She seemed to have largely overcome her hemophobia, likely driven by the fear of losing Shizune again.

Admiring her determination, Shishou took out a camera from his scroll and snapped a photo of Tsunade in action. "Here, take this," he said, handing the photo to Shizune. "It's proof of Tsunade's efforts for you. Let's call it 'Tsunade's Slaughter.'"

Shizune smiled sweetly, accepting the photo while ignoring his last comment. She intended to keep this as a memento.

"Hey, you made me look terrible," Tsunade protested, grabbing the photo from Shizune and trying to tear it up.

"Ah, Tsunade-sama, don't tear it!" Shizune quickly snatched it back and ran off.

"Go clean up. I'll wait for you in the hall," Shishou said to Tsunade, eyeing her blood-stained figure with some distaste. Despite the strange allure of her bloody appearance, the smell was too unpleasant.

"Alright," Tsunade agreed, wiping blood off her chest before leaving the kitchen.

Shishou stood there, momentarily stunned by the scene. He shook his head, wondering how any man could resist such a test.

Half an hour later, in the palace hall, Shishou met with Tsunade, who had changed into fresh clothes. Her wet hair draped over her shoulders, giving her a wild, alluring look.

"What do you want to ask?" Shishou began.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Who are you, really? Why do you have Wood Release?"

Shishou looked at her, his head resting on his hand, pondering how to respond. "First, I awakened Wood Release on my own. Second, the Flying Thunder God Technique was taught to me by the Fourth Hokage."

Tsunade's eyes lit up. If Shishou had naturally awakened Wood Release, he likely had Senju blood. Though the Senju had merged into Konoha and were no longer a distinct clan, his ability indicated a powerful heritage.

"Are you from Konoha?" she asked, piecing things together.

Shishou smiled, thinking it was time to reveal some truths. "Yes, I am."

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