22. Not yet!


Lyra stepped forward very slowly that she doesn't even disturb the air around her. Her steps so light, it seems like she is flying. She frowned when she saw no one behind the wall. Turning her head up to look at the crowd outside, she noticed the same duo walking between the crowds of people.

She moved out of the alley and took slow steps at first but quickly raised the pace of walking until she is running to them. All this time, her eyes never left those couple. The moment she entered into the crowd, she lost them. She couldn't find anyone with white dress so she kept searching through the people. And after one minute, she located a red hoodie at some distance from her over the wall. She took silent and soft steps to catch them off gaurd. As she got closer to them, she couldn't hear what they're taking because of the loud noises surrounding her.

She took out a small knife from inside her pocket and swiped it under the bag she is carrying, taking soft steps closer to them, she turned to her left after she passed the wall. As soon as she peeked behind the wall, they turned around and faced her. To her shock, it is not Eline or someone she thought of. Instead, they are absurd and senseless couple who are lusting over each other.

Her face is all red while his hands are around her waist leading inside her hoodie. Lyra didn't want to imagine what they were doing. The couple were shocked too. He immediately removed his hand after coming to his senses. "Who is this woman baby?" The lady talked to him in an obviously disgusting and grotesque way which gave Lyra goosebumps l over her body.

"I don't know! Hey mis..who are you? What do you want?" Lyra just stepped back forcing the knife into her bag before they see it and looked at them in disbelief.

"I should be the one asking you. Who are you? Why have you been following since morning? Did your boss sent you to tail me again?"

"What the fuck are you talking? What boss? We are following you? What rubbish!! We are enjoying our private time here and you barge in our space just to ask us dumb questions?"

" Dumb questions? ....ha!!..What the fuck are you two doing at a public place? You are doing unpleasant things And you dare to talk back to me?there are children around here idiots!! Go get a room or something! This is not a place where you people can lick each other's faces!! " Lyra yelled at them in an authoritic tone to cover up the misunderstanding.

The couple straightened their backs and apologized before sprinting from there out of embarassment. Lyra's angry face cooled down to neutral after they ran. She couldn't understand what just happened. Confusion clearly written on her face but a moment ago, she was dumbstruck. She was lost in deep thoughts when her phone's vibration pulled her back.

"Hello Vivi where did you run off to? I got only one cotton candy. You don't need to hide! " Leo spoke into the phone when she lifted the call.

"I didn't run off bubs. I just thought that I saw someone from work. I'm coming" she cut off the call as she started walking towards the place where she came from not before taking a look around. Leo almost ate half of the candy when she got back.

" Where were you? You are gone for like 10 minutes" the candy he is eating while saying this, melted before he finished the sentence. "I lost the track of time. Forget it. Shall we resume our journey? "

" Yes let's gooo!!! "



Somewhere behind a food stall, Eline slapped Ashley's head when he is unaware and peeking from behind the stall checking if Lyra saw them. He is breathing harshly due to the effect of running from death. He almost fell to the ground because of low balance when she hit him with a maximum force.

"I told you not to ruin this ! "

"I did not!!!"

"Oh really? We almost got caught doing the most shitty thing I ever did in my life. Following someone with whom I spend most of the day. She would have killed you if you're caught. But that's not the case for me. She might torture me to death or who knows!! She may even chop my fingers and sell my kidney while I am still alive leading me into a slow painful death!!!!!! You don't know it because you decided not to be careful and alert. Only putting me through such pain!!!"

" I'm sorry I didn't mean -"

" Shut the fuck up!!!"

Eline leaned closer to his face with a death glare and said in a low voice sending chills to Ashley making him surrender "You will start low and follow me. You don't take any fucking dumb decisions. If you mess this up again, trust me I am going to shove a knife through your mouth and take it out from your ass! You understand?"

Ashley, who now is terrified of her, just nodded silently hoping she would cool down.

" And stop bumping into people. Keep your eyes straight while walking" she said gritting her teeth.


Watching bubs go all bubbly and joyful is my favourite things. He has been jumping and smiling all the time. After that indecent incident, I just decided to avoid breeding the uneasiness of the fact that someone is following us. Even if they are behind us, I just decided to not care about it. I can always deal with that lovesick brat later. But now, I have to live in the moment and give a lots of memories to him.

We walked to all types of rides. The thrilling ones and the pleasant ones. After three hours of non stop walking and getting on rides, he felt like he needs a break. Not because he is tired, but because he feels like throwing up.

"Bubs! I understand that you are energetic. But you should think about your body too. Your stomach is saying I can't bear to be swirled and twisted let me rest. I am not saying that you should be slow. You should rest your body after every ride "

" Ok ok Vivi! I got it. Please stop nagging"

" You think it's nagging? Aahh..my bubs think I am pestering him to be slow? If you keep this up, I will take you home immediately! "

" No! Okay I understand! I will rest after every ride deal?"

" Deal "

Not even five seconds passed after I said this, he started dragging me to another ride. "Bubs! I just said something! Are you even listening?"

"Yeaahhh Vivi! I don't want to waste the valuable time. Come on!!"

They reached drop tower after a while. Lyra stayed at the waiting line watching leo as he enjoyed every second of the ride. She clicked some pictures of leo from the place she is standing at. Her heart filled with satisfaction as he liked this experience. She looks cold and arrogant on the outside, but her heart is filled with an unknown joy.

AT 1:56 PM

The lovely brother and cold sister duo roamed around the park getting in and out of the special dark attraction rides like cave trains, wonder human, spooky carnival, horror house, space mountain, animal kingdom, ghost mansion and devil's den. Lyra stayed at the entrance waiting for Leo who is inside the rides. She is a strong hater of cute,funny,lovely things, whereas Leo absolutely loves them.

Leo ate his lunch with chicken soup and coke along with a small cake as dessert. Meanwhile Lyra brought back her bag from the locker and ate the sandwiches she made in the morning. They completed their food in peace as both of them were tired. She sensed something odd but decided to ignore it thinking about what ugly incidents she might run into again.

After finishing their food, Lyra suggested to get on the Ferris wheel as he may miss it if he is too tired after everything. "Bubs why don't you try the Ferris wheel?"

"Not yet Vivi. I will go for it after the moon rises"

"After the moon rises? But why? You can watch the moon from our terrace too "

"That's different from this. Being at the top of the world surrounded by all the city lights while the rays of setting sun braze my skin, when I am closer to the moon than ever. Even if it's a few feet closer than usual, it feels like a dream to me. While the warm evening air hug me along with the cool night air tickling me. Ahh feels so dreamy! "

Lyra gazed at Leo changing her expression from confusion, when he said not yet, to disbelief opening her mouth slightly. "Feels so weird for me. I don't ever understand your romantic dreams"

" You will understand. Surely one day" leo flashed a bright smile showing his teeth.

Her nose scrunched with her lips turning up in distaste " I don't ever want to understand it"

" You will when you fall-" she closed her ears and looked down to avoid hearing all the things he would say.

" Ok ok that's enough. Let's just go to another ride. You can always get on it when you want"

" Not when I want. I calculated all the timing for today"

" What timings?" Lyra looked at him lifting her head not understanding what he meant. "The exact time when the moon rises " he said looking up at sky with a beaming smile but immediately loweing his gaze to ground as the sunlight is too bright.

"You're hopeless" Lyra said and dragged him to other ride opposite to them.

Eline followed them closely with Ashley behind her. They both maintained a low posture so that they could be unseen. She decided not to see their faces all the time but just turn around when they are at rest. She just stayed with her back turned to them when stopped and follows them without anyone's knowledge.

Eline got tired of this mission due to all the walking, sprinting and running she had to do in addition with managing the dumb idiot behind her. She wanted to quit the show and cover up when her boss asks for the updates. After another two hours of walking in shadows, at 4:42 pm, she got a call from her team handler, Mark.

"Ms.Dawsey, I am sure you are tired of this. So why won't you take a break for now? I will take care of the rest "

" Oh my god I am so tired that I am dreaming without even sleeping. My brain is self destructing! "

" Sorry to bother your little dramatic cries, I agree you're tired. But you're not dreaming. You can leave the location now" Mark spoke into the phone like nonchalant man he is, from inside the Felix's car parked outside the park. "so... I am not dreaming"


"So you're saying I can get rid of this scumbag beside me for the day?"

"Ummm.... If you're speaking about your teamleader, then yes"

"Good lord! The holy heavens finally decided to let me breathe in peace!!.... I am leaving sir. I can't bear to spend my time with this shit head for even a second. Thankyou so much sir. Goodbye!!!"

"...." Mark removed the phone from his ear dumbstruck about what he just heard and looked at Felix who is sitting in the passenger seat with a big grin on his face showing his canines. "my mind is all hazy already sir. Please don't play with me"

"I told you she wouldn't deny your offer. I know about my darling Mark. She can make anyone who is behind her go all crazy and lose hope for their life. Except me" felix said while resting his chin on his palm of the hand that is on the dashboard. A few hours back, Felix went all moody and mad just because he didn't see his love today. Throwing all the clothes in the bin, trashing all the cigarettes on the floor and firing all the workers in his house for no reason. He wouldn't listen even when he was informed that Eline and her team mate are following them around the park.

Afraid of what he might do if he didn't get to see her until next morning, Mark just offered to go to the amusement park and he immediately accepted with a beaming face. Mark became aware of his uncontrollable feelings and decided to find a way to keep them in check. After driving to the park, he tried to stop him from going inside as it may be dangerous for Felix, saying that Eline would turn down the offer of going home. But she didn't even tried to deny it and already started to return.

Sighing, as he couldn't do anything to stop his boss, he just unlocked the car doors. As soon as the doors were unlocked, Felix jumped out of the car and ran towards the entrance.


We were resting at a small cottage when it's almost time for the moon rise. I watched the coke tin in my hands which was freezing, making my fingers go numb just like I've always wanted for my whole body. I closed my eyes in pain as my body welcomes it with all the pleasure. Placing the can on the table before me, I opened my eyes to see leo talking with a little girl.

My thoughts drifted to the plan for Adam's assassination while my eyes fixed on the drink can before me . 'yes.. I almost forgot. Tomorrow is the day we start the mission right! I have to keep leo safe. I can't let anything happen to him. I will surely kill you this time fucker. I will trace out all your businesses and destroy them from the roots' A sudden pop sound bring me back from my thoughts.

My eyes scan through the surroundings as I couldn't find him where he was standing a moment ago. Getting on my feet, I call out his name for a response. Upon not getting one, I walk out of the cottage and search for him around it. Dialing his number after fishing out my phone from the pocket only to realise that he left his mobile in the bag which is with me.

I searched around the premises hoping to find him talking to some little girl or helping an old man. After almost fifteen minutes of searching, and I couldn't find him anywhere. And that's the moment I realise.... I lost him.