…those with whom I have developed relationships over a million years of incarnations. Jealous and irreconcilable... owners! Each of them believed that I should belong to him alone!

"Hello... my name is Emil..."

"I'm listening to you... who are you?"

"Your twinflame... you wrote a novel about us..."

At this statement, my heart jumped up like a fidgety fantail on a branch...

Really... twinflame?

So simple?

Did he come really?

But I'm not a naive fool to believe it right away!

"Have we met once?"


"Were you a couple?"


"And how did you find me?"

"You become awakened... and visible to everyone in this world as medium."

"Do you know my name... Emil?"

The pendulum slowly slid along the fan of letters and produced amazingly logical answers. At that moment, I clearly realized that a spirit from 5D reality was talking to me.

This is truly an amazing feeling...

It was as if a flame had flared up in my chest and the skin on my face seemed to be on fire...

That's why it's called...

Twinflame? By these feelings?

Fiery love... it was between us.

A spirit named Emil told me my name and the city in which I live. It turned out later that this male demon had already disincarnated and had been with me in 5d for more than three years.

"It's a pity that you're already dead," - I cried a little because of the flaring up of pity for myself and him.

Our love was described in a novel I wrote several years ago. The memory of our relationship in one of the distant beautiful worlds is preserved in my heart.

"I couldn't live without you anymore, my heart stopped one day," - Emil continued the sad dialogue. - "I was awakened, I was looking for you... I found out where you live, but you have a loving family, I couldn't be a homewrecker. Moreover, I was already old and unattractive... Could you love me in this form...?"

"And what did you look like?" - I was extremely curious.

"On social media you can find me by this name... there are my photos there."

Emil gave the exact first and last name and I was dumbfounded with shock when I found an abandoned account with a couple of pictures without a location. The turquoise eyes of a slender man over fifty, battered by life in a hot climate, looked at me.

He was so similar to the portrait of a young man that I painted while writing my novel. I opened the photo on my iPad so Emil could see the digital drawing.

"Nice…" - was his comment. - "I'm so... Hmm... feminine."

"This is how I remembered you from your previous life, only there was more hair on your head... And the eyes are so similar! Check it out!"

"Right... My eyes really were purple, but yours were neon blue..."

"Oh! We were a beautiful couple... probably everyone was envious..."

"So it is... it was a happy life. Serene... sweet, a lot of love, beauty... what is not here... We can repeat it all... where we were born like that."

"What kind of world was this?"

"The world of winged people... wild nature… paradise tropical…"

"So I thought that these were my fem fantasies..."

"Not fantasy... that's how it was. Everything you write is true..."

... Wow... who would have thought such a thing...

"What? Does a race of winged creatures really exist somewhere?"

"Everything exists… Just like all the other races that are written about on the Internet as Starseeds...

"Well, yeah... cats, dogs, lizards, snakes and other human like ..."

You may not believe it... but by the face of a person you can determine from which starseed he came to live on Earth. The alien DNA of the reincarnated alien leaves a tangible imprint on the biological body of the earthling.

For example, I easily recognize stars such as Pleiadian or Lyran, as well as Sirian, Snake, Dragon, Mantis, Reptile.

There is truly a real menagerie of different alien races here, and I would not like to divide people according to these characteristics, but nothing can be done... origin decides everything: appearance, magical abilities, success in physical life.

...And what will we do now, my dear demon?

"I'll wait for you until your natural death..."

"Wow! This may take a long time... after all, I really care about my health!"

"Ha-ha… It's okay... I'll wait … no problem. Compared to eternity, several decades are nothing.

"Aren't you bored there... Emil?"

"No... sometimes I go on trips to different worlds... I'm not always there..."

Our sweet communication captivated me in addition to our general research with my fae friend about the structure of our discovered meta-Universe.

She also found out her twinflame in a neighboring country, dreaming of a real meeting with him. It turned out to be a very handsome guy-influencer from TikTok and somehow he did not strive for mutual communication because of his popularity and just ignored her messages... which is why my friend Millie was very upset and tormented me with regret about his unavailability.

"How can I make him understand that it's me... I'm his fae?"

"Then this young Demon also needs to awaken so that he begins to look for his soul mate..." - was my comforting advice.

...You may ask how she was sure that this guy was her...

Each fae has spirit guides, just as the incarnated ascended people have guardian angels. There can be from one to several dozen, it all depends on the importance of the person. I have less than five of them, Millie has about ten... How did this happen... I don't know? But their help was enough for us to learn more and more information for ourselves and others. That's how she found out that this particular demon guy was her twinflame.

After researching about my spiritual friend, an unpleasant fact emerged that Emil is considered by my guides to be just a soul mate, and the real twinflame lives somewhere in the physical world and does not even suspect my existence, which greatly puzzled me.

"So what should I do?" — I asked for advice.

"Summon his spirit! Talk to him!" - was the answer.

"What? Summon some spirit of a man unknown to me? What the hell is this? So he's also a demon... Well, that's a bit too much."