My friend Millie winced at my impressions and said:

"Don't communicate with them... send them away... I hate listening to your stories about them. Your demons are very unpleasant to me... except for Emil. I don't like your harem relationship. Everything is so in your novels - there are many men in love with you! Annoying!"

"What can I do?" - I giggled in response. - "So funny! And in general, you know what my character is - I'm interested in everything! And… I explore the secrets of the Universe!"

It was not easy for her: her flighty, handsome demon Aloni was in no hurry to meet physically and constantly found some excuses while they communicated through the pendulum in 5D. She confronted him daily through social networks, enthusiastically admiring his numerous posts and reels, where the handsome man skillfully exposed himself, earning good money from modeling agencies while posing with one spectacular girl of snake origin, Starsid.

"Ugh... so she's a snake! The most cunning creatures who know how to use other people to their advantage. Your demon attracts money and she immediately takes advantage of his unearthly beauty and fame."

"That bitch Miosa really pisses me off," - Millie complained. - "Why does he behave this way? He tells me like a spirit that he loves me, but promises to meet only in a couple of months... I asked the spirits - his friends... They say that Aloni does not have a girlfriend, he is reserved... and how gorgeous he is..."

"Yes... Aloni is very handsome," - I agreed with my friend, stroking her shoulder comfortingly.

His slanting turquoise eyes on his chiseled exotic face, framed by silvery curls, sparkled with a dangerous look and seduced thousands of fans.

"He's just not yet mature for a real relationship... very young... immature... wait a little. If he is as awakened as you are, as you claim, then you will definitely meet."

Their relationship lasted a million years on the planets where the Lyrans moved after the destructive war of representatives of the warlike Draconian civilization. This couple rarely left their starseed family of feline humanoids, unlike me. And where did my restless spirit go?

I received special impressions when I was born as a military officer in the service of the Pleiadian space fleet, trying to take revenge on the Dragons and other aggressive civilizations for their destructive actions against peaceful alien creatures. Eaters of innocent creatures! Intruders! Predators worthy of destruction! How much anger my colleagues and I then took out in battles in space and on planets... These were tough battles, as shown in science fiction films and even worse... The losses were colossal on all sides. My past remains in my memory forever, but these wars against the enemies of the Galactic Federation still continue.

"Come back to me in the Pleiades," - Irroys suggested during telepathic contact.

"Well, no... I already spoke about my plans... Emil and I are going somewhere after this life of mine, to relax far from civilization in the lap of wild nature..."

"You'll feel better with me..."


"I'll give you everything you want, and you give me your love..."

...Words, words... my dear faes, don't take anyone's word for it in the spirit world, it's full of pranksters who are terribly bored with idleness and want to have fun through intimidation at your expense. They don't want to incarnate into the dense world and they stage entire performances to laugh at your naivety. I was played as a naive, silly girl many times, you should always ask your guides which spirits hang around you in 5D, if there are any pranksters.

Demons are extremely interested in winning your heart, and therefore your soul... and will do everything for this... For example, they pretend to be Angels and this happens. The pendulum may let me down and indicate the presence of such, but it will be a Demon, cunning and insidious, he needs your feelings of sympathy or love, if they suddenly arise.

And one day such a deceiver showed up to me... An ancient huge strong demon Halos, who flew to the radiance of my spiritual core... to drink my energy. He introduced himself as the God of Light, which confused and scared me. The soul froze in awe from unknown strange sensations... delight and fear at the same time...

 However, I didn't hear any kind words from him... He attacked me in the middle of the night, sucking my mana from my chest, penetrating my celestial body with his essence. It's as if my skin was flooded with hot water to the point of noticeable burns... It's impossible to escape from the burning embrace, my rapid breathing gives relief so as not to suffocate from his passion...

"Mmm... I'm in bliss... do you like my love?"

He called my name in his own way, as if we had known each other before...

"What do you want?"

"Your blessed mana... cutie!"

"Actually... I don't like this kind of obsessive behavior. Of course you are a hot man and all that, but this is too much!"

" You be my wife…"

He weighed this down as a statement, without even asking for consent... I had to call Archangel G... so that the light-bringer would hit the ridge properly. I was always surprised by his willingness to help me at the first call... it was difficult to explain. The demon, however, could not calm down and came quite often, staying with me all night while I slept.

"Halos comes to you..." - Emil said upon contact.

"Ugh... he tormented me with his passion... but what does he look like?"

"Three times your size and... handsome... muscular blond."

... According to the meta-Universe, his age turned out to be about 50 eons (1 eon is 100,000 years), well, that's middle age... For comparison, I'm still a teen 11 eons old...