Testing Ideakinesis and Spars

Chapter 6:

Aiden sat alone in the warehouse, silently manipulating silent lightning. (Hehe, get it... screw you too then.) he dispelled the lightning, realizing that it had been an hour since Lydia was supposed to arrive.

"She's probably running late or something," Aiden thought, not particularly worried. He knew Lydia was more than capable of handling herself in a fight.

Instead of worrying, he focused on practicing with Ideokinesis, eager to test a new concept he had in mind. He closed his eyes and envisioned the concept of invisible slashes. Instantly, he felt a drain on his Psiconic energy, accompanied by the sound of cracking concrete. Opening his eyes, Aiden saw a large slash mark in the floor, and a grin spread across his face.

"Yes!" Aiden shouted, pumping his fist. "OK, this means I can replicate certain abilities. Yes!"

He got to work refining the technique, focusing on the intricate manipulation of the conceptual slashes.

Three and a Half Hours Later

Sweat beaded on Aiden's forehead as he sat on a crate, surrounded by the results of his practice—a multitude of slashes crisscrossed the floor. He took a moment to catch his breath.

"Phew, that was draining but worth it," he said, looking over the damage.

He pondered the new abilities he could develop, thinking, *At this rate, I will be moving like a certain King of Cures soon.*

His musings were interrupted by Lydia's voice. "Well, it seems like you've kept yourself busy, haven't you?"

Aiden turned to see Lydia walking into the warehouse, her eyes glancing around at the scattered debris. "Oh hey Lydia, you're late. Where were you?"

"Sorry, I was busy," Lydia said apologetically. "I didn't have time to text you."

"It's no problem," Aiden shrugged. "So, what's up?"

"How about a spar today?" Lydia suggested, excitement in her eyes.

Aiden stretched, his muscles relaxing from the earlier practice. "Sounds good to me. Let's see how much we've both improved."

They moved to the center of the warehouse, clearing away the debris from Aiden's earlier training. Lydia rolled her shoulders, preparing for the fight, while Aiden steadied his breathing and focused his thoughts.

"Standard rules?" Lydia asked, settling into a combat stance.

"Standard rules," Aiden confirmed, mirroring her stance. "First to three hits wins."

**The Sparring Match**

With a nod from both, the fight began. Lydia was quick to act, summoning four thunderclouds and directing them to unleash lightning at Aiden. He countered by creating a barrier of solid air to deflect the bolts and fired off bolts of silent lightning toward Lydia.

Lydia dodged with nimble grace, her movements sharp and precise. She responded by creating a gust of wind that propelled her forward. Anticipating her advance, Aiden conjured invisible fire that chilled rather than burned, forcing Lydia to stop and rethink her approach.

She summoned a dense fog to obscure her movements. Aiden, relying on his heightened senses and Ideokinesis, avoided a lightning bolt that had been concealed within the fog.

"Not bad," Lydia's voice echoed through the mist.

"You're not making this easy," Aiden replied with a smirk.

Aiden conjured a series of invisible slashes, which Lydia deflected with a barrier of swirling wind. She then used the moisture in the air to form and launch sharp icicles at Aiden. He countered by turning the icicles into sparks of silent lightning, which Lydia dodged with swift agility.

The two engaged in close combat, their movements a blur of elemental attacks and counterattacks. Lydia's combat experience showed as she executed a precise kick aimed at Aiden's midsection. He blocked it with a shield of ice and retaliated with a shockwave of freezing air.

Lydia jumped back, avoiding the cold blast and countered with a wave of intense heat that evaporated the ice around them. "You're getting better," she acknowledged.

"Thanks," Aiden replied, his eyes sharp and focused.

Deciding to up the stakes, Lydia activated her Hurricane Armor, a swirling, protective storm around her body. "Get ready, Aiden. This is my Hurricane Armor."

"Isn't that a bit much?" Aiden asked dryly.

"Oh, don't worry. It's only a Category 1 hurricane. I won't turn it up any higher," Lydia said with a grin.

Aiden narrowed his eyes at the swirling storm and began channeling his Astromekinesis into a new form. "You know, I haven't finished this yet."

Multicolored gases began to leak from Aiden's body, forming a gaseous, suit-like armor. "This is my Astromekinesis: Celestial Body Embodiment: Jupiter Form," he declared.

Lydia's eyes widened with interest. "Impressive! Let's see if it can handle a hurricane."

Without another word, Lydia charged at Aiden, her Hurricane Armor roaring to life. Aiden braced himself, his Jupiter Embodiment shimmering as he manipulated the storm-like gases.

Lydia's first attack was a powerful punch augmented by the storm's winds. Aiden countered with a dense hydrogen cloud that absorbed the impact. He then compressed the hydrogen, creating a small explosion that forced Lydia back.

Aiden pressed his advantage, generating a supercooled methane gas towards Lydia. She swiftly spun, creating a hot air vortex to counteract the cold gas. The two elements clashed in a storm of energy.

As the battle intensified, Aiden used his Jupiter Embodiment to generate sudden bursts of gravity, unbalancing Lydia. She countered with skillful use of wind to steady herself and strike back.

Lydia summoned a tornado, lifting herself off the ground and hurling debris at Aiden. He formed a massive barrier of gaseous pressure to absorb the debris and then redirected it as a concentrated energy blast.

Lydia created a wall of ice to block the blast and then sent the ice shards flying back at Aiden. He used a vortex of ammonia to dissolve the shards and followed up with a torrential downpour to disrupt Lydia's focus.

She intensified her Hurricane Armor, the wind and lightning around her becoming more ferocious. Aiden gathered his energy into a swirling sphere of gaseous elements and hurled it at Lydia.

The two forces collided in a spectacular explosion, sending both combatants sprawling.

When the dust settled, they lay on the ground, panting from exhaustion. Slowly, they got up, grinning at each other.

"That was... intense," Aiden said, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Yeah, you've definitely gotten stronger," Lydia said, smiling. "But don't think I'll go easy on you next time."

Aiden laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

Chapter 6: End