"This is all not serious... is it, Emil? Why kill me? Is there really no way to talk him out of it?"

…My soulmate thought seriously and rushed off to consult with someone, and in the meantime the Lord of Darkness came again and leaned over me with the words:

"Are you afraid of me? Well, that's right... You should be afraid of me... Don't like it when I call you a prostitute? But such is the fate of all faes on earth... You are all captives of demons... I am into simpler girls... you are too complicated a person for me... However, there is no place for someone like you on Earth! You will die in a few days!"

I threw the pendulum aside again... me became sad: all the faes… about 40,000 of them are incarnate are in captivity while they live in 3D... they are mercilessly used.

"I joined the League of Light Forces," - Emil told me. - "Now you can be protected..."

"What? What does this mean?"

"Now I have become Elvin… this is an angelic status…"

"Are you warrior now? You did this for me?"

"Yes… I got now more power!"

His action touched me… a demon became an angel to seek protection…

They really came to protect me… an angelic army. The Lord had to evaporate, but soon he returned with his army of demons. The pendulum indicated the presence of 2,000 spirits who fought with beams of energy.

Such battles happened about seven times in a day. It was hard for me to imagine, but I was injured several times due to crossfire… It was like burns from flames in the abdomen and head… Tolerable pain, but still disturbing. Black and silver colors appeared on the multi-colored fan… this means that I was injured and being treated with angelic energy. It is difficult without vision in 5D space…

However… my radiance continued to pour out of my body the next day, irritating the Lord of Darkness.

"You... a warrior of Light? Who sent you to Earth?"

"What kind of question... Lord L...? No one sent me! I am a peaceful being who is locked in this avatar... I have no desire to fight... especially with you."

"I will have to hide you behind a veil... forever, so as not to disturb anyone with your unimaginable radiance."

"What? Is this very abnormal?"

"Too abnormal... especially for a woman. You are something else... I have not met such... There is no place for a Warrior of Light on Earth..."

... On the one hand, it seemed like a good solution to me - to hide me from the eyes of demons: no one will touch me anymore and I will calmly continue my normal life in 3D reality, but then after my body was hidden... it even became boring.

My friends asked me in confusion how I feel?

"Normal... however, Irrois... your flame still burns me."

"I'm close... but I can't see you."

"Me too... — Emil confirmed. — I want to kiss you, but... I can't. It's such a pity!"

... Ah! My dear Elvin... How can I live without kisses in 5D reality! It's really a pity... I had to meditate, which made my glow intensify and the veil dissipate, once again exposing my avatar.

"You... are glowing... How did you dispel my magic?" Lord L...'s words didn't bother me at all.

... Someone will have to put up with my glow... My aura colors became rainbow and gold... Oh my! The Lord of Darkness continued to talk to me, trying to understand my origin.

"Did God the Father send you?"

"Oh, what are you saying... I'm a free spirit, on my own... no one sent me."

"I like you... Are we somehow related?"

"I doubt it... I've only been living on Earth for a couple of millennia...

"Hmm... I remember you... on the battlefield... I killed you..."

"I don't have any such memories, Lord..."

... His sympathy seemed strange and frightening to me, I didn't want to get into too close a relationship, especially after the death threats...

"You'll be my lover..."

"I'll think about your offer... Actually, that's not why I'm here..."

"You're a lustful woman... a milf... I can clearly sense your desires..."

"Not at all, — I continued to deny it in every way. — I'm a researcher of the spirit world..."

Angel D... came on his own initiative, without being summoned, to drive away the Lord of Darkness.

"L... is bothering you? It seems you're flirting with him?"

"Not at all... why would I want such a relationship? I just don't make enemies... even if they're demons... And you're not friends, I take it?"

"Friends!? Never! — the pendulum jumped sharply over the letters. — I hate him! Don't be shy, call me to drive him away..."

"You will fly in and protect me... really? What interest do you have in that?"

"What do you think?"

... This phrase made me tense... Does he want some kind of close relationship with me? No way! The question hung in the air. In fact, I constantly felt in danger and slept poorly because of panic attacks in the middle of the night... my heart was pounding wildly from the emerging fears. It's good that I don't work, I have a lot of free time and I can take a nap in the middle of the day in my personal bedroom.