David knelt beside the small child, a distant memory surfacing of his mother's gentle ways. When tears had fallen from his own eyes, she would always find a way to make him smile again.
Cupping the child's delicate cheeks, he lifted her face to meet his. David contorted his features into an exaggerated expression, crossing his eyes and puffing out his cheeks. A small giggle escaped her lips, the sound like silver bells in the void. His thumb gently wiped away her tears.
"Why is such a pretty princess so sad?" he asked softly.
The child's trembling hand pointed into the darkness. David furrowed his brows, drawing her closer as he ran his fingers through her dark curls. "I don't understand, little one."
She pressed herself against him, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I don't want mama to hurt anyone because of me anymore."
David paused, his hand stilling in her hair. "Why would your mother hurt others because of you?"