Chapter 70: THE EARL.

The weight of their shared secret hung heavy between them as they traversed the castle halls. David's gaze was drawn to Shay, a magnetic pull to the storm of emotions swirling within her. Her flushed cheeks and determined expression were a captivating enigma. Yet, the looming shadow of duty forced him to focus.

Finally, they reached the Lord's chamber. Shay stepped aside, allowing David to enter. "I'll be in my quarters when you need me," she whispered, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. David nodded, a silent promise passing between them.

With a final, lingering look at Shay, David straightened his shoulders and rapped his knuckles against the imposing wooden door. The rhythm of his heartbeat echoed in his ears, a counterpoint to the expectant silence beyond.

"Yes, come in." A deep, authoritative voice, like the rumble of distant thunder, granted him entry. The door creaked open, inviting him into the sanctum of power.