However, everything turned out to be very simple. In fact, I could immediately summon any spirit for a conversation. Let me clarify right away that this does not require any lit candles or ridiculous rituals. Just my intention is enough. I truly am able to speak to any soul, whether incarnated or not.

First I found out his age, the city where he lives, marital status and name... spiritual and physical, which gave a hint that this man was Italian.

 "Roel... I'm addressing you as twinflame for a conversation..." - I said his first and last name.

 "Name yourself..." - the pendulum rustled through the letters.

 "Your fae… is looking for a meeting, and you are looking for me?"


 "Describe yourself…"

 "Tall man... black hair... brown eyes..."

 The pendulum glided in the air very sluggishly and dull answers did not give me confidence that I was talking to an adequate spirit and I stopped our contact after several statements that he needed to wake up and find me.

 "And why did you need him?"— My friend's forehead wrinkled in bewilderment. - "This Roel seems strange to me... not my type! So...uh...rude and..."

 "What, do you see him through space?" - I was surprised.

 "Yeah... and this is not a very nice person! No way to meet him!"

 - Aw... to hell with it! But he is very rich, as I found out from my guides."

 - And married..."

 - Well, of course!"

 - Let's see his aura..."

Millie curiously slid her pendulum across the rainbow layout:

 "Oh... golden... blue... blue... Really rich, bastard... and one feels that his personality is not nice..."

 "So it's obvious!?"

 "The vibes are so creepy... let's find out the spiritual age... The demon is still... Wow... ancient... million 800 thousand... well, it's clear why rich..."

 Who would have thought, but after a couple of hours this spirit Roel himself called me in touch.

How did I feel it?

It was as if I was being burned from the inside by an invisible flame. This is a sign of desire for contact in the 5D. The pendulum moved very slowly, hitting the right letters:

"I missed you... long time no see."

"What are you going to do?"

"Will find you…"

"And how? Do you know where I live?"

The spirit slowly wrote out the name of my city...

It's crazy... I was stuck in heavy thoughts for a long time. Is it worth meeting some stranger in the flesh just because he is supposedly my twinflame? However, the spirit of Roel decided not to stand on ceremony any longer and set a period for our meeting within one month.

"What? Maybe not? - I objected loudly. - After all, I have a family and children..."

"It doesn't matter... these are not problems for me... we'll meet... I want you..."

I was embarrassed and silent in response, because I was no longer a young girl to change husbands, especially since I didn't really want to. After some research, it turned out that a couple of centuries ago we already lived together in one of the quiet European countries.

My friend reacted very sourly to such an event:

"What the hell!? Why do you need to meet him?"

"I don't know... he insists."

My exhortations led to nothing... Roel seemed to be waiting for my awakening, because I stubbornly ran away from him in other worlds and hid for thousands of years, as it turned out.

Soon another fae spirit got in touch... My work colleague, whom I left long ago, when urgently moving to another country... My pendulum almost fell out of my hand in surprise. We were never really friends, occasionally communicating about work matters at the publishing house.

"Liana? You? Seriously? What connects us?"


"Which one?"


"But I'm... a fae... a female essence... how could I be connected to you by such ties... you're definitely not a demon?

"Heh... no... well, you were a man then, when we became intimately acquainted... I specially arrived on Earth to meet you..."

"But we already met in this reality... why didn't you tell me anything?"

"Well, you understand the difference between the human Ego and the consciousness of the spirit... I am not awakened..."

At that moment, I didn't know what to answer, confused... Actually, I had long been aware that I lived half of my lives in men's bodies for my own special reasons...

Name which ones?

Well, firstly... in a male body it is much more convenient and a lot of everything is available at all times and circumstances... secondly, it is not so easy to offend you, you can always answer with your fists and not be defenseless in the physical worlds... and thirdly, this is an attempt to avoid harassment from demons who are disdainful in same-sex relationships... although it's not a fact, three percent of them may be gay. In the now famous novels, this is romantically told by representatives of the Mantis and filled with all sorts of memes on TikTok... You probably know them well...

"And... do you want to meet?"

"I would like to, my love... but it's unlikely to happen. I won't be able to get into your country... you understand why... I ask you, dear, do not start a relationship with Demons, these devils... they are extremely dangerous..."

"Dangerous? Who exactly?"


"Do you know him?"

"Of course... a long time ago... you need to break the ancient marriage contract with him..."

"What?" — my hands twitched nervously.

"That's why I'm here on Earth... you yourself asked me to help you do this..."

"And how?"

"Call on Archangel D.. so that He breaks your connection forever... This is not a joke! Everything is serious!"