what's the color of your problem

The next morning, Lina woke up to the sound of a ringing phone. She reached out for her phone with her eyes closed and hit the snooze. She was just about to put her phone back under the pillow when it rang again. She hit snooze again, but it just kept ringing.

She groaned and slowly opened her eyes, only to see Bella standing at her bedside with her phone stick to her ear.

"I thought you wouldn't wake up or pick up my call," Bella said.

"What's the color of your problem exactly, bitch?" Lina asked irritably.

"Ummm, I think it's lemon color. No, or maybe it's green," she replied, pretending to be deep in thought.

Lina rolled her eyes disdainfully. "Fuck you, bitch," cussed lina.

"I love you too," she said and walked out of the room.

Lina had totally forgotten she had a job. She walked to the bathroom to freshen up and came out thirty minutes later, all washed up.

She was just about to open her wardrobe when her phone suddenly played the Cardi B song "Up," indicating it was ringing.

****'Up' playing****

She ignored it, thinking it was Bella. "Bitch, stop it!" she yelled from the room.

"Stop what?" Bella shouted from the kitchen.

"Oh, very funny. I ain't falling for it," she said and opened her wardrobe.

Bella opened the door slightly and peeked in. "What should I stop?" she asked curiously.

Lina ignored her and kept looking for clothes to wear.

"Can't you hea..." A ringing tone interrupted Bella.

Lina turned her head towards Bella. "Bella, stop it."

"Stop what? I'm not the one; my phone's in the kitchen," Bella explained.

Lina asked with a quizzical expression, "So, u ain't the one?" before picking up her phone from the bed.

When she saw the caller's ID - Daniel, her face fell.

"Hello," a deep and magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone as soon as it got connected.

"Good morning, Daniel," she greeted.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did. And you?"

Of course, he didn't sleep well, but he couldn't tell her that. "Come outside, I'll take you to the company," he said, brushing off the question.

"What company... oh, shit... shit... shit... I'm coming right now," she said and hung up the phone.

She quickly got dressed and rushed out of the room. "Hey, aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" Bella asked.

"Oh," Lina immediately turned back and ran to the dining table. She took two pieces of toast and a bottle of milk. "Thank you," she said and ran out of the house.

As soon as she stepped out of the house, she saw a black Rolls-Royce parked in the middle of the road, showing off. She immediately rushed over. The driver came out and opened the car door for her.

As soon as she sat in the car with toast and milk in her hands, Daniel's face turned ugly. "Oh, thank you so much, you're a lifesaver," Lina said and bit the bread unhurriedly.

Although Daniel's face was full of displeasure, he endured it and hummed softly, "You're quite a shitty worker, how can you forget?"

She had just eaten a piece when she choked. Lina quickly unscrewed the milk cover. Just as she was about to drink, Daniel's large hand reached over and lightly patted her back twice. "Careful."

Lina was stunned. Who said he was a cold-blooded CEO? That's totally bullshit and rumors, she thought.

She bit her lower lip. "Thank you," she innocently said and smiled.

Daniel inadvertently swept his gaze over her and saw her slowly bite into her bottom red lip. His eyes turned dark, a wave of heat inexplicably spread throughout his body. He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Lina's wrists. He pulled her into his arms and smashed his lips against hers.