Are you ready to be my girlfriend now

***The next morning***

Lina slowly opened her eyes, feeling disoriented and weak. As her vision cleared, she took in the familiar surroundings of her own room.

She sat up in bed, stretching her limbs and trying to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to her mind.

As she turned her head to the side, her gaze fell on the man sleeping peacefully by her bedside.

She studied his face, his features illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. His chiseled jawline was relaxed, his lips slightly parted in a serene expression. long, dark lashes rested against his cheeks, casting delicate shadows on his strong, defined features.

His tousled hair fell in gentle waves across his forehead, adding to his rugged charm.

The rise and fall of his chest with each breath was a mesmerizing sight, a testament to the calmness and tranquility of his slumber. In that moment, he looked like a work of art, a perfect blend of strength and vulnerability, captivating anyone who laid eyes on him.

Lina was captivated and couldn't look away. She watched him with a mixture of fascination and tenderness, her heart swelling with affection as she took in the sight of his relaxed form, lost in her thoughts.

Unbeknownst to her, Daniel stirs from his sleep, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal a pair of deep soulful eyes to meet her gaze.

Caught off guard, Lina froze, her heart skipping a beat as she realized she had been caught in the act of staring at him.

A flush of embarrassment colors her cheeks as she averts her gaze, feeling exposed. Lina's heart races as she struggles to find the right words to explain herself, her mind racing with jumbles of emotions and thoughts.

As he registered her presence, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes, sensing her shyness and discomfort at being caught staring at his sleeping face.

With a playful grin, Daniel decides to break the tension, his voice laced with humor as he quips, "I must be dreaming if I have such a lovely lady watching over me while I sleep."

Flustered and embarrassed, Lina quickly stood up, cheeks flushed with color, and tried to compose herself. Her eyes darted around the room, avoiding Daniel's amused glances.

She laughed nervously. "Hey, it's not what you think," she paused and smoothed down her hair. "There was a fly on your face, and I was just trying to chase it," she lied.

Daniel's eyes twinkled with amusement as he listened to Lina's elaborate lie. "Really?" he asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Uhh... yes, really," replied Lina nervously.

Despite catching her red-handed staring at him just moments before, he couldn't help but be amazed by the creativity and audacity of her story.

A deep chuckle escaped his throat, a sound that echoed through the room and caused Lina to blush in embarrassment even harder.

Desperate to change the topic and divert attention away from herself, she mustered up the courage to ask him what he found so amusing even though she was embarrassed.

"What's so funny?" her voice wavered slightly as her eyes pleaded for a reprieve from the awkwardness of the moment.

Daniel's lips curled into a knowing smile as he chuckled softly. He knew very well she was embarrassed, and he knew he couldn't evade her question. With a playful glint in his eyes, he said, "I'm laughing at how cute you are when you lie," explaining, his voice laced with a hint of mischief.

Lina knew she couldn't win against Daniel because she had been caught red-handed, so she could only give up and find another topic to talk about.

"You slept by the edge of my bedside yesterday. I know it must have been uncomfortable..." She paused and reached out her hand to gently touch his hand, feeling a rush of warmth and affection towards him. "I know it must have been tiring... thank you, Daniel. I'm really grateful."

Daniel smiled softly, his heart touched by her gratitude. "You don't have to thank me," he paused and squeezed Lina's palm lightly. "Being with you is a gift in itself." He reached out his hand and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. "And I feel blessed to have you by my side."

Lina's eyes shine with emotions at his words, feeling a deep connection to him in that moment.

"U're a sweet talker, aren't u?" she asked and smiled broadly.

With a playful grin plastered on his face, he slowly leaned in. "So... are you ready to be my girlfriend now?" He flashed her a charming smile.

As he waited for her response, there was a mix of anticipation and nervousness in his eyes, hoping that she would see through his playful facade and understand the depth of his feelings for her.

Lina's gaze was filled with adoration as she stared back at the man sitting beside her, a soft smile playing upon her lips, revealing a hint of dimples that only added to her charm.

Seeing her smile lovingly at him, Daniel's heart skipped a beat as he dared to hope for the first time. He couldn't help but ask her again, but this time more sincerely.

He stared closely at her, his gaze unwavering as he looked into her eyes, his voice soft and gently filled with emotions devoid of any playfulness. "Lina, are you really going to be my girlfriend?" he asked.

His gaze is intense, his features are drawn tight with anticipation, every muscle in his body is taut with nervous energy, his hand clenched at his side as he waits for her response.

The room seems to fall away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of tension and expectations.

Time seems to slow down as he watches her, searching her face for any sign of what she might be feeling.

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as Lina remained silent, her lips pressed into a thin line as she struggled to find the right word.

The tension in the air is thick, the weight of her silence hanging heavy between them, and just when it seems like she will never speak.

She finally breaks the silence with a small, nervous laugh, "No, of course I'm not ready to be your girlfriend," her voice light and teasing, bursting the bubble of expectation.

Daniel's world seems to shatter around him, his face fell, a mixture of disappointment and disbelief clouding his features as he struggles to process her rejection. "Wait... what?" he asked.

"Did you really fall for my expression just Now?" she asked back, ignoring his question.

Daniel's heart felt heavy with disappointment. Despite the pain of her words, his love for her remains unwavering. He knows it won't be easy to please a girl like Lina, and he vowed never to give up on her. He is willing to do whatever it takes, to go to any lengths to make her love him in return.