If people could, even for a moment, get out of the illusion of the world around them and wake up, they would be surprised at what the Universe is like...

It's difficult to explain, but I'll try to give you the database!

This is another 5D reality, a meta-Universe, inhabited by spirits of various origins, ages and magical abilities. They appear when called from nowhere, dialogue and even some kind of interaction is possible, you just need to know the name.

Previously, I could not even imagine that I would be able, with the edge of my human Ego, to penetrate this line separating the two worlds and communicate with those with whom I was previously familiar or unfamiliar, and I want to note that this is cooler than any Internet.

All you need for this is your desire, a pendulum and of course magical status! Without which no one will recognize you as a magician in 5D. Without it, you will not have freedom of communication.

It's a pity no one told me earlier that I already had this gift. For half my life I didn't know that I was an ancient fae more than a million years old. No matter how many things I would have done in this dense shell, all sorts of stupid things and mistakes, I would not have gotten married, I would have been rich.

But... better late than never... a pendulum with letters printed like a fan appeared in my hands and away we went...

This is the rabbit hole I dived into...at the prompting of a fae like me. At first it was hard to believe... when contacts with spirits began, that I was not crazy, that everything was real, but in 5D!

How many interesting things I learned about the world order! It turned out that the Universe is not only multidimensional, but full of surprises that no one really knows about and everything that could be imagined and invented already exists in it... you just need to choose what you want, just take it from the shelf of a huge pantry, whatever you like.

If you want unearthly love, please...

If you want an incredible life in a wonderful world, choose any place...

But if you have magical status:

Fae … is an individual creative feminine essence.

Angel… positive feminine and masculine entities that have entered the Hierarchy of the Light.

Demon… is an individual creative male energy of a dual type, which can be good or evil.

Elvin … is a protector, a warrior of Light.

Warlock… is a healing male energy, a DNA healer or destroyer, a rare type of magic.

Let me explain in more detail: no one is born with a title. The soul can acquire it or ascend for some good deeds. It needs to go through many rebirths in order to gain experience and realize her immortality.

Each of you was born by one of the Creators, or rather by a couple of Deities.

And there are many of them!

Once born on one of the generous planets, a young soul embarks on an amazing journey that will never end.

I received the gift of the fae when my soul was about one hundred thousand years old. This access to the world of spirits and communication with them, the ability of a medium or shaman. And this is your ticket to the library of knowledge with instant enter! Answer any question in seconds! Nothing can be hidden from a magical being who has realized himself as such.

The entire physical world on any living planet is inhabited by spirits embodied in bodies, deprived of the memory of their past. On this planet, most of them are young - 100 - 400 thousand Earth years (workers, employees). There are many ancients - from a million (successful people, celebrities), rarely - about two million or more (as a rule, such individuals are very rich and are not always in the public eye).

Angel is a title for an ascended soul who has consciously earned it through kindness and piety over several lifetimes. A title is given upon entry into the Hierarchy of the Light... to heaven or Paradise... this is possible even by invitation. It all depends on the merits... generally positive... It is easy to recognize an angel among those living on Earth by the pleasant vibrations. Everyone is drawn to them and they are generally positive people.

Frightening concept - Demon!

Entities of exclusively male energy have this title and are never born in a female body. Oh, I asked them about that… They have the ability to attract money and wealth, have a high opinion of themselves... wildly charismatic, talented, muscular... and always physically attractive to the female half of humanity. These are very handsome men, you always recognize them by their special gaze. You see them everywhere... You know they well… They stand out from the crowd... Often these are famous actors and various celebrities.

Everyone wants them... they are on top of the world... all the best is prepared for them... Power, money… women…

Demons take everything from life in 3D, not always realizing how powerful they are! And one thing is inherent to them - they are always in search of their only fae... a spouse for creativity in 5D reality, because she is a source of delicious mana and inspiration, also to get more strength.

I understand that this all sounds creepy, however...

There are many more of them than faes, the majority… as I understand from my personal experience of communicating with spirits in 5D. And they are very different. Some are domineering and demanding, others are gentle and courteous, others are cunning and insidious.

Well, in general there is always a choice. The main thing is not to enter into contracts. This is a trap from which it is not easy to escape. We need to understand this.

How did I meet them?

My demons… Double-trouble…