Chapter 03

The elevator door opens. I expect to see a corridor or something like that but it is different. It is just one huge room.

The room is adorn with silver decorations and is painted a light blue with a little lavender here and there. I'm sure it looked like a ballroom before it was occupied.

It looks like someone lives here and not a working place. I look around and I see a man standing at the window facing the outside world.

I can imagine how the world looks from up here.

Cars are parked as if the owner will come for them. The roads are dusty. The environment isn't a pretty view for a visitor. No sign of a human being at this time except the robots and security roaming around. Either collecting something a human needs and they'd left behind or they are just doing their normal robots rounds.

"Conrad?." The robotic voice says getting the aliens attention.

"Yes brother. Sorry I was-" He stops talking when he turns and see me.

The man... alien I collided with not long ago. His front shirt buttons are open, his tie on the proper place and...he looks deliciously yummy hot. He has a tattoo of a star just where his heart is, I assume. The star is shaped just like my lucky stars. I notice words on the bottom of the star but with where I am I can only see the star just like how I see the stars on the sky.

"Nice tattoo. What does the words say?" I say trailing my lips to make sure I wasn't drooling.

"You can see that?" The robot asks.

Am I dreaming. Did the robot just asked that?

"I told you didn't I? You are more than just a robot and yeah I can see a star on his ho... I mean body... uh...chest."

"What are you doing here human?" He say as if I am disgusting.

Probably to aliens we are, how I wish it is the opposite.

I breathe and say, "George here." I point at the robot,"Asked me politely to follow him because the boss just called for me. I guess he got the wrong information, try updating him he'll be back to normal in no time. If you don't need me." I shrug walking away.

"I fired you. Why are you here?"

I stop and turn showing him my card.

"Do I need to explain more?" I ask still holding my green glowing card. Conrad is speechless I should really try to control this mouth of mine.

"I am your boss don't talk to me that way!" He shouts. The realization strick hard. Quickly i start to prepare my apology.

"I am so sorry sir..sir Conrad. It's just that you are naked and..." I trail. He buttons his shirt. With a sigh he sits on the office chair.

I take it am forgiven.

"No." The boss mumbles.

"What did you say sir?" I walk and sit in the client's chair holding my laptop tight to me.

"You are not forgiven."

Well someone is invading others privacy.

"You know I can hear that."

With a smile on my face I think, Roger that sir.

He looks at me weirdly. Shaking his head Conrad dismiss George who leaves us. I watch as the elevator door close.

"Are you the one who was picked as my assistant?" I frown. Nobody told me that.

"I take it you did not read the email sent to you around 5 in this morning."

Hold on. That email. I didn't even have time to read before he came and said you summoned me.

"Back to business." He says after clearing his throat to get my attention.

"Yes sir."

"Your work is excellent Patience Andrea. You were chosen to attend with me to a meeting as my personal assistant. That's what you call here in Earth." His eyes are emerald I notice.

"Are you listening?" He asks taping me with a pen.

"Totally listening." I say squirming on the chair.

"I need your laptop to transfer this."

I give him my laptop and fumble with my orange dress. I watch as he taps my laptop screen punching some codes.

"Your password?"

My eyes widens. Why didn't I remember to open it when I was following George.

The problem is that my laptop is connected to my lucky disc. I can put it but I'll have to accept so it can open.

"Fisherburne." I say.

"How did you know him?" He put my laptop down.

"Know who." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Fisherburne? That bastard told you who he is!"

What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about sir? You asked for my password."

"That is your password?"

"Yeah, were you expecting me to put Patience or Andrea as my password. That's too low."

"Nevermind." He says taking my laptop to his hand and puts in the password.

Quickly I take out my folded disk. I put my finger on the small dot and it open recognizing me. I see the notification and tap accept. I do all this while watching him.

"Here you go." He says giving me back my laptop. "Read everything careful. Ask any questions before you leave the building."

I nod and start walking away.

"No orange to the meeting. Dress code, black and white office wear.

I frown but say nothing as the elevator pings and I enter leaving him without even a 'goodday sir'.

Just as I sit on my desk Brent comes in and hugs me tight.

"I am alive. You chocking me Brent."

Brent untangles from the hug and say, "I was worried about you bestie."

"Don't worry I am perfectly fine just as you can see." Standing I twirl for him to see.

"Where did the robot took you?"

"The boss had called me saying Patience Andrea was to attend a meeting with him. What he didn't know is I was the Patience Andrea."

"Wait... you know who our alien boss is before he called you? I haven't even met him. That's not fair!" He says pouting

I laugh at him, "We bumped into each other when I was getting in. He threatened to fire me because I corrected him." I shrug.

Folding my laptop so I would just have to use the touch screen and not the buttons, I open the recently shared file and start reading it.

"I'll take my leave." Brent says standing from Lyn's desk.

"I am so sorry I didn't know you were still here." I apologize taking my eyes from the light.

"I understand you have a lot of work plus what you are busy reading." Pointing at my laptop.

I've been reading the document while taking notes and questions that I needed to ask before leaving. I also had to add the candidates on the system and transfer the information and their new codes to their respective departments. One was qualified for Mars IT. On top of all this I have been on the phone through out.

"Have you asked Lyn for a date yet?"

Brent halt and giving me the don't-ask-that look.

"Am sure we will still be friends. You at least have someone to warm your bed. And oh...I knew you guys had a one night stand."

I look at my laptop and notice a new message.

"I am so sorry I knew you will be mad at us."

"Why would I do that? I have always been-" my words die on my mouth.

I reread the message again.

From: Grant Conrad Vogel

To: Patience Andrea

Pack clothes for three days. Strictly no Orange.

Tomorrow at 7:00am sharp.

"You look like you've just read the worst news."