I had to ask Emil about this in more detail.

"Yes... that's right... real sex is almost like in 3D, very vivid sensations..."

"Did you do this with me?"


"And why not?"

"I'm embarrassed to ask."

"And you never used it? Strange... Would you like to?"


"And how often?"

"Every day…"

"Well, I'll think about it..." - was my hesitant answer.

 It was strange to hear about such needs in 5D reality... after earthly life, passions do not disappear anywhere. Because the masculine and feminine essences are attracted to each other invariably in any realm.

Do not think that spirits are doing something incomprehensible outside of their incarnations. Love is present in all dimensions and sometimes in a very strange form...

Spirits remain people forever, get married and move to other worlds, change their magical status, gain new powers... It doesn't matter whether you are an angel or a demon.

Eternal love...

Emil and I discussed these feelings between us for a long time. This can flare up unexpectedly after several lives together, where we were so fascinated by each other that our energies formed a fusion similar to that of twinflame...

We were not destined or chosen, we simply fell head over heels in love and this feeling was imprinted in our hearts so much that the memory made its way in one earthly life in the form of tangible images and descriptions. Emil was very impressed that I painted an oil portrait of him from a past life and created a prototype of a winged guy of unearthly beauty... I bought a 65 cm doll from a well-known Korean company and concocted an image of the desired guy from it...

It was 7 thousand years ago on one of the planets of the Canes Venatici... the Sirian civilization flourished with a variety of life forms brought from other worlds. This is their total hobby - hybridization and selection.

There were all sorts of creatures there. I especially remember the incredibly beautiful mermaids and tritons of various types - Mintaky they are called Starseeds.

I spent a lot of time by the huge pools watching them dance carefree in the transparent water... divine!

About 500 of us winged people were brought from one distant planet with wild flora and fauna. We voluntarily boarded the Sirian ship for the promise of more comfortable and luxurious conditions and lived a long, happy life there, filled with pleasant events.

However... we, as a beautiful winged couple, aroused envy and jealousy among those who made friendly relations with us... Unfortunately, other women fell in love with my beautiful Emil and tried to seduce him by any means, he was so attractive...

So much so... that one of my relatives, with whom I no longer communicate because of her absurd character, could not forget about him in this earthly life. I was shocked when I saw portraits of my Emil on social networks and a published novel about her love with him... What? This nasty witch adores my sweetest demon?

Let me make a brief explanation about witches: this status is acquired by performing negative magic towards other people.

 "You know her? Emil... my niece Anita?"

 "Of course... she was a priestess of a spiritual cult there... on Sirius... She fell in love with me, but I rejected her..."

 "Really? Why is she still pining for you? She even remember your name, dreams about you, writes books... sells them! I do not like it…"

 "So what? This is her memory about me... I don't like her... as a woman... It's okay... I'm with you."

 "Her mana is not to your taste... my favorite demon?"

 "Heh... no!"

 "What about my energy?"


Such things: if the female energy of a fae is to the taste of a demon, then he will never leave her alone, will hunt for her for thousands of years, trying to seduce her, become her only lover, offering her earthly riches and comfort, and all because of delicious mana - an eternal source of pleasure!

My dear faes embodied on Earth, don't you realize that at night, while you sleep, demon hunters constantly taste mana from your sleeping lips? They are looking for the most delicious and blissful energy that causes euphoria. A scorching flame is their passion, wouldn't be burn...

The choice is yours which handsome guy you accept. He will definitely appear in your life... call him... talk to him and you will be happy... But naturally, for this you need to become awakened.

For this reason, I am writing this instruction based on my personal experience.

I wouldn't say that I was very lucky, because it turned out that there were five hunters for me and everyone wanted to be the only one, and although I chose Emil, the rest were not going to give up and demanded attention through the pendulum, burning me with their flames.

"You chose too weak..."

"I'm stronger than him..."

"I will make you happy in the earthly world... just say yes and I will come as a physically handsome guy... say that you love me..."