Chapter 17

"You should go rest for the medicine to do its magic." Conrad tells me while massaging the scruff of his neck. I nod and walk back to his room.

I head to the shower and notice my bag in the same position as before in the walk in closet. I drag my legs and open the suitcase and pick a clean white shirt and black pants and undergarments. I stack them on my shoulder and hit the bathroom.

Opening the door to the bedroom and my eyes comes into contact with the tray of food and drinks. I scan around but Conrad isn't in the room. Still feeling week I decide to eat the meal and gain energy.

"Pasta for lunch. Mmmh." I moan enjoying the pleasure of the meal. Taking another bite before gulping the orange juice.

Someone cough catching my attention. I look at Conrad who is standing at the doorway of the bedroom. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Since you started moaning." He says walking towards me. I place the tray back on the nightstand and pick the banana. I look everywhere but not at him. I don't want him to see me blushing.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks. He sits on the bed causing the mattress to shift. I take a bite and try not to moan.

"Like you care." I retort after swallowing. He looks at me hurt in his eyes. He blink and suddenly turns his cold self.

"We are going to agree on one thing. You only have two choices. Do anything, everything I tell you or I fire you and take you out of my system. Oh and you have my mark so you have one choice... Remember your siblings lives are on your hands. Don't think Terrence will help Michelle because he is my brother we fight together for our mother and sister." He elucidate his point.

Shock, confusion, anger and hate all written on my face. I swallow hard and look at him. "What do you want? My siblings come first. I don't care if you kill me." I tell him honestly.

"From today you don't block me from accessing your thoughts. I'll tell you others later." He tells me. I want to slap him, curse him but all will be a vain attempt.

I inhale deeply and nod. My eyes watching the door. I know running away from problems won't help. "Okay." I mutter.

"That way I'll know when you lying and when not. You will help me track my mother and sister." He says.

"I am used to block them. Forgive me when I forget." I quickly say. He stands up and head to the bathroom plus closet room. He stops and turn. His words sending down my spine.

"You will be purnished in a way I deem fit. And you can tell Fisherburne who you truly are. Right now rest and check my emails and change the schedule." With that he closes the door.

I sigh deeply and take the tray with me. I walk to the couch and pick my laptop and heads back to the room.

Bastard! How am I supposed to rest when he gives me work?!

"Good." I hear him chuckle and pass me as I walk back inside his room. Oh no! He heard me and he enjoys my frustrations.

I open slam the door and throw my laptop carefully on the bed and let gravity lay me on the bed. With my stomach full sleep comes easily. Am glad that tablet George gave me helped.

"Hey!" I open my eyes and I see Grace with a glass of water and another tablet. I thought they were mad at Conrad.

The Green Grumpy Granny is the boss so we all do what he says. I hate him!

"Me too." Grace says with a chuckle. I sit upright and take the medicine from her.

"What time is it?" I ask her. She turns her wrist for me to read time from her wrist watch.

"No way! You should have woke me up. I can't believe I slept for more than six hours. The boss will kill me for sure." I groan loudly placing the water glass on her hand.

"Don't worry Grant and Fishburne left. Mr Vogel called them for an emergency meeting. Someone had tried to attack Terrence, Grant's brother." She tells me.

"What? Is he alright?" I worriedly ask. I just met him but I already like him not only because I know he will look after my sister.

"He is fine. Only his Earthican assistant was hurt. It seems like there are Mars people who are trying to-"

"Michelle is hurt?" I ask. Let this not be true. Let this not be true. Let this not be true. I cross my fingers.

"Yeah that one. She isn't badly hurt though." Grace tells me. I panic. Not her too.

"What is going on?" Conrad voice booms in the room. George is behind him.

"Nothing." Grace tells him and turn to look at me for support but her expression changes when she looks at me. " Why are you crying Patience?"

"Nothing am fine." I tell them wiping the tears that I didn't know were flowing. I pick my laptop and open it ready to start my job.

"Leave us alone." Conrad announces. George who is still at the door nods at me and walk out holding Grace's hand. They look cute together.

He walks to the door and closes it. Sitting next to me he takes my laptop from my lap and place it back on the bed.

"Terrence will make sure she is alright. Look at me Rea." With his finger on my chin I look at him. The tears blurr my view of his handsome face.

"You don't have to lie." I tell him lowering my gaze. "This is some kind of proof that you can do worse. You said you were told to kill me why wait? Oh I know now... you want to play with your prey, sadly me, before the kill."

"Rea I didn't mean to-" he stops and walk to the other room as he removes his shirt giving me the pleasure of admiring his back.

I sigh. Finally done with the work. I look at the time and am wondering what is wrong with Conrad. For two hours I've been working expecting for him to show up.

What if he fell asleep while taking bath? That will be risky. Or maybe he committed suicide? No. I am not going to think about that.

The door opens and I am relieved when I see him walking out just fine. "You were worried." He says probably after picking my thoughts. I don't deny nor agree.

He walks and sits on the bed. My eyes following him. Actually am admiring the god-like body. The way his body moves when he walks and how tempting he looks.

He is so hot and sexy. Just a touch of his wet hair and the feel of his flesh. How I miss him. What if I masturbate while-

"Don't!" His voice strained and hoarse. He lay on the bed giving me his back. I close my legs together to stop the moisture pooling between my thighs.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Just sleep." He groans turning even more away from me.

I stand ready to go to the toilet but he grabs my shirt stopping me. I turn and look at him questioningly. "Don't even think of masturbating again!"