The Stranger

Chapter 4

A week later

Aiden was sitting in the warehouse, practicing Ideakinesis by using conceptual element manipulation. He had been creating varying elements that had attributes they didn't usually possess, like flames that froze instead of burning, water that took moisture from what it touched, solid air, and silent lightning. The possibilities seemed endless, and Aiden was eager to explore them all.

At the moment, he was experimenting with solid air. He had managed to create platforms of invisible, solidified air, and he was using them to walk several feet above the ground. It was exhilarating—until he lost his concentration and fell on his back with a thud.

"Ow," Aiden groaned, lying flat on the cold, hard floor. "I need to work on that."

As he got up, dusting himself off, He used the modified water to clean himself without getting himself wet. The warehouse was quiet, the only sounds being the occasional creak of the old structure and the rustling of leaves outside. Aiden liked the solitude; it gave him the peace he needed to focus on his training. thus segueing into the next element he's training with the silent lightning 

Aiden focused on the silent lightning, an eerie phenomenon that crackled with energy but made no sound. He extended his hand, visualizing the lightning's path. A bolt of bright, silent electricity shot from his fingertips, striking a metal beam across the warehouse. The energy danced along the beam, illuminating the dusty interior with a ghostly glow.

"That's amazing," Aiden muttered to himself, mesmerized by the silent spectacle. "But it's still missing something."

He tried to adjust the intensity and duration, attempting to create a steady stream of silent lightning. As he concentrated, he felt a strange sensation, as if someone were watching him. Aiden dismissed it as paranoia, focusing back on his training. Just as he was about to unleash another bolt, a soft voice broke the silence.

"You know, playing with lightning indoors isn't the safest idea."

Aiden spun around dispelling the elements, his heart racing. Standing in the doorway was a familiar girl about his age, maybe a year or two older. She had a confident stance and an air of mystery about her. Her long, wavy auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders, catching the faint light filtering through the broken windows and glinting with hints of red and gold. Her eyes were a striking shade of emerald green, sharp and observant as if they could see right through him.

She wore a leather jacket over a dark green tank top, paired with black jeans and sturdy combat boots. A simple silver necklace hung around her neck, its pendant a small, intricate charm that looked like a mix between a snowflake and a star. Her overall appearance was both practical and stylish, suggesting she was used to handling herself in tough situations. my schoolmate Lydia.

"Lydia? What are you doing here?" Aiden said nervously

"Hello, Aiden! It's been a while," Lydia replied with a faint smile, her voice calm and composed. She stepped further into the warehouse, her gaze assessing the surroundings with a hint of curiosity. Lydia looked around the warehouse with a raised eyebrow.

"so what are you doing here?"

Aiden swallowed nervously, he knew needed to come up with something fast and then remembered that he still had dumbbells and weights around the warehouse. "I was working out," he replied, trying to sound casual.

Lydia glanced at the dumbbells and weights scattered around, then back at Aiden. "Interesting workout routine you have there," she said, her tone skeptical. 

"Yeah, but the gym is kind of crowded so I use the warehouse," Aiden explained, hoping she would buy the excuse.

Lydia chuckled softly. "You're a bad liar you know Aiden?"

Aiden sighed, knowing she wasn't convinced. "Alright, you caught me. please don't tell anyone."

Lydia chuckled again. "I wasn't going to."

She walked closer to Aiden, a smile on her face. "so what exactly is your ability."

"why are you asking?" Aiden said stepping back.

"Oh, that's simple. I have one too."

Lydia raised her hand into the air and small clouds formed above her hand. Aiden's eyes widened in surprise. He had always suspected there were others like him, but this was the first time he'd actually met someone who could do what he could.

"Atomokinesis," Lydia explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "I can manipulate the weather, control the elements on a molecular level. Right now, I'm just making a small cloud, but it can get a lot more intense."

Aiden watched as the cloud above her hand grew darker, small sparks of lightning flickering within it. The air around them grew noticeably cooler.

"That's incredible," Aiden said, genuinely impressed.

"Now back to my question what ability do you have?"

Aiden looked at Lydia skeptically not truly trusting her seeing as he barely talked to her in the first place so instead of telling her the truth he decided to tell a half-truth.

"I have Ideoelekinesis (conceptual element manipulation)." 

Lydia nodded thoughtfully, seeming to accept Aiden's answer without pressing further. She lowered her hand, causing the cloud to dissipate into the air above her.

"Ideoelekinesis, huh? Manipulating elements on a conceptual level," Lydia mused, her green eyes studying Aiden intently. "That's a pretty rare and powerful ability."

"Yeah, it's... unusual," Aiden replied cautiously, still unsure how much he could trust Lydia with the full extent of his abilities. "What about you? Controlling the weather sounds pretty intense."

"It has its moments," Lydia said with a wry smile, her expression briefly distant as if recalling past experiences. "It's useful, though. Especially when you need a bit of cover or distraction."

Aiden nodded, intrigued by Lydia's casual demeanor despite her extraordinary abilities. He had so many questions, but he wasn't sure where to start. Before he could decide, Lydia spoke again.

"You know, Aiden, you're not the only one with these kinds of powers," Lydia said, her tone becoming more serious. "There's a whole world out there, filled with people who can do things most others can't even imagine."

"A whole world?" Aiden echoed, his curiosity piqued. "You mean there are more like us?"

Lydia nodded solemnly. "Kinetic users, they're called. People with abilities that defy the natural order. Some keep to themselves, others... well, let's just say they attract attention."

Aiden absorbed this information, his mind racing with possibilities. "Why are you telling me this now?" he asked, trying to grasp the significance of what Lydia was sharing. Lydia looked at them with a small smile and then said.

"Because not everyone is as nice as me."

Lydia's words sent a chill down Aiden's spine, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. He realized that his powers, which once seemed like a personal gift, could attract unwanted attention and danger. As he processed Lydia's warning, he couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity about this hidden world of kinetic users.

"I see... so Lydia you have more experience with your kinetic abilities right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you teach me?"

Lydia regarded Aiden thoughtfully for a moment, weighing his request. Her green eyes scanned his face, assessing his determination and seriousness. After a brief pause, she nodded.

"I can teach you a few things," Lydia replied,

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet. first, show me what you got." Lydia said slipping into a combat stance.


Chapter 4: End