Chapter 02

When I notice him passing the receptionist and my tag is still glowing green, I release a huge sigh of relief before I head to my cubicle.

"Morning Lyn." I greet her as I sit on my chair on the corner.

"Morning too Rea."

"Heard we ain't safe anymore."

"Bad news. Did you lose your laptop or what? The news is in display in every station. The bosses will now be physically present around the department to make sure everything runs smoothly." She says rolling her eyes.

"Lemme check then. Anything I can do?"

"No. There are fifty seven new qualified candidates you will add to the system. Four calls from Asian headquarter with five cases you can check the details." She says looking at her computer. We work together in the same department. We are five workers in this department.

"Am sleepy. Check the email which was sent at 5 :45 am." She puts her code on the computer and it shut down signing how off shift. She's done for the day.

"Thanks for the information. Did more aliens arrived?"

"No gossiping." My handsome friend says entering the small room.

"And leave you behind? No way."

"Birds of the same feathers flock together. I got a waft that there will be another selection. " Lyn says.

"I hope they pick us all." Brent says taking a gulp from Lyn's coffee.

"We are twenty workers am sure they'll pick us too."

We hear the sound of a robot coming. We look at each other quizzically. The robots only come around if there is an emergency or someone is getting fired. I pray not the latter.

I look at my tag and it's still glowing green. Brent waves and go back to his cubicle as Carolyn zip her backpack and walks out after kissing my forehead and muttered a ' see you later'.

I can still hear the robot slowly moving towards my cubicle.I wonder why they send a robot who moves slowly for emergencies.

This is the second year since the aliens arrived to earth. When earth was attacked by an unknown virus.

It all started as measles. No one knew what was going on even the scientist put together. They assumed it was measles too so they did the treatment. The blood vomiting started and people died which brought shivers of fear.

In that process I lost my parents and am now left with only two family members, my twin siblings Michael and Michelle. Am so glad to have them around though we only video call each other, thanks to the aliens technology. We are both far from each other. Michelle is in Africa where she's in the medicine department. On the other hand, Michael the only male is in Asia as an engineer.

And here I am working with computers everyday. Adding candidates to the alien system everyday. Making and receiving calls that I even feel my ears bleeding. Typing letters and messages that leaves my fingers numb and red everyday. I am at the communication department. I don't even know why they thought I fit here. I was afraid I would have been disqualified since I didn't even know how to type without looking at the keyboard. Good news is the alien system is different from ours.

When the astronauts went to Mars and called the alien for help no one could disagree or riot. We only mumbled. If we were to die on their hands or with the pandemic we would still be six feet under.

When it was all over the radio, television and other social media platforms that they had accepted our quest, we thought we will receive tiny looking animal things with big eyes and small body.

Some even thought they'll be smelling bad that the disease caused by the U-virus will disappear. Little did i know they'll be this hot sin. Holy cow!

The only thing that was correct is their upgraded technology. That is the only thing I love about this job.

My stomach is churning. I open my extraterrestrial emails and search for Mars IT . There's one which was sent at exactly 5:45am. I tap it and start reading the email when I hear the robot outside the room.

"Patience Andrea?"

I turn and it's George the robot. Brent and Lyn always asks me how I am able to differentiate George from other robots or I call all the robots George. My answer is always 'I just do." But that's a lie.

It's not a lie but not the whole truth either. I put a lucky star, which my mother gave me, on the robot's neck. No one can see it except me. I have six of them. They were foreign terrific awesome. The stars are connected to a disc-like electronic gadget. It is always with me except when I am on the bathroom. The main reason why I love them is because they are waterproof too. Isn't that AMAZING?

I have only one star left. The others are on the neck's of my twins, Michelle and Michael, Brent and Carolyn and the other one you know. I stuck the other one on George. I don't know why I did it but I just did. My mother told me to follow what my heart tells me. With this other one I don't know. I had planned to stick it on myself but I thought it is ridiculous.

"Miss?" George calls walking towards me.

"Sorry about that. How may I help you George." I see the star glows on his neck.

"Who is George?" Yeah the same question everytime I mention that name.

I roll my eyes and ask again, "How may I be of help?"

"Mister Conrad requests for your presence in his office."

"Oh! Who is that?" George is silent for sometime before responding the one word I did not expect.

"The boss." My eyes widens

"Okay." I say after swallowing.

"Follow me."

On our way to the elevator I see Brent sticks his head from his cubicle to inspect what is going on. Our eyes meet and he gives me the what-the-hell-is-going-on look. I smile and gives him an okay sign.

We enter the elevator. I see him punch number thirty eight with his robotic fingers.

"So George how old are you?"

"Who is George?"

"How old are you?" I skip his question just like every morning.

"That's a private question."

"Am just making a conversation here. Can't you see am trying?"

"I am a robot." George says.

"I don't know but something in me doesn't see you as a robot."

George still does not respond. Thats not weird at all. He's a robot, he said.

I look at him his robot eyes on me too.

I am about to say something when the elevator's door opens.