Prologue - 1

Author's Pov

Scene - 1

It is a gloomy night.A mansion with dreamy interiors and surrounded by greenery stood tall amidst the silent night.The moon light is making the large glass windows look extravagant and peaceful.Only if people knew what's going on inside the house without anyone's notice.Far away from the lone building in the city outskirts,a car is waiting for the man who's inside the house.The exterior shade of the car is so brilliantly dark that no one could ever possibly suspect there is a car.

Time's ticking by but no one inside ever moved a muscle.They may name it anticipation or curiosity,but the terror in their eyes is clearly visible.The terror of not finding the 'thing inside the wooden box' they are searching inside the mansion.The terror of facing their boss's wrath.One can get a neat idea of what they're doing.Burglary.Though the thing they're looking for belongs to their boss.Finally their eyes appear to be shimmering with a glint of hope noticing a man coming out of the building.But it died down when they saw him walking with bare hands with a gloomy look .They got the summary of the situation."THEY DIDN'T FIND THE BOX".The thing they have been searching for past month isn't here ; Either.

Inside a mansion that screams dark from every angle,the office chambers of the Boss

"Negative sir" he heard his assistant say as he casually sips his coffee looking ouside the window.His lips twitched before he says "Expected" with a hint of irritation in his voice."Tell them to go back to their jobs they're are useless.I don't want to see them around again,Mark" He adds and stands up from the lounge chair.A pair of green eyes glances at the assistant along with dark hair shining from the moonlight,apart from this,his scar on left eyebrow just adds up devilish beauty to him.His tall and muscular figure becomes stiff as he stands and the gleaming light from the window just made his silhouette Look so intriguing.

Storming out of the room he moved towards the entrance of the castle.As he got to the main door of staircase that leads to a blissfully tall tower that is piercing the clouds above, the door swings open and a woman stands before him ;confidently unaware of the smirk he got on his lips.

She wondered where she had gone wrong to end up in this situation.Anger with a hint of lousiness clearly evident in her eyes.she walked towards him without any hint of fear and questioned him."what?!!, aren't you surprised to see me here rather cooped up in that fucking room of your rapunzel's tower?" in a sarcastic tone

He looks at her not at all surprised as he already knows she's a ball of spitfire.He would rather be surprised if she just sits in her room without trying to escape as she has been and will always be his "Little Demon". He looks into her eyes which are not the beautiful shade of golden anymore and not a tint of innocence left in them as he remembered, rather an orbs of grey and ashen like death warmed up, he couldn't read her eyes at all like he used to....

"Oh darling, I know you too well, My love isn't fading away. I am just trying to do something to make you believe my love.I expected it will take much more time for you to escape this tower. Alas!!, here you are,I did get quite thrilled by your moves.I am trying to find something but you keep escaping. What should I do to make you feel assured?"He says with a soft smile playing on his lips before she says something.She looks at him in irritation before shouting "What do you want asshole! You've kidnapped me almost 8 times now. What's your problem? I don't seek fucking assurance from you.. just leave me the fuck alone man.I don't even have anything to do with your ''whatever the heck is your thing is" And what's with the love? I literally met you last month and you're saying we've been in love?!For years!???Go to hell with your love.Ugh! I can't believe I got caught again for the 3rd time. What's your deal? What the fuck is wrong with you" She admits groaning and furrowing her eyebrows. He says admiring her beauty "That would be you I am not going to hell.But I can bring down heaven for you". She winced in disgust hearing those words and rolling her eyes and holding her head in frustration saying"Oh my god you are so smitten by love!I am in disbelief that I had been abducted by some lovesick brat".

He leans closer to her, leveling his face with hers and says"I am just trying to prove my love but the plan fails every fucking time. So endure it for our old times sake darling. Just a little more.". As she takes a step back making him lean closer and he makes her think that he's going to kiss her but stops midway staring at her face saying "Do you know that your eyes are making me feel things in my stomach?....And you're looking like you wanted me to kiss you.You can kiss me if you want!" He added and smiled mischievously. Backingoff another step she slaps his cheek so hard that the impact made her hand turn dark shade of red.He just stood there without uttering a word.She runs off into the street after snapping"If you ever try to kidnap me again.. I'll cut off your dick. I don't fucking lie about these things. Ask your men who transferred me here" with a grim expression on her face.

As soon as she reached her car that is parked near the tower,she just grabbed her keys that she stole back from the man guarding the room she was kept in...Yeah...that's right. She was kidnapped and brought there in her own car. She was not in complete consciousness when they started to transfer her. They used some chloroform shit on her but it's like a noob. It didn't work obviously. Has she been in her same mind then, she would have advised then to atleast use their own cars for that. She kinda got used to the kidnapping now.

Showing her middle finger to him after starting the car as she noticed him stare at her figure from the same place that she slapped the shit out of him and left. Muttering as "Asshole" she drove to her home with anger and disgust burning in her face .