"As if I need his beauty? And in general, I hate big guys, I always walk around them a kilometer away. Small guys are much nicer to talk to..."

"Oh... I know about it... I'm just not tall and nice..."

"Why don't you dream about me one day? Then I'll see what you look like..."

"You know... long gray curls and a thin figure... everything is to your taste..."

"Feminine guys seem more harmless and cozy to me than brutal men..."

"You have mental trauma from past lives... it's clear... what they did to you..."

...Oh... my heart sank from the terrible memories, I felt so sad... these men did disgusting things to me...

I cried... and someone appeared, touching my hand...

An angel... a real one, as the pendulum showed me... His aura glowed silver and my soul felt so good...

"Miriel... I will heal your spiritual wounds... many lives... many years... you were used as a toy... injuries, pain... you hate men... for eons you were a prostitute."

"Look... this... is not inspiring information... It's even kind of offensive..."

... To hear such a thing from an angel that I was used in all the holes for eons! Ashamed!

"Not your fault, not your choice," - letters appeared on the fan. - "You were captured... Then you managed to hide in other worlds."

"Nice to meet you... Miriel... why did you come to someone like me?"

He did not respond, starting treatment... then I thought that I had aroused the sympathy of an angel and he himself came down from heaven... but I was wrong... about his selfless intentions.

For a long time I could not understand what was happening to my body in 5D reality... why there was so much attention to it. Emil didn't tell me right away, but then it dawned on me...

I was made a prostitute for demons...

How did I understand this?

They came in turns and made love to my avatar ...

What the heck!?

I asked my spiritual guides:

"What's going on here? My body constantly feels like it's on fire! Is someone touching me?

What is his name?"

The name was different every time... and it pissed me off!

"Miriel... How do you explain that demons are passing by and touching me? Why am I so defenseless?"

The angel answered melancholy:

"There is no way out for you... There is nowhere to hide... you are now part of our reality..."

"Why me?"

"Fae... milf... Mana oozes out of you and attracts demons... at this age."

...By the way, milf is an offensive word for me...

"What? What the hell is this?"

"Such is the fate of someone like you - a writer of dirty erotic novels... to become their lover... You attracted attention to yourself with your own lust..."

"What? Have you read my novels."

"Of course... amazingly accurate information about demons and mana... and you posted everything on the Internet. For this, I can't imagine what threatens you from the Lord of Darkness... when he finds out. I understand, this is your traumatic past, described in them, which you did not choose... but still because of them, you, a horny MILF, are here in the beautiful body of a prostitute avatar... nowhere to escape... accept it."

"Why do demons need to touch me in this sense?"

"They also need love, you are their inspiration ..."

"A inspiration? What?"

"Their aggression sometimes goes off scale... we, the forces of Light, need bait like you - to distract them with love affairs... This way, everyone will be calmer, without unnecessary battles..."

"But I... demand justice... because I did not sign any contracts and did not agree to become a toy of demons!"

"And who will help you? There is no way out for such a lustful woman. Your abode is hell."

"God! God will help me..."

"Well, try... reach out to heaven... The Lord does not pay attention to creatures under 15 eons..."

"Why is this? Not fair!"

"Low-frequency creatures... there is no protection for you. It's especially difficult for women. Therefore, their libido is initially lower in order to escape from demons. But in your case it is difficult.

"It turns out that all of us, women of the Earth, are defenseless against demons?"

The question remained unanswered... and I was without any help... On the one hand, I could call on Archangel D… in special cases when my body was seized with unbearable heat due to the embrace of a demon, but at night, when you sleep, it is difficult to control someone's presence.

"Why didn't you tell me, Emil... why was my mind connected to this avatar?"

"Sorry... I thought you liked it... hot guys paying attention to you... Just the way you like it..."

"Hot guys? What? I don't understand! This is the world of spirits! What are you talking about?"

"Demons! These are handsome men like those from reels videos on TikTok... you always liked those, didn't you? You... really don't understand that everything here is so real?"

"No... I don't understand!"

"Do you think I'm just a ghost?"

"Certainly! You're a ghost, Emil!"

"Wow! So what do you think? I have a body, by the way, not like yours... less dense. I am real!"

"But in your reality! And I'm here on Earth! In the body of a dense woman! And unfortunately, I feel your fiery touches... It's like fire slides across my skin when someone touches me...

"This shouldn't happen... you can not feel it…"

I fell into despair... thinking frantically about the last weeks of intensive research into the world of spirits... I remembered the movie The Matrix, where the main character took a capsule in order to find himself in true reality... and find his real body. Everything is shown there in eerie colors, if you have seen this movie...