6. Investigation


As I stood there dumbstruck, my mind had gone hazy. I unknowingly dailed Mark's number and informed about my location. He somehow found me in the streets of Mirkwoods,and drove in an inhumane speed to get me. I can see shock and disbelief in his eyes,as he approached me. He enquired as soon as he got near me " Are you alright boss?They didn't hurt you?" I just nodded a bit being in my own world not understanding what he asked. He sighed a breath of relief and led me to the car.

After we got in the car, He hesitated to ask but he did it anyways. "Who is she boss?" I just sat there silently. Unable to answer th question. I felt myself at a loss of words. I can't possibly say him, "She's my life", for fucksake I want to shout to the whole world that's she's my Àine. But my brain took a hold of my body and mouth, surpassing the control of my heart.

I replied curtly " Let's go Mark. We have a lot work to do. " He understood my intentions and drove us to my mansion in Weston city. We reached our mansion in silence. Neither of us uttered a single word. He was not talking like it's the only thing he has been doing for his entire life. Meanwhile I am just a mess. My mind's a mess. I just couldn't think of one thing straight. My mind swarmed with all the possible thoughts of her, Of our past, Of the time in our lives when we were having the most fruitful time of our life, Of the time when she left me.


Felix just sat in his seat silently. The expression on his face is saying rather. His mind and heart are not in harmony. His mind is playing tricks on him that she's just his imagination or delusion. Meanwhile his heart is telling him that she is here for him. Dark clouds formed in his mind. As he tried to erase the uneasiness in his heart, he remembered her face. He remembered how she talked with him. He remembered her annoyed face. A small light sparkled in his eyes. Mark halted the car and turned back to say something but couldn't talk. He was dumbstruck when he saw a glint of light in his boss's eyes. FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE THEY STARTED WORKING TOGETHER, HE SAW SOME EMOTION IN HIS EYES.

Mark just turned back swiftly and rubbed his eyes looking back again. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Felix's eyes mirroring the sparkling of the stars that are just born. Though it's very small,it made its impact. Like a spolied brat who just fell in love. He remembered his boss being a psychopathic asshole when his mood is worst. He remebered when his boss just fired 30 employees just because he is in bad mood having a dream of someone dying. He has seen the most vulnerable and most hideous glint in his eyes. But never a hope. The hope that have been snatched away from him long back has returned. Now that he saw some emotion and glitter in his eyes, he can die in peace.

Felix just twitched his lips seeing Mark's reaction. He just snapped "What?" Making mark startled. Hearing his assistant say " sir. We are home. " He just nodded and entered the house after getting down the car. And when mark started the car again he turned around and stopped him. "I want you to find someone " Wondering about the situation of this someone who got to grab his boss's attention,he just parked the car and followed inside behind his boss.

Felix just stormed into his study room and opened the cctv footage of first floor balcony and showed mark the girl that just almost killed him. Mark looked at him with an obvious look and nodded his head. "I will get the details by tomorrow sir" saying this he just left with a copy of this girl's picture.

Sendui street, Mosvil, Anclona

12:45 Am

Lyra parked her bike and stormed into their house cursing her day. Leo who just completed his architecture design building, came out of his room to eat something, freaking out hearing the cursing of his sister coming from the main door. He just stood there like he has seen some ghost. At first he thought that's some thief trying to enter into their home. He grabbed a knife that's just beside his cereal box and held it firmly in his hands. He was freaked out to death that his man instincts came into light. He was horrified seeing his sister who said that she couldn't come home tonight standing at the kitchen entrance with messy hair. She just stomped and shook her feet to get rid of her boots and came to him striding.

She hugged him and said " What are you doing at this hour?" He pulled himself back and asked " I am the one who should ask the question. You said that you can't make it home tonight. I almost had a heart attack Vivi. I freaked out that some random dude decided to rob our house. " She took a deep breath and sighed hardly. "I had some work bubs. I thought it's gonna take a long time to finish it. But ...I couldn't understand why that work finished too soon" she said to Leo with her thoughts floating around the fact that she unlocked the house of that fucker so easily. ' Now that explains the misunderstanding. I didn't think that much of the fact how easily I hacked the lock system. The 'Adam' I caught is just a nobody who decided to get on my nerves ' she thought looking down. Her anger subsided as she is home now. Just subsided. Not reduced or gone. It's still there she can still feel it in her veins. He had messed up her mission with his dumbass answers.

Leo shaked her to get her out of her trance. She lifted her head up and looked at him in question mark. To which he said "Vivi...Our amusement park trip is not cancelled right?" Lyra closed her eyes disturbed and assured that it is still in check list. He nodded and offered her a spoon full of cereal.

Lyra shot her eyes up and down his body and asked " Who the fuck eats this at this time, stupid. There is chicken in the fridge. Go and grab it you lazy ass". With that his eyes sparkled like glitters and he ran to the fridge to get the chicken. They ate together while Leo just blabbered about his day at the college and his design idea that he came up with. They left to sleep in their respective rooms engulfing themselves with their own thoughts and nightmares, drifting into sleep.

Maverick street , Weston city , Anclona

1:00 Am


Felix couldn't sleep. At all. He just kept turning in his luxurious bed which can make any insomniac person to sleep. But he couldn't. He shot up and sat in the same spot and thought 'What would she be doing right now? Does she also feel the same as me?Will she remember me by tomorrow? Is she sleeping? What if she already had a boyfriend? Oh god I didn't think of that. What if she is already married!' He felt horrified at the thoughts of his love already married to another man.

He got down the bed and paced back and forth in the bedroom. Unable to sleep and focus on one thing,he decided to call Mark and ask about his discovery about her whereabouts. "Hello?Mark? How far did the investigation come?" " Sir! It's 1:20Am in the morning sir. I just came home and lied on the bed.This is unfair sir!"he whined into phone clearly annoyed at his boss's impatience. Felix twitched his lips and resisted "You can sleep tomorrow Mark. Your boss is dying here unable to sleep and you want to sleep?Be practical. Aren't you curious about her?" "Sir! I am more tired than curious now. Please let me be at peace atleast for a night sir!" He cried into the phone as he just got into his home and ready to be consumed by his dreams when he was jolted awake by his ringtone.

Felix just stayed silent like a kid throwing tantrums when his father didn't give what he asked for. Mark understood him and replied " I'll be there in 30 minutes sir. I'll bring the details with me. Now atleast let me work on my computer in peace !" Felix agreed with a grunt and hung up the call. It was not until he hungup he realised that his assistant treated him like a kid. He thought to call him again to give him a nice lecture but stopped because he may stop the work. That made him ignore the fact that he just got treated like a kid. Atleast he wouldn't mind even if anyone thinks he's crazy just for his love.

After another 45 minutes of restless night, Felix heard a car pulling up in his drive way. He got up from the bed that he had been laying on staring at the fan for the past 45 minutes,he made his way towards the main hall swiftly. Mark noticed him getting down the steps and flashed a tired and annoyed smile towards his boss and placed his laptop on the centre table. Felix just shot him a glare remembering his earlier behaviour, ran to the centre table and stood before the screen.

The screen was lit up immediately after the laptop was opened like it was not switched down. The screen showed some details with a picture of a girl at the top.






Father : MICHEAL MARINO (Dead)


Siblings : NO ONE


Dob : March 12 ,1998 (26 years)

Job : Librarian

Hometown : Mosvil, sendui street,dno.78-145B/7C

Additional information:

Father : Ex-Mob Boss

Mother : HouseWife

Parents died at age of 10

Investigation reports say that Micheal Marino's brother, Lucas Marino killed them. But this was covered as suicide.

After accident ,lived with her maternal uncle and aunt. Ran away from their house and Cut ties with them after 6 years of being with them.

Raising a boy named LEONARD MELVINNE as her own brother, (now LEONARD MARINO ) 17 years, studying Architecture semester 2,at NORLONA UNIVERSITY, MOSVIL.

Used to live in Scottdale together. But moved to Mosvil for his studies in 2021.

Have a library at SCOTTDALE , MOSVIL since 2018.

Works as a secret agent at HADES SERVICE AGENCY. ,MIRKSWOOD street, CHENRYL town , since 2019.

Elite group.

Agent Star.

Completed missions:73.

Kills: 127 people including mobsters, gangsters, traffickers, kidnappers, drug dealers who tend to take innocent lives.


Specialized in guns,swords, knives,survival and combat.

Owns a TRIUMPH DAYTONA 955i bike and a black SUV.

Able to drive any vehicle.

Black belt in Martial Arts.

Completed training in self defense, combat, firing and horse riding.

Relationship status : SINGLE.

Past relationships : None.





Felix stared at her picture like he remembered her. Her charishma,her aura,her face and everything is soo similar yet so different. She looks like a star on the verge of dying emitting the brightest hues, eliminating dark around her but her eyes were filled with darkness all over them like an enormous blackhole. She looks like she is written by stars,hues and flowers ,but changed her destiny by rewriting herself with guns,knives and thorns.

A gentle breeze that can swallow you whole. A sweet honey that can hurt you like poison. A fragile heart that can destroy yours. A rainbow that can make you go blind. A monsoon rain that can burn your skin. A soft feather that can kill you. So sweet yet so fierce. So delicate yet so bold.

Mark got tensed seeing Felix's inner turmoil. So,he wanted to make sure everything is alright asking "Is everything ok sir? You seem distracted".

He sighed and said looking at Mark,"I don't know what's happening but I am sure it's destined to happen. I am sure that she is the one I have been waiting for. I don't even know how but I just .....I just know it ...like in my heart ". Mark looked at him in confusion and reassured him " It's alright sir. Sometimes, when we witness something that's bound to happen, our mind doesn't know what's happening and what to do. At that time, our destiny takes control of our life and leads us to what we've been searching for. Just take the way your life is offering sir. I am sure it will never go wrong. If it turns out to be wrong, it's not the destiny that's messed up. It's us that ruin the plans and make ourselves fall in the pit of miseries on our own ".

Felix glanced at him with some unknown emotion in his eyes and stayed silent.

The situation is so intense that they can feel their heart beats. Felix decided to break the deafening silence and said taking a deep breath " Okay. I'm gonna do what my mind tells me to do. I am not gonna lose her again. " with a determination in his voice.

" Just you wait my darling I'm coming to get you. No matter how hard you try to push me away, I'm gonna stick to you until the end" He murmured to him self when his phone rang breaking his thoughts. Seeing the caller id , he immediately lifted the call and placed it on his ear.

"What is it Diego?" Felix queried with a hint of desperation in his voice.

" Sir! I think we found it. It is with Edwin Hops. The Polian Mafia's undergaurd. He is in POLI now ,we're following him. I will call you back after I confirm it sir. " Diego, the most trusted bodyguard of Felix ,said in a breath and cut the call. Felix's eyes refracts a glint of indifferent emotion in them after listening to his gaurd.