The School Incident

Chapter 5

The next day at school, Aiden groaned in pain from how sore his body was. Lydia had been ruthless. His muscles protested with every step, a reminder of the rigorous exercises she had put him through. Despite the discomfort, Aiden couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

As he navigated his way to his first class, Aiden noticed curious glances directed his way. Whispers followed him, the usual background noise of teenage gossip amplified by something unusual. Aiden frowned, wondering if Lydia had been right about the attention their abilities could attract.

During math class, Aiden's thoughts drifted back to the previous day's training. He remembered the surge of energy as he experimented with different elemental manifestations. Lydia had pushed him hard, urging him to harness his abilities with precision and control.

Lost in thought, Aiden absentmindedly twirled a pencil between his fingers. Without realizing it, multiple small white orbs appeared in the air around him. The other students noticed the orbs and began to whisper among themselves.

"Hey, did you see that?" one student said, nudging his friend.

"What's going on with Aiden?" another whispered, eyes wide with curiosity.

Aiden snapped back to reality, realizing what he had done. His heart raced as he quickly dispelled the orbs, hoping no one had seen too much. But it was too late; the entire class had witnessed his slip-up. The teacher, Mrs. Thompson, had also noticed the commotion.

"Aiden, is everything alright?" she asked, her tone a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Uh, yeah, everything's fine," Aiden replied, forcing a smile. "Just a little tired, I guess."

Mrs. Thompson raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. The rest of the class continued, but Aiden could feel the weight of their stares. He needed to be more careful. Lydia's warning echoed in his mind: not everyone with abilities had good intentions. Thankfully, the class forgot about the orbs, thinking that it was a trick of the light. But Aiden was still confused.

*'What were those lights?'*

At lunch, Aiden found a quiet corner in the cafeteria, hoping to avoid more attention. However, his friend Mark soon found him.

"Hey, Aiden," Mark said, sliding into the seat across from him. "What's up with you today? You seem... different."

Aiden sighed, debating how much to reveal. "It's nothing, really. Just had a rough training session."

"Training for what?" Mark asked, genuinely curious.

"Just... personal stuff," Aiden replied vaguely. "Trying to get in shape."

Mark nodded slowly, not entirely convinced. "Well, whatever it is, take it easy. You look like you're about to pass out."

Aiden chuckled, appreciating his friend's concern. "I'll be fine. Just need some rest."

As the day went on, Aiden remained hyper-aware of his surroundings. Every glance felt like scrutiny, every whisper a potential threat. He knew he had to talk to Lydia about what happened and figure out how to control his abilities better.

After school, Aiden met up with Lydia at the warehouse. She was already there, practicing her Atomokinesis, small clouds forming and dissipating above her hand.

"Hey," Aiden greeted, walking up to her. "We need to talk."

Lydia looked at him, concern in her eyes. "What happened?"

Aiden explained what had happened earlier that day.

"Are you sure you didn't accidentally use Ideoelekinesis to create those orbs?" Lydia asked.

"Certain," Aiden replied.

'It or Ideokineis either.' Aiden said in thought

"Hmm, let me think..." Lydia mused, 'That could be photokinesis or astroremkinesis...or ugh if only I could see it wait.' cutting her internal monologue short. "Aiden, do you think you could create those lights again?"

"I think so, but how would I do that without using Ideoelekinesis?"

"As long as you don't will Ideokinesis to activate, it shouldn't," Lydia assured.

Aiden nodded and closed his eyes, focusing on the memory of the lights. He felt a familiar tingling sensation in his fingertips, but he pushed aside the urge to summon elements conceptually. Instead, he focused on the image of the orbs, letting the energy flow naturally. Slowly, white orbs began to materialize around him, floating gently in the air. Lydia's eyes widened in amazement as she watched.

"That's definitely not Ideoelekinesis," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "It looks like Astroremkinesis. You can manipulate celestial bodies."

"Celestial bodies like suns, moons, and so on, right?" Aiden asked.

"Correct," Lydia confirmed.

Aiden hummed, thinking about the ability. "I think I can come up with some attacks for it."

"Like what?" Lydia asked, intrigued.

"Well," Aiden began, "I could create a miniature sun to produce intense heat and light, or a small moon to control tides or create gravitational fields. Maybe even use starlight to heal wounds or teleport."

Lydia nodded, impressed. "Those are some pretty interesting ideas, but those can wait until later."


"It's time to start your Vitakinesis training."

"Oh, right. Crap."

Aiden had forgotten that he had accidentally used Vitakinesis yesterday and she found out.

'God help me.'

Chapter 5: End