Learning to Hide

Chapter: 7

Aiden stood in the middle of a crowded street, his eyes scanning the bustling crowd. It was a challenge to stay hidden among so many people, but it was necessary. Learning to use his powers discreetly was the next step in his training. He needed to blend in, to be invisible in plain sight.

Over the past few days, he had been practicing subtle manipulations, using his Ideokinesis and Astromekinesis in ways that wouldn't draw attention. Simple tricks like manipulating the light to create shadows or altering the temperature around him to remain unnoticed had become second nature. But today's task was different—he had to navigate through a busy market without being detected while using his abilities.

Aiden took a deep breath and began to move. He subtly manipulated the air around him to deflect the attention of passersby, ensuring their gazes slid right past him. It was a delicate balance, maintaining enough control to remain undetected while not overexerting his powers.

As he walked, he practiced small manipulations. He cooled the air around him to avoid sweating in the summer heat, ensuring he stayed comfortable and focused. He bent light just enough to make himself a bit more obscure in the crowd, blending into the background.

Halfway through the market, he felt a strange sensation. It was as if the air around him had suddenly become colder. He glanced around, his senses heightened. That's when he saw her—a girl with icy blue eyes and pale hair, standing a few feet away. Her presence seemed to chill the air around her, and thanks to Lydia reaching him Aiden immediately recognized her ability.


The girl was arguing with a group of thugs, her demeanor calm despite their aggressive posturing. Aiden could see the frost forming on the ground around her, a clear warning to those who dared to threaten her.

Curious and cautious, Aiden moved closer, staying in the shadows. He wanted to see how this confrontation would play out, but he also wanted to be ready to intervene if necessary.

One of the thugs, a burly man with a scar across his face, stepped forward, swinging a fist at the girl. With a flick of her wrist, she created a barrier of ice, blocking the attack effortlessly. The thug stumbled back, cursing, while his companions hesitated, clearly unsure of how to proceed.

"Leave now, and you won't regret it," the girl said, her voice cold and steady.

The thugs exchanged nervous glances, but before they could decide on their next move, Aiden stepped forward. He created a small gust of wind to distract them, then manipulated the light around him to make himself more imposing.

"She's given you a chance," Aiden said, his voice low and commanding. "Take it and go."

The combination of the girl's icy power and Aiden's presence was enough to send the thugs running. They muttered curses under their breath as they retreated, but neither Aiden nor the girl paid them any mind. They were aware that even if they go to the authorities they wouldn't believe them.

As the thugs disappeared into the crowd, the girl turned to Aiden, her icy blue eyes studying him intently. "Thanks for the help," she said, her tone neutral. "I could have handled it, but I appreciate it."

Aiden nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I could see that. You have quite a unique ability."

She raised an eyebrow, her expression curious. "And you? You're not just an ordinary bystander. What's your power?"

"A little bit of everything," Aiden replied cryptically. "But mostly, I'm just trying to stay out of trouble."

The girl chuckled softly, the ice around her melting away. "I'm Mira Sinclair. My ability is Cryokinesis, as you've probably guessed."

"Aiden," he said, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Mira."

She shook his hand, her touch cool and firm. "So, what brings you to this part of town, Aiden?"

"Training," Aiden said, glancing around the market. "Learning to use my powers without drawing attention."

Mira nodded in understanding. "Not an easy task, especially around here. But if you ever need a practice partner, I might be able to help."

Aiden smiled, grateful for the unexpected ally. "I'd like that. And maybe I can learn a thing or two from you as well."

As they walked through the market together, Aiden realized that his journey was just beginning. With allies like Lydia and now Mira, he was more determined than ever to master his abilities and uncover the full potential within him.

Chapter 7: End