
Felix's Pov

After diego cut the call, I just felt surreal 'that's it, it's the only thing that can help me to get her. Everything is suddenly going my way, I think even the fate felt pity towards me. So it's helping in every way for me to finally to get her, close to me after what felt like a few lifetimes passed away.....'

I immediately wanted to go to POLI myself, But I have full belief on Diego's team. They are the most eligible and strongest team of our security, if "the thing" we are searching for is in POLI for real, then i am sure diego will get it. I just have to wait and have patience. Which is really difficult now, that I know she is not far from me and i can just grab her into my arms and keep her with me.only if she could remember me, she would not leave my sight even for a second, Ughh i miss the old her. But it's ok, i am very close to get her memories back. I can't wait for my Àine to be finally back. I can't wait to finally feel her in my arms, after so long. God.. I've really missed her to death. All I want now is to run to her ,say that I love her with my whole soul and hug her so tight that all the painful years I spent without her would fade  away from my memory.

Pacing back and forth around the couch I just waited for him to call me again and say 'We found it sir!'. But time seems to slip away due to my desperation to get her back. After what seemed like almost an hour, my senses sky rocketed when I heard my phone go off. It was him. Diego. I lifted the call in a blink and waited for his response. But the line was silent for almost 10 seconds.

Those 10 seconds were the most curious time of my life. After an agonizing 11 seconds "Sir! We got it. We are coming back to NORLONA sir. The box is safe with me. It is secured in a briefcase. We will be there by morning. At your service, Diego. Sir" he said in a rush and hung up the call.

My mind was numb for a good 15 minutes after hearing what he said. I couldn't think anything. Maybe the universe is really trying to help me. Maybe we could go back to the past days. I could finally see my Little devil again. After all these years... My love is going to return back to me. I am going to reach my home soon. My safest haven. I just need to keep her safe under my watch. Yes! I need to make sure she is around me and safe.

That is when it hit me like a truck. I NEED TO KEEP HER SAFE AND CLOSE TO ME. I turned towards Mark to say something but noticing dark circles under his eyes, i realised what time it is. I was too harsh on him to make him travel all the way back to Weston from his home along with extra 20 minutes for the investigation after office hours.

"Go and sleep in the guest room Mark. I have some errand for you tomorrow. Make sure you take rest. I have a plan. We need to prepare for that from tomorrow. " Saying this, I closed his laptop and signalled him to go. He just nodded lightly and left. Tiredness clearly visible in his face. After he left I spent my night in my usual light sleep but this time with a dream. Not a nightmare but an actual dream. Of her. Of us.





Felix was painting something on the canvas. He looked devilishly handsome with his light shade of green eyes moving so effortlessly between the canvas and paint palette. His dark hair moving along with the wind and his fingers are moving the brush so majestically. Aine ,his love ,was admiring his beauty sitting beside him. She was staring at him so hard that he felt tingles in his stomach and he looked up at her with a tint of dark green creeping to his eyes.

"What?" He asked with an intimidating tone. To which she just flashed an innocent yet mischievous smile and said "I think I'm going to get obsessed of your beauty. My god....I should protect you from witches. They might try to steal you from me. I shouldn't let that happen" placing her chin in her palm resting on the table before her with a thoughtful look on her face.

" You need to get a hold of yourself.

Shouldn't you be praying right now or something?"He implied.

" I will perform some black magic shit to kill them, who try to snatch you away from me. Though I don't need to pray. I can protect you myself ",her voice echoing inside the gazebo.

".....I had almost killed you a few months back when you were trying to get on my back! You seriously don't watch your mouth while talking....right?" He said with slight annoyance and surprise in his voice.

" But you didn't. Which means you were interested in me!" She squealed excited.

" You're going to get yourself killed with that mouth of yours, you crazy woman!" Felix stated calmly shaking his head at her goofiness. A very small smile dancing on his lips.






Inside the mansion that seemed like a dark dragon palace, Felix slept soundly with a light smile on his face. He looks a bit happy. After all those impatient years of solitude. He is sleeping without any medications for the first time in 294 years. Yeah....he's been alive for 324 years. I mean what are the odds when he is a demon?!!

The next morning, at 5:12 Am, Diego and his team landed in Norlona international airport and reached Felix's mansion within 30 minutes. Felix couldn't sleep past 4'O clock. He kept waiting for the expedition team impatiently. Time seems like teasing him. It ran slower than usual around him as air surrounding him got thicker by each passing second. His heart is beating wildly inside his chest that it seemed like it would pop out of his body anytime. He couldn't contain his excitement at all. He paced around the room and peeked out the window every now and then like a puppy , waiting for its owner to return from work.

As soon as he heard some rustling sounds from outside he stormed out of his room towards the stairs. He slowed down a bit as he got closer to the main hall where his employees are waiting for him. He descended the steps like a majestic king that he is , acting like he just woke up. He couldn't show his guards that he was so desperate for them to return , afterall he is the king of corporate industry.

Diego came out of the group of men dressed in all black and greeted him. He forwarded the briefcase to his boss and backed off a step bowing little. Felix nodded his head and placed the briefcase on the nearby table. He couldn't wait to open it but he should contain his cool. So he just opened it with stoic face and took the wooden box into his hands.

The wood felt so extravagant and splendid in his hands. His fingers traced the outlines of fine woodwork gliding so smoothly at the curves. The carvings on the box looked so familiar to him. He admired the beauty of the crate in his arms that created a contrast of elegant and dark royal colours. The grading is so perfect that one would believe it belongs to some royal family. Years of rapid contact with different hands didn't even dare to degrade the polish on the casket. He glided his fingers on the initials 'AINIX' carved on the corner of the lid. The peacock green diamonds are mirroring the sparkling of galaxies. The immaculate design of the crate holds perfection and lavishness. The gold highlights are playing it's part paired with the flower emblem in the middle adding up to the extravagance of the crate.

Nervousness written all over his face as he opened the box slowly. The universe seems to hold its breath in excitement as the temperature dropped to several degree in the hall. Everyone in the room is waiting to see what's inside the box. Felix pulled the latch that's holding the lid in place with a small 'click' sound. He held his breath unknowingly as he lifted the lid of the box. His eyes are a dark shade of green. The silence inside the room is carrying the enchanting whisperings. As soon as his eyes fell on the enormous dark emarald stone mirroring the shade of his eyes,fitted at the top of the thing, he frowned a little in utter shock.

Morning 7 AM

Sendui street, MOSVIL

Inside Lyra's house

The brother and sister duo got ready for their daily lives and works. Leo ate his breakfast and left for college with his project charts kissing his sister bye. Lyra too finished her breakfast and left to her library. All the while,her mind didn't forget about the plan to get Adam to their headquarters. She drove through the city streets with a hope that this day would be better. After she parked her car infront of the library,she sensed someone behind her. She was fishing out for the library keys in her pocket when someone bumped into a pole behind her. When she turned around, they just ran off rubbing their forehead. He is hurt. But he just crossed the road and got into a grey car parked there rubbing his forehead. She sensed something is wrong and sighed a breath thinking 'Please god not today too ..I had enough last night. ...' and ignored her intuition. She opened the library and continued her daily tasks.

Just when she was about to leave the counter to arrange the returned books,someone barged inside. It was a girl. A girl that looked like she is in her teens. Lyra got back into the counter seat to fill in her details. She looked at the girl who just entered being shy and hesitant. But she made her move anyways. 'Shy but bold. I like that.' Lyra thought to herself before glancing at her eyes. She had this anxious look in her beautiful black eyes. Her red curly hair is bouncing with every step she takes. She looks so cute and innocent yet she is trying to be bold and fierce. Lyra looked at her adorable face and waited for her to approach herself in patience.

Finally after 1 minute of hesitation,she walks up to the counter and says "Umm hi mam! I ...um I came here to look for some job. I really love books and I am in my first year of college. So ....I thought about keeping my job and hobby together. I can do any type of work. I will do the work with my whole heart. I wish to work here, mam. So...is there any job that I can ... I can enroll for?"with her deep yet soft voice.

Lyra couldn't help but smirk at her hesitation and stuttering. She blinked slowly and took out the administration form from the desk drawer and gave it to her. Lyra added to her anxiety saying " That's not how you ask for a job. That's okay. But you didn't say your name. What should I call you by?"

That's it the already tensed and hesitant girl turned red due to embarassment. She composed herself and said in a quite tone" I'm sorry. I'm Evangeline. You can call me Eline. I am 19 and a first year Law student at NORLONA University. I was looking for a part-time job and came up to the job notice from the library. So I thought about spending my time with my favourite things around me and decided to come here. I'm sorry if I troubled you" with a small smile on her lips.

Lyra just looked at her without any expression on her face and said " It's not much of a trouble. Here fill in the application and return to me. You can start from tomorrow" giving her a pen. Eline took the pen confused and wondered why she didn't even smile at a girl who just wanted to work at her place. She grabbed the application form along with the pen and walked towards the desk far from Lyra. Eline switched off the bluetooth in her ear and started writing her details in the form. After she finished filling the form,she just admired Lyra, who is now arranging the books in the shelves. She wondered 'how can a girl not smile even once through all that conversation?She is so cold and arrogant. How will I ever work in peace with her!I should curse my fate for dragging me into this shit'. Just then, her phone buzzed notifying that she had a call incoming. She saw the caller id saying 'Assholey' ...'There it is ...my karma' she thought lifting the phone and placing it near her ear.


"What's the status of the mission?" Ashley, my team leader, growled into the phone like an asshole he is. "Done. I applied for the job. Should start from tomorrow" I replied curtly.

I heard him convey the message to our Boss , Marcus Lander,the acting CEO of A&A corps before cutting the call.  I shouldn't have been in this position if I managed to get that fucking Combat training completed. I have been working for the security service team of Felix Remington, our Big Boss,CEO of A&A corps for almost 2 years now. It's not a myth that experienced professionals treat interns like their maids. They do treat us like their personal assistants. If only I didn't have passion for becoming a spy, I would be chilling out in the new resort that my father bought in Michegan beach, enjoying the clean air and perfect weather in ALCOWON state.  But look at what fate brought me to.

I face palmed at my misery that I brought myself and sighed standing up with application and pen in my hands. I submitted the application at the front desk and bid goodbye to the owner, Lyra mam, whom my big boss seemed to be obsessed over. I pity this young lady for grabbing this hell of a boss's attention.

'Although she's a bit rude to me she's beautiful. She is like someone I can fangirl over'. I thought looking at her back and left the library.

As soon as I closed the door of the library, I saw a familiar car waiting for me. I sighed at my misfortune taking the bluetooth out of my ear, crossed the road and hopped into the car. "What a great actor you are !I didn't know that you were studying law at a university. " I heard our team leader, Ashley say regarding to my hesitation back there rubbing his red forehead. He bumped into a pole earlier when he was following her by the way , like an absolute idiot.

"....That seemed like an acting to you? I agree it is acting but still half of it is my true emotions. Should have tried doing it yourself then...Assholey !!And I was a law student. I just quit my studies just to join special security forces. I regret it now"  I scoffed not able to comprehend he just said that.I turned my head towards him in a blink with Annoyance creeping up into my mind as soon as I heard him go on with his bullshit again. I just want to grab his perfect black hair and smash his skull into the steering wheel so hard that his grey eyes falls out of his sockets. 'God!how much more should I endure today!my daily quota of patience is over. Please have mercy on me and kick this bastards ass ' I prayed silently hoping to have ride back to office in peace. But peace was never an option.

I shouldn't have agreed to work with these idiots in the first place. Years of studies and training hard just to endure this shit!?pathetic. I have to work in the library from tomorrow. Atleast I can find peace there.

He kept rambling some absolute bullshit all along the journey. "Could you please shut the fuck up? Thankyou!" I almost yelled at him but this motherfucker just ignored me and continued with his shit. Meanwhile , I  just got lost in my own world. 'She is so pretty. No wonder boss fell for her and planned to stalk her. I heard that she threatened to kill him. I worship her for that. No one ever tried to break into his den. Let alone point a gun straight to his head. He is not an idiot after all. He knows whom to tame, whom to kill.  I would have tried to tame her too. She's hot anyways. With her dangerous and cold aura, she can pull many chicks behind her. I must include myself too'.




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~Sam and Luna