23. Fireworks


I don't know why but my heart has not been beating in a rhythm since morning. My mood just took the sharp and curvy turns from anger to pain, from sorrow to rage. 'I can't believe I fired the workers from the house just because they served me coffee at the right time. Like why would they do it? Do they think that I am psychopath and that I would kill them if they brought the coffee a second late? Well anyways who cares!?'

I enter the amusement park styled myself with charcoal black waist coat on a grey shirt with trousers matching the coat. I step inside the park after buying a ticket with full satisfaction of my look. 'would she atleast praise my dressing style? No she is too timid for that. Her eyes would pop out of its sockets after seeing me this hot' I grin at my thoughts and started searching for them.

As I am walking towards the place mark informed me, I noticed someone walking in full pace in my direction. It was Evangeline along with her team leader following closely behind her. She looks somewhat happy and somewhat annoyed. As expected. She saw me from a distance and ran towards me with a surprised look on her face.

"I didn't thought you were coming sir. I am sorry if I bothered you, I can go back to work if-" she said to me as she got closer.

"That's alright. You can leave" I said interrupting her not wanting to speak more. I want to go to her please leave! "Oh.... Ok..I will leave sir" she said hesitantly. Maybe she thought I was rude, but I got no time for that. I immediately stepped aside from the conversation and walked towards the cottages at the middle of the park. After so much searching with my eyes burning with desperation, I saw her. At a distance standing near a cool drink stall, looking at her phone in her hand.

I think she is calling someone but they are not picking up. After a while, her beautiful grey eyes shifted towards the bag in her other hand. Just like a puppy searching for his owner, her nose is little scrunched and her face clearly shows panic written all over.

Just when I decided to get closer to her, her eyes grazed me as she searched for that someone. She didn't recognise me at first. But after realising, she darted her eyes towards me in confusion, a confusion whether I am really infront of her or it's just her imagination. Her brows frowning in exasperation, she took a deep breath and sighed the annoyance off her body.

I walk closer to her as she stood with her arms crossed. Her eyes still searching among the crowd of people around us. My lips curve up into a grin as soon I smell her lavender scent and my senses swaying, resembling her raven black hair strands moving freely with the wind.

The world around me seems to be slowing down. My body felt tingles all over as I watched her. Her lashes swinging like ocean waves as she looked at me. The flowers falling from the trees with the wind touching her skin softly like they are showing me how fragile she is. The bright blue colour of her t-shirt made her skin look like she is made of porcelain.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

My thoughts are utterly destroyed by the words that came out of her mouth. Here I am imagining her to be so soft and innocent and the next minute she stricked all of the sweet moments with one sentence.

"What do you think?" I ask her , my lips slowly curving up into a smirk.


My mind is already going crazy as I can't find leo. I called him but he is not picking up. It was only after a while that I realised he left his phone with me. As I am looking for him among the crowd of people around me, I scanned through the surroundings. Suddenly, at a distance from me, I spotted a familiar figure.

Irritation stated to make its way towards my brain as I watched him take few steps to reach me with my hands crossed to my chest. " What the fuck are you doing here?" Annoyance creeping up to my face when he asked me back "What do you think?"

" What do I think? Ha! What the fuck do I think? I think you came here to die in my hands you fucking idiot! What's with the smirking! I should really consider spooning your face off." I started slowly and calmly but the anger took control of my mouth as the barriers of my tongue broke changing everything that came out of my mouth into curses.

"I don't understand why people like you are even allowed to go out " muttering to myself, I started waking away from him looking for Leo, hanging the bag on my shoulders. And not to mention his arrogance, he started following me, which only boosted my anger.

" Don't follow me! You better go back to your dark little paradise cooped up in a bedsheet, with a face mask and relax"

" I choose to be with you for the day"

" I don't have time for your bullshit. Just get lost!!" I walked fast in an attempt to lose him but who am I fooling? He almost walked beside me with such easy long steps. I ignore him planning to deal with him later when I find leo. I searched for him at all the rides we are yet to go, but to no favourable result. I couldn't find him anywhere. Panic and tension rose in me as my stomach twisted with fear. Fear that something might happen to him.

As the time is ticking, my mind is going numb as I couldn't see him anywhere. I lift my phone to see what time it is and gasped when I saw it's already thirty five minutes past five in the evening and it's getting dark slowly. I looked up at the sky to ease the tension and calm my mind, my eyes fell on the moon that is almost in the peak of rising. A thought suddenly striked my brain remembering something Leo said earlier.

"Bubs why don't you try the Ferris wheel?"

"Not yet Vivi. I will go for it after the moon rises"

"After the moon rises? But why? You can watch the moon from our terrace too "

"That's different from this. Being at the top of the world surrounded by all the city lights while the rays of setting sun braze my skin, when I am closer to the moon than ever"

" The Ferris wheel!" I say out loud, forgetting about the man beside me. I walked towards the crowd at the Ferris wheel hoping to see him there. He is not there too.

" Where did you go bubs?"

" Umm...may I help you? Who are you looking for?"

" My broth-....what the fuck are you still doing here? Waiting for some drama? Go away!! Idiot!!" My face burning with anger as I have to deal with him in the midst of the chaos. Can't help leave me in peace? I walk through the crowd shouting his name.

" Bubs!!!" People around me looked sympathetically like they understood what's happening. I sigh closing my eyes as the crowd moved forwards leading into the Ferris wheel one by one. I too stated moving with them and climbed into one of the chambers of the Ferris wheel. All this time, my eyes didn't fail to search for him. I didn't realise that two people can fit inside each chamber until someone cleared their throat beside me.

I looked up from the ground directing my eyes towards the noise turning my head to right. That's when I came to senses and realised that I am awfully close to the greatest idiot I know, Felix Remington.

"When did you get inside? " An unknown emotion creeping up to my face. He grinned staring at me showing all his teeth "same time as you did"

"Stop grinning first! It makes me go nauseous. I am telling you don't irritate me further ! I might kill you in a blink! You already ruined my mission once. I should have killed you then " I grit my teeth as my frustration reached its peaks remembering the time when he acted like an obvious idiot.

He didn't stop grinning and to my disbelief, he started chuckling. " Am I telling you a joke? " I raised my eyebrows in question. " No? "

"Then why the hell are you laughing?... what's wrong with you? What the fuck do you want?" I frowned narrowing eyes as I tapped my feet continuously on the floor of the chamber we are in.


I opened my mouth to say something but the ride moved suddenly making me lose balance as I am unaware it is starting to rotate. A warm hand slide around my waist in an instant when I wobbled in the chamber losing my balance. My hands find a rim to hold on to and I am stable again in no time. I realised he is holding me in a strong grip with his hand around my waist. I turn my head slowly towards him giving him a death glare saying "Get your hand off me.... if you want to have your arm still intact with your body"

I say in a dangerously low tone that sends chills down his spine and it seems to be working as he swallowed a lump off his throat and removed his hand from my body.

"I was just helping you!"

" I don't need your help!!! Okay!! I already told you this too many times!! But you keep coming back like a stubborn ball. Go away from me! Find someone else for your little games!! Leave me alone!"

"I am not following you just to leave you alone. For your information, I am just trying to protect you-"

"From what!!!???? You're protecting me from what??"

"I can't tell you that"

"Then get lost!! " I try to walk away from him but soon I realised that we are half way up in the air. I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh trying to calm myself down.

"Its okay you're only struck with him until this ride ends!! Just bear with the bullshit for a few minutes" I say this to myself just to keep myself controlled. I might even push him from here if I am not in control.

"Noo . you're stuck with me for the rest of your life!"

"Could you please shut your mouth??..thankyou!!" He smiled continuously, but atleast, he stopped talking. I drifted my eyes through the people going around the Ferris wheel searching for Leo. I couldn't find him anywhere. Just where did he go?

Felix decided to speak up again increasing the levels of anger inside my brain. " May I know who your searching for?"

Having no idea to shut him up, I wanted to just shut him up with answers without arguing " my brother"

"Okay why are you searching for him at a Ferris wheel? Maybe he went to restroom or something?"

"He would tell me if he wanted to go. He just disappeared into thin air"

"Its not always something boys say to their sisters! Maybe he didn't want to tell you where he is going"

I shot a glare at him as he looked at me with cunning filled in his green eyes. I never noticed his eyes. Watching them so closely I figured out he has emerald green eyes that resembles the dark forests and the dark creatures. The dark creatures that are included in the mythology of our world. The same history that contains the information about the light creatures and dark creatures. I never believed them in the first place. All the angels, devils and fairy stories are just bullshit. People who didn't have a thing to do created such stories. They are just some unbelieved legends in the present days. But some beliefs about those creatures still runs through our veins.


Lyra was brought back into the reality when the sudden chill winds of the night hit her face rising goosebumps all over her body. Having no choice or idea how to find him, she only wished leo would jump infront of her saying that it was all a prank. She decided to report to the missing child office to make an announcement.

The dropping levels of irritation started to ride again when Felix started talking again. " Why shouldn't we exchange our mobile numbers? That way, we can be with each other all the time "

"I am telling you to go away but you're planning to be together?? What is wrong with you dude!!! I don't want to be with anyone. Leave me alone!! And I forgot another thing. Stop following me around. Why the fuck are there atleast one person tailing me wherever I go? I told you to stop all this. You sent someone to follow me today too didn't you? "


"That's a pathetic lie!!! Do you think I am a naive girl who will come after you immediately when you said you wanted to protect me? I am more dangerous than you can think of. So stop this kids game and go back to your luxurious cocoon"

" No"

Lyra scoffed in sarcasm at his answer " I am not giving you a choice. I don't have time for this. Why did I even get on this thing!!!"

" Don't panic darling. I will help you find your brother"

" I never asked for your help. I never will. So go on your own way after this shit stops rotating" The Ferris wheel circled very slowly as it is a massive structure and it's main goal is to give the riders their own time for their little own fantasy of watching the city lights from up high together. Only if they knew a pair of people among them is arguing like crazy.

The chamber Lyra and Felix were sitting in reached the highest peak and the machine stopped running. The time limit for each chamber resting at the high altitude is about five minutes. The ride would take upto half an hour to complete one full rotation. Lyra's face is burning with anger and getting irritated the more she stayed with him. Meanwhile Felix enjoyed every second of it. He is sitting so close to her and he could ever dream of anything more? Sitting so close to the one they love in a Ferris wheel, watching the moon.

"The moon is so pretty today, not more than you. I have to thank your brother for this" Felix said watching the moon and the shifting his eyes towards her looking at her dreamily.

"I really hope this ride would end soon. I have to find my brother. I didn't even know where he is" the emotion inside Lyra is a total mess. She is angry, tensed, panicking, worrying, irritated and annoyed all at the same time.

"He would be fine. You're worrying too much. Its not good for your health " she glared at him looking at him up and down. She clenched her hands in frustration after hearing his words. How can she not worry about her brother who has been missing for one hour now. She decided to end it here and started speaking.

"I don't understand what you want. You saw me two weeks ago and suddenly decided to protect me from God knows what!!! You keep calling me darling like I am your lover when I have no idea who the fuck you are. Just why are doing all of this? Whyyy????" She yelled at him. Her face red from talking non-stop without a breath. She noticed his eyes go soft and all glassy as his looked at her like she is the only person he saw in this world. Lyra looked at him in confusion frowning, as he took his sweet time to reply.

" Because I Love You" Her frown disappeared after listening to his words. The dark sky suddenly lit up with the fireworks of all colours making the surroundings illuminated with the light. Their eyes reflecting the fireworks around them and their bodies reflecting the fireworks inside their stomachs enchanting them in each other twisted fates.