Irroys visited the spiritual Internet the next day after an almost sleepless night filled with fragments of suspicious dreams, where I am in the form of a handsome man... an elegant officer with big blue eyes... receiving burning glances in my direction... from one blond... Wow... that's where such strange things come from sensations... Now it finally became clear to me why I, like crazy, watched a bunch of gay comics with adoration for a couple of years and for a long time could not understand my idiotic addiction to such dirty pictures.

Feelings flared up in my spiritual core, overwhelming the upper chakras with a burning sensation, and my breathing quickened. And now he was kissing me passionately in a secluded place... the images were not going to leave my mind.

… What? So we weren't partners by profession?

"Aha! You could have said right away... Irroys, what kind of relationship we had..."

"Sorry... do you remember?"

"So I suddenly recalled ... Were you and I gay? Was it actually normal there?"

"Well, it happened..." - his answer seemed embarrassed to me. - "What's terrible about this? Your feminine essence was in a male body... How to avoid attraction? This is impossible…"

Then the text appeared confusing... something like how we loved each other very much.

"Well, yeah..." - I agreed with his confession, continuing to insist that it was necessary to mention this right away and not hide the details.

"I have been looking for you for so long... all over the worlds... I still love you, my treasure."

... Heh... I immediately dived with a pendulum through the tables, calculating in earthly years when our last meeting was... What? Three hundred thousand years ago? Seriously? Don't feelings dry up over such a period of time?

"And... what's next?" - I asked in confusion. - For what purpose did you contact me?"

"Well, maybe you would like to meet?

"What? Really? Will you come to me on a ship?"

"Do you mind?"

"Of course not! Come..."

What am I saying? This is all my character of the Sagittarius... always looking for adventures on my ass... Goosebumps ran all over my body from horror... that I could meet with alien. Are you kidding!What a madness!

"In ten days..."

"Well, okay... agreed."

"Who is this spirit... who is next to you? Emil..."

"This is my beloved... we had fun together in one 3D realm like winged ones... and all that. He himself found me and is waiting for my disincarnation..."

"Apparently... this is a new relationship... Well... I'm jealous..."

After this contact, visions of views from another world appeared again: a city of multi-story unusual buildings under the blue glow of one of the luminaries... an apartment with a large bed with a semicircular design and I was defenseless in front of a slender man of two meters in height with a pumped naked body with translucent blue skin... He loomed above me is clearly not for a friendly conversation. The fire in my chest lit up again, turning my insides inside out.

… What? Does Irroys send me pictures like this? It's crazy... I don't want to do this with him at all... What tangible mental abilities he has! Penetrates my consciousness and shows obscene images... But it's understandable... what other motivation does he have to date me? Just for the purpose of fucking... which sounds pretty stupid. There are a lot of dazzling beauties in his world... These are the Pleiades! Everyone there is cute, and the women are divinely beautiful in both figure and face. And even here on Earth, these stars, incarnating in earthly shells, conquer hearts with their ideal angelic beauty.

"He's a liar..." - Emil stated confidently when I entered the spiritual channel from his fiery touch.


"He's not an alien!"

"Then who? Why is he blue-skinned?"

"I don't know... but he's lying... he's not among the living... and he seems to be in love with you..."

"Why such a conclusion?"

"Kisses you... infuriates me! What did you have with him... with this demon?"

"Well... I don't remember very well... so fragments..."


"Is he driving you away?"


...What the fuck!

I immediately told Irroys when he appeared near my avatar in 5D:

"Emil is complaining to me that you're bullying him... Don't do that!"

"Is he... dear to you? Why?"

"I already said..."

"This demon is not suitable for you... Very weak..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm many times stronger than him... why are you with him? Do you experience something fabulous with him? This can't happen... Choose me!"

"But... I have the right to love whoever I want... the one who is dear to my heart and I know exactly who it is."

"Love me!"

"Sounds like an order..." - I answered in confusion. - "What it is? Have you turned on manipulations? I didn't promise you anything like that. We are just communicating as old friends..."

"Do you really remember me?"


"Then be mine... With me you will be protected... otherwise your chosen one will always fail in his attempts to protect you!"

"From whom to protect it?"

"From demons... there are a lot of them! What will you do when they come to you?"

"That's not what I call them! Why should they come to me? No one else?"

"Every fae has a contract with demon! You need to choose the strongest! No other way! I will become it for you!"

"What will they do to me in 3D reality?"

"Not there, but here... they will force you to make love... You are free, you have no contracts, your chosen one is too weak... so they will start pestering your celestial body in droves and demanding marriage..."

...I could have considered this as jokes and threats, but I could feel the seriousness of my difficult situation. Then I couldn't even imagine that in 5D they were having sex and raping, and it shocked me. Oh my God! Really?