Prologue - 2

Scene 2


In the midst of the abyss there was a fairy flauntering through the phantom grove, unaware of the secret whisperings of the winds, warning her to run back to her safe abode. She was a light creature , who is a mere trespasser in this realm. She's striding through the way of the dark with curiosity and excitement as if these horrors are mere spectacle for her. As she paces through the forest she feels presence of light in this hollow pit of dark. She feels intrigued and follows in the path of light and gets struck by marvelous scenary infront of her.

There was a waterfall coming from above the horizon mysteriously and it was emitting lights of hue scattered all over the landscape providing a little glint of light to the surroundings. And there was him!?!!! In the heart of the celestial place, painting an abstract scenery without any care of the surroundings.

A Man..Demon??....Creature....??she don't know and doesn't even care to know, because she was overwhelmed with the sight of him.She just didn't think of the possibility that he may be a ruthless dark creature who may pound on her and eat her alive or that she is in dark realm!!.All she cared about is the man infront of her. He stood tall with broad shoulders covered in dark ruffled robes that are floating in the space with the movements of his each stroke on the canvas.

She was mesmerized with the sight of him and she was slightly agigated as she still didn't get to see his face properly as she was standing facing his back side from some good distance between them. So she used her powers to become unnoticable and floated through the path as to not disturb him at the same time.. not to get caught!! As she moved towards him, the man lifted his head from the canvas after hearing a small ruffle and turned to her side shifting his body sideways but couldn't see anyone as she was invisible.But there was someone unnoticable awestruck with his visual.

"Oohhhhhh heavensss!!!!!!! My eyes have been blessed, what are you ???? Where were you hiding this whole time, ohh my!!!!!!! I wish, I could show myself to you and talk to you, Alas it's not possible." she thought looking down her body only to see herself invisible and resting in midair."It's ok àine, don't feel sad. You can still enjoy the sight of him" she assured herself looking down. When she lifted her head he was vanished into thin air, she couldn't see him anywhere. As she turned backwards and settled herself on the ground while searching for him, She was met with a pair of green eyes staring into her soul.She gulped as he was right infront of her looking into her eyes with a piercing fierce look with his green eyes which gave her a chill to her spine.He can see her .HE CAN SEE HER .Before she realised this..a sharp sword that could cut her into two halfs with just a stroke is placed on her throat.

"Who are you ?" He questioned with his deep resonating voice. She didn't give any reply.... He thought she was terrified to death, so she couldn't open her mouth... Oh boy was he wrong!!!!!!!!!!Instead she was awestruck by his voice and by getting a look of his face from so close that they could hear each other's breathing... No word came out of her mouth .. that's when she realised that she was a goner.

He looks like a sculpted art. Everything is dark about him, His hair , His demeanor, His gaze everything is dark but she didn't get intimidated by this instead she was Bewitched and mesmerized by his beautiful darkness. She was really insane to not run away from him as he is emitting such dark aura.If it is someone else in her position, they would have already reached neverlands with horror in their minds.But..... it's Àine y'all.She is the epitome of audacious and boldness.Though she is a light creature, she never looks behaves like one.

He thought that she was horrified. Looking at her face which is evident of shock and innocence.He toned down a bit and asked again " who are you woman?".She was just looking at him like he's some delicacy and after a while composing herself to come out of the trance , she opened her mouth to utter the blasphemy ...

"Hi !!!!!! Um....Creature?! "She uttered giving a wave with her hand, with a beautiful smile on her lips.

It's now his time to be struck in shock by her words.

"What the actual fuck"? For fucksake what the heck does she mean by creature!!! He thought to himself with a frown on his face.

"What are you woman? You don't look like you belong here. Don't you know the rules about not tresspassing between realms. I suggest you to go back to your safe place as it's not safe for you to roam in these places. And what the heck do mean by creature ? I am a demon ! Did you hear me.. A demon , I can snap your neck with my two fingers in the next minute".He growled , showing his canines expecting atleast a flutter of her eyelashes. But oh boyy!! He would be wrong to say he was not surprised for the first time in his life.She was just looking into his eyes with her golden orbs which are shining with excitement with' a stupid smile on her face???Who the hell smiles when they're being threatened!!!'he screamed internally

As He observed her properly now, 'she looks like a light creature and she never in hell belongs to Helheim.She looks too innocent and Beautiful?!"What the heck Felix"? What happend to you man... Ohh my!!! is she a fairy witch ? Did she do something to me? 'He chasitised, Drawing the sword back to himself, he checked his heartbeat placing his palm on his heart like an absolute idiot and sighed..'ohh my i thought I was dead having wild imagination '

"I know " she answered with a slight tilt of her head , bringing him back to this world.

"What do you know?" He questioned back , Lifting his head.

"That you are a Demon " she answered with a toothy grin.

He was literally stunned by her. He don't know whether she was nuts or he's going to go nuts. He is sure that he would go crazy if she continues this. So he just backed off a bit and turned backwards swiftly and spoke "Run to your nest pixie.The creature you're talking about might eat you alive if you don't...why would you come out of your empire just like that.. that's just peaks of stupidity" Muttering to himself the last part and started to walk away.

She started running towards him as he is taking large strides , with a huff she said "Hey I am not a pixie, for your grace, I am a light fairy " with a proud look on her face.'Damn why does she look so proud?Does she think that it is an achievement?'he thought in his mind.

"I know " He answered, with a tiny hint of smile which he rubbed off in a second which didn't go unnoticed by her.

Wait!!!! she was running towards when he turned backwards and questioned her "what do you want?"

"Your name!! "She answered while taking puffs of breath .