Chapter 147: REUNION.

Near the edge of the castle wall, a dark silhouette crouched in perfect stillness, her form blending seamlessly into the night. She had carefully positioned herself for an unobstructed view of her target. Clad in a suit crafted with rare, enchanted materials, she was effectively invisible to most. Only those with extraordinary perception—top-tier swordsmen or mages—might sense her presence, but even then, her stealth and skill made her a formidable force, capable of facing even a ranked king swordsman.

Her obsidian mask concealed her features, but her vision was keen, capturing every minute detail of the scene before her. She observed David, standing on his balcony, gazing out at nothing in particular. His expression was unreadable, which piqued her curiosity even more. "What's going through his mind?" she wondered, studying him closely. Her mission was to gather information, but something about this moment unsettled her.