Chapter 192: MOTHER'S PAST

The heavy wooden doors of the Adventurers Guild creaked open, allowing the golden afternoon sun to spill across the threshold. Out skipped Yue, her platinum hair shimmering in the light like threads of moonbeams, eyes alight with mischief and joy. Behind her trudged Litty, her weary expression paired with a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of her soul. She pushed her light brown hair back from her sweaty brow, the strands clinging to her flushed skin, and stared at her mother in exasperation.

"We actually made it in time to register for the 'Leviathan's Abyss' raid!" Yue chirped, twirling with such carefree delight that a few passing adventurers glanced at her with bemused smiles. The sight of a seemingly youthful girl so animated was not unusual, but Litty knew better. The cheer in Yue's eyes held centuries of wisdom behind their emerald glow.