David dismounted his steed with practised grace, his boots touching the ground with a firm thud. The air was thick with the scent of salt from the nearby sea, mingling with the delicate fragrance of summer blooms that lined the pathway leading up to the imposing gates of Castrum Belli et Ignis.

Sir Richard followed suit, his polished armour catching the dappled sunlight as he swung down from his mount. Just as they both settled, a young maid appeared at the gate, her figure slight but composed.

Clad in a crisp uniform of deep burgundy trimmed with gold, she dipped into a practised curtsy, the folds of her dress sweeping the cobblestone path. Her voice, melodic yet measured, carried over the subtle murmur of the breeze. "Welcome, Lord David De Gor, to Castrum Belli et Ignis. It is an honour to receive you."

David inclined his head, a polite smile curving his lips. "Thank you. The honour is mine."