And something similar happened to me... As it turned out, faes have a heavenly avatar for immortal existence and instant teleportation in the higher dimensions of the meta-Universe.

This body grows very slowly... hundreds of years and it is vulnerable, it can be destroyed. My body of a gentle girl of 11 eons (eon - 100000 years) of age is on display and at the mercy of demons in the 5D reality, like many others, with the only difference that my consciousness is awakened and connected to this body. Unfortunately, my eyes are closed in this world, I can only hear spirits and their conversations through telepathy when they gather around my body.

Somehow I ended up in a matrix for men looking for love.

I discovered this completely by accident... Someone suddenly began to stroke my 5D legs.

"What a cute prostitute... ideal, I would say... " - I read this message with horror, but even more shocking was who exactly noted this.

My guides have given me the name of the most famous demon on Earth, L…

"… What? That one? The Lord of Darkness has come to look at me? Well, well! What an honor!

What is he doing now, my guides, near my body?"

"While he is looking… Interested…"

The conversation took place among a crowd of demons, who were making unpleasant remarks about me, for my battered pride, about my very attractive and desirable avatar.

"Yeah, okay… Irrois… did you come from the Pleiades specifically for this whore? Aren't there fairies there?"

"I love her, Lord, I have been looking for her for more than 3 eons across the Universe, when she slipped away from my world… and yes, we don't have fairies like that… Such quality of mana…"

"Funny… she has very pleasant mana… Perhaps I will keep her for myself… an unusual fae… exotic."

"My Lord, please have mercy... she is everything to me... I will do anything for you..."

"Ha... well, we'll see..."

... I almost felt sick from this conversation. I would like to not believe in all this and consider it all a prank. And why did this Pleiadian behave like this?

Every day this alien demon spoke to me tenderly and imposed his attention, burning my skin with his harsh flame.

"Please don't touch me... it hurts... and why did L... come to me anyway?"

"How? How did you know that he came to you?" — Irrois seemed surprised.

"Well... I know... what difference does it make where from? He stroked my legs... his energy was like hot pepper..."

"You felt it? On Earth? How? It can't be!"

"Nobody believes me yet... I feel your flame of demons… And yours, Irrois, is one of the most burning…

"Oh… yes… I am strong, almost 20 eons old… Are you really that sensitive?"

"Why not? That's why I'm offended that everyone treats me like a consumer!"

"Claim that I am your demon, your spouse, and no one will touch you except me…"

… I am not one of those who strive to fulfill demands, and considering how many saber personalities live in me… oh-oh!

…well… one of them is the Queen Bee, well… you know… She can have lovers and favorites… husbands, those who are in love. And why do I need this? No reason at all! There must be special entertainment in life… All that remains is to convince my hunters that I am their Queen Bee… A-ha-ha! And this is with their jealousy? Demons are owners, however...

...My other sub personality is a feminist, a fierce fighter for women's rights... so that they are respected and not called whores, not raped...

Demons hate feminists, and Angels do not particularly approve of them either... Men like submissive women, gentle in their language and like sweet molasses in bed.

"I will not give in... I will resist you, bastards," - the rebel in me screamed from the tight shackles of 3D reality in the avatar of a cute girl in 5D. - "Miries, I demand justice! I am not a prostitute! Not fair! I demand freedom from rapists!"

... This cry, of course, did not go unnoticed when the well-known demon L… took me by force... I would not say that his attention was unpleasant... I did not call the Archangel to drive him away.

"I hate it... me… locked in this body and some do things to me that I don't want. I'm not a demon prostitute!"

...If only I knew then that angels aren't shy either and I'll have to brush off their love, but that was still ahead of me...

"I can close your body..." — Miries suggested. - "And you won't be able to know who's visiting you..."

"It's still outrageous! You said that my body is real... I don't like that someone will use it without asking!"

"Then find yourself a husband to protect you from unexpected attacks... I can call upon the Goddess Hecate... Actually, I'm obliged to protect you since you protest so much... Heroine!"

Here I want to make a clarification on Theurgy: many TikTok posts reels about invoking specific gods, for example Hecate is considered the goddess of witchcraft or the queen of hell, but in fact she is really the goddess of Freedom, the protector of women from violence. She is called upon by faes hidden on Earth to protect them from the demons who have discovered them. She is a beautiful woman with white wavy hair, the tips of which are dyed blue, living in the Spirit World of the Kingdom of Apollonia. Like many other female faes under 15 eons who seek her protection, I once made a contract with her to protect myself from my main enemy, Halos.