Chapter 181: SURPRISE?

As David approached his chambers, Shay stood at his door, a spark of excitement lighting her eyes the moment she saw him. Without a second thought, she dashed forward, throwing her delicate arms around him. "I missed you so much," she whispered, nestling her head against his chest, inhaling the familiar scent she'd yearned for during his absence. In that embrace, she wished time would halt, allowing her to savor his presence without interruptions. She felt safe, content, and complete.

David wrapped his arms around her, squeezing gently, sharing in the comfort of the moment. With everything spiraling around him, he craved more moments like this with his loved ones, even though he knew it would be a rare luxury in the days ahead. "Aren't you supposed to be avoiding me?" he teased, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Shay blushed and tucked her face against his chest, laughter muffled in embarrassment. "It's not like that," she mumbled, trying to defend herself.