But I decided to call not on her... but on God the Father himself... a simple appeal for help... and

Some strange changes happened to my body...

Judging by the comments, my avatar began to glow from the inside, emitting golden rays...

"What the f…?"- the words appeared and I was again burned by a pepper flame. - "Why is this prostitute glowing? I have never seen anything like this. Where did you drag this strange fae from? Ah, Miries?"

"Lord... nowhere... this porn writer... I have no idea why she is glowing!"

"What? ... porn... welcome to Hell... baby... I will personally look after you!"

... It sounded very threatening and creepy goosebumps ran down my spine...

"What do you mean Hell? And I will not ruin your hellish lighting there?" - I blurted out indignantly.

"Do you even know... who you are talking to?"

"I know... Lord L..."

"Oh... you even know my name..."

"Everyone on Earth knows your name... Lord."

"Who told you that I'm here... dolly?"



"Yeah… what's so strange? I picked up a pendulum and a fan with letters... here I am sitting on Earth, communicating with different spirits... Learning secrets...



…And why did I blurt out without thinking...

"Well…, no-no… not secrets... just different information about the spiritual world. I read your name... I'm not bothering anyone, I'm exploring the world..."

"You... a human mind? You... are in a woman's body, mind?"


... His surprise confused me no less... It seems that the Lord of Darkness did not expect to hear such statements from a 5D doll...

A chilling sentence rustled through the letters:

"Kill her! No mercy!"

"Kill? For what?" — Indignation poured out of me. — "I'm not doing anything bad… Everyone here wants to use me! It's unfair!"

"Lord!" — Irrois begged plaintively. — "I beg you! Don't kill this avatar… I've been looking for this fae for eons! What do you want me to do for you!"

"Hah! So dear to you? I wonder why?"

"She's an interesting person… we were partners… She's the legendary Commander of the Pleiadian fleet."

"What? A woman commanded your fleet? Unheard of!"

"She was a man then…"

… Then followed a detailed account of my exploits, which I read, rolling my eyes…

"And she remembers it…"

"Remembers? It's impossible!"

… Lord L…'s surprise was not going to end…

"I'm interested in her too… in that case… I'll keep her for myself… as a lover!"

"Lord… there are many other faes on Earth… but I'll never forget this one."

"Irrois... your persistence makes me even more interested..."

"It seems someone wanted to kill me..." — I decided to intervene in the conversation.

"And I will do it... on Earth! One of these days you will be sitting on my lap in Hell!"

I really didn't like such a sad prospect: actually, I'm not a goth, some kind of aspiring to get to Hell for Satan's ball... A gloomy picture from my movie ideas about Hell appeared in my inflamed brain... To hell with it! I'm on the lap of the Lord of Darkness!? No way!

But I didn't say another word, throwing the pendulum aside... I've played too much!

One of these days I'll die!?

A couple of minutes later, I again stared at the letters on the fan, bursting with curiosity... maybe this is a prank?

But no... The Lord discussed my execution melancholically:

"Hmm... lives in a country with low crime... Oh... then what? A bullet or a fire? Problematic... and the place is like that... only pensioners live there... a rich guarded area! Hmm... A bullet or... a flame?"

.... Are you seriously considering killing me? Lord... No way! I... can't leave my mansion for a month! Try to kill me... No way!