Chapter 16

I lay still. It's useless fighting a fight that am sure I cannot win. My hands pinned on top of my head on the soft mattress. I'm being punished for a mistake I know nothing of.

The grip on my hands is too tight but I won't let him know that. I can hear a buzzing sound on my right ear but the other one is perfectly fine. The sting on my cheek is itching begging me to pet it.

I lay there numbly. Tears streaming from one side of my eye but I don't wipe it away. I clench my eyes not wanting to see the devil infront of me. I let him overjoy my pain.

"Why did you lie to me?" His voice harsh and cold. His voice doesn't even show signs of guilt or humanity.

"I asked you a question!" He groan and release the grip on my hand and move feets away from the bed. I watch him as he brushes his face with his hand.

He throws the letter on my way. I don't make a move of peaking or picking. I just look at him. Even though my curiosity is begging me to atleast pry.

"What is your plan this time? Take Fisherburne with you? I saw you seducing him just like how your mother did with his father. You tried it on me but it didn't work just like how father told me. How could I be so stupid. I should have listened to my father and killed you!" He spat.

I look at him confused not understanding what he is talking about. He looks like he wants to hit me but slowly unclench his fist.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I whisper. He looks at me with hate on his emerald eyes. I avert my gaze from him. Slowly I sit down not giving my hands a glance. I want to rub them but I won't do it infront of him.

I pick the paper from the bed. There are four photos attached on the top of the words. I recognize the three people except one.

My ma, my pa and Aunt Chantel. Ma and pa looks younger but aunt Chantel hasn't changed except the hair color. I grew up knowing she has brown hair. What does this have to do with Conrad? I wonder.

"Why did you open this, Mr Conrad? This is private information." I tell him stressing his name. He looks surprised but quickly covers it like a spasm.

"If I hadn't opened it would I have known your conspiracy? I don't regret it. Now you tell me what did your family do with my mother?" His harsh words makes me want to cower but I stay rooted.

"I don't know your mother." I tell him honestly. He strides towards me. I have the urge to move backwards.

"That woman is my mother." He says pointing at Aunt Chantel. I look at him quizzically.

"Aunt Chantel?" Narrowing my eyes at him I ask.

"Yes she's my mother. She helped your mother but all your mother did was kidnapping my mother and sister. Wrenched Earthicans!" He spat.

"Aunt Chantel was never kidnapped. She was happy living with us and she's my pa's sister." I tell him.

"I see. So they lied to you. Anyway that is not of my concern. where is my mother?" Conrad asks his face mere inches from mine that I can feel his breath fan me. His emerald eyes darker than before.

"Aunt Chantel left not long after Ma and Pa's death. We don't know where they went." I don't bother telling him about Michael's knowledge.

"They?" He asks. I ignore him and start reading the letter.

I knew your father would blurt out your mother and his brother whereabouts. I'll revenge all the pain the Sana brought to me. Watch out!

There is no salutations nor whom it came from. I look at Conrad and notice his eyes are on my hands. I follow his gaze and my eyes almost pops out of their socket.

I thought I would have only bruises. I didn't know it would be this worse. My wrists are swollen. I skim my fingers on my left wrist and flinch away from the pain.

"I didn't know that would happen." I hear him mutter. I slant and look at him. His expression no longer shows anger.

"You should have asked me or talk to me before attacking me with things I know nothing of!" I shout at him.

"Rea I..." He stops when he notices the expression on my face.

My stomach feels like someone is twisting it. I coil and hold it hoping it will pass away. Instead it worsen. I ran to the toilet before I drop everything on the floor.

"What is wrong Rea? Whats going on?" He asks loudly but I can't answer him. I open the door and rush in puking my guts out. Some of my hair gets multicolored yawn.. I try to hold them back but another wave hits hard.

I feel his hands grasps my hair away from my vomit. He puts his other hand, I assume, on my shoulder blades and massage me slowly.

"I am fine." I say accepting the glass of water. I don't bother thanking him. After cleaning the foul smell of my chander from my mouth I head back to the bedroom.

"What did you eat?" He asks sitting next to me on his bed. I can't tell him to go away since I am in his room. I don't respond but stands up ready to walk away.

The wave of nausea stops me from taking another step to the door but I run in long strides back to the toilet.

My stomach feels empty. My whole body feels weak. Am sitting right next to the bowl on the white tiles. I am not sure if Conrad followed me or not.

The door opens and a worried looking George enters. He gives me a bottle of water and a tablet. I don't bother asking why or what.

"What do you think is the matter?" I hear Grace (Gracchus) asking Conrad. He doesn't respond, I guess because he sees us on the doorway. Quickly he rushes to my side and hold my wrist. I give a low mournful cry and he removes his hand.

"Who did that?" George asks. Giving my wrists a clean inspection. When I don't respond he looks at Conrad who mumbles 'i did.' following by Grace swearing.

"Why did you do that?! Did you also ordered for her meal to be poisoned?! I didn't know you were this heartless!"

"Poisoned? I am responsible for what happened to her wrists but I know nothing of poison."

"Am sure you would have been the first person if I kept vomiting to death!"

"Maybe you are wrong." He mutters. With George hand on my back he leads me out of Conrad room. Conrad follows us.

"Sir, I am asking an emergency permission to go home and rest. I'll resume work when I get better."

"What if something happens to you?" Grace asks concerned.

"Don't worry I'll be fine no..." Conrad cuts me off.

"No." Conrad simply says.

"Why, Sir? I promise I'll be back when I get better Sir."

"You carry my mark that means you are my responsibility. I won't let anyone hurt you."

"Wow! Says the person who pinned me and slapped me. I think you forgot the except me." I sneer.

"You slapped her? You raised your hand on a woman? I thought you were better than your father. I didn't know I was trusting the wrong person." George walks away. Grace glares at Conrad and follows her bethrothed.

"I am not like him!" He shouts just at the same time Grace slams the door. I look at Conrad who has tears on his cheeks. His eyes showing his pain and something else.