The Dilemma of Snow Sky Dog: An Enigmatic Encounter

"Is it true? Did the snow wolf say that?" Kurogami Masayuki asked Mizuchi Haruka in surprise. Even he was astonished to hear this from Mizuchi Haruka, his younger sister. 


"That's true, big brother! The snow wolf indeed spoke those words." Mizuchi Haruka said joyfully, her eyes sparkling with undisguised happiness. 


"If Snow Sky-Dog truly said that, then this is a cause for celebration. I didn't think things would go so smoothly, but you've done well, Princess of the Flower Tribe, Mizuchi Haruka." Kurogami Masayuki praised Mizuchi Haruka. Perhaps, this was a sign of something positive for Mizuchi Haruka in her battle for Snow Sky-Dog against Seraphina Frostwind, the beautiful human girl no less captivating than the most alluring goddesses in the divine world. 


"If it weren't for my big brother's help, I couldn't have done so well. So, I'll keep my promise and invite you to dinner. Big brother, do you agree?" Mizuchi Haruka said, her eyes as beautiful as sapphires blinking. 


"Of course, I wouldn't miss this for the world, little sister! Let's quickly go to the human world, pick an expensive restaurant, and celebrate!" Kurogami Masayuki exclaimed. 


"Alright! Everything will go as you wish! Let's go now before it gets dark, we need to return here before nightfall." 


"OK! Do you need to change into beautiful clothes for the outing?" Kurogami Masayuki asked casually. 


"No need, big brother! If I change clothes and put on makeup now, it will take a lot of time. So, I'll wear this outfit to hang out with my big brother. Besides, today, I'm hanging out with you, big brother, not the snow wolf who specializes in seducing women, so I'll look normal is fine!" Mizuchi Haruka explained clearly to Kurogami Masayuki. 


"Alright, let's go then! I don't like waiting for you to dress up and change clothes for too long, even though after waiting, I get to admire your exquisite beauty!" Kurogami Masayuki teased Mizuchi Haruka, his younger sister. 


"Big brother, are you flirting with me? Since when did you pick up this flirtatious habit from that snow wolf? Believe me, these flattering words are only suitable for men skilled in wooing women like that snow wolf, not for serious and sincere men like you, big brother!" Mizuchi Haruka playfully retorted to Kurogami Masayuki. 


"You know that Snow Sky-Dog is the kind of man who specializes in seducing women, so why do you love him so much? Women are truly incomprehensible!" Kurogami Masayuki said in frustration. 


"Yeah! What can I say? Indeed, we women are a bit hard to understand, but the main reason here is that you are too foolish, big brother! Firstly, even though Snow Sky-Dog is flirtatious, he is sometimes cute and kind. Anyway, he is an interesting and reliable man to entrust a girl's lifelong happiness to. I still believe that if our master hadn't assigned him a secret mission, he would still be a faithful lover to me in this academy, an academy where many goddesses crave to replace me to become his lover. Also, men should be a bit like him to be attractive, unlike you, which is quite boring." Mizuchi Haruka laughed, her smile radiant as the dawn of a new day. 


"Haizza! You say that, and I don't know what to say anymore. Your women may be hard to understand, but they are truly easy to conquer. Unfortunately, I'm not in the group of men who easily conquer women like that snow wolf. But I still have something else to be proud of. I am proud to be the top student of this academy, the disciple that the master trusts the most!" After a pause, Kurogami Masayuki continued, "Well, let's not talk about this anymore; let's go eat. Otherwise, it will be late, and we have to return to this place before dark." 


"Ok! Let's go, big brother!" 


The two young gods descended to the human world. They landed in a small town and entered a famous restaurant with the finest dishes in the human world. 


"Order, big brother! Today, I'm very happy, so you can order as many delicious dishes as you want." Mizuchi Haruka spoke with an intimate tone to Kurogami Masayuki. 


"Ok, let me order! Serve as a roasted lamb leg, a beef steak, and a lobster in wine sauce, plus a roasted rabbit. Oh, forgot, bring us another bottle of red wine." Kurogami Masayuki enthusiastically ordered, occasionally being treated to dinner by his younger sister, so he didn't care about Mizuchi Haruka's wallet. He had helped Mizuchi Haruka a lot when she needed it most, so as much as he wanted to eat, Mizuchi Haruka was ready to indulge his wishes. 


"Wow, you're also like that snow wolf; both of you must have been starving for a thousand years." Mizuchi Haruka teased Kurogami Masayuki. 


"I have to eat a lot to have the strength to fight against youkai, and that snow wolf eats a lot to have the energy to seduce women. We are different." Kurogami Masayuki replied frankly. 


"Yeah! It's fine; before the food is served, let's exchange some life philosophies, big brother!" 


"Alright, little sister! I have many life philosophies that I hold dear, one of which is 'The path of faith requires a price, and that price is worthwhile.'" 


"Oh! Do you believe in that?" 


Mizuchi Haruka sat comfortably on the restaurant chair, the bright light shining through the canopy, embellishing her beautiful face. She looked directly into Kurogami Masayuki's eyes with expressive eyes but full of curiosity. 


"Yes, little sister. I believe that every choice in life requires an investment and that investment often comes with sacrifice. That's how I build my path," Kurogami Masayuki replied, his eyes shining with determination. 


"So, do you agree that life is only worth living when we dare to face risks and sacrifices, right?" Mizuchi Haruka asked, her face becoming serious but still maintaining a gentle appearance. 


"I agree!" Kurogami Masayuki nodded. "Life has no meaning if we only live in the darkness of safety and comfort. Sometimes, to achieve something special, we must dare to face significant challenges." 


Mizuchi Haruka chuckled gently. 


"Big brother, your thoughts are truly admirable. But do you think that there are things we sacrifice that do not equate to unwarranted loss?" 


Kurogami Masayuki placed his arm on the table, leaned forward, and smiled. 


"Yes, little sister. But between loss and gain, there are joys and new knowledge. Sometimes, to truly understand the value of something, we need to face the possibility of losing it." 


Mizuchi Haruka nodded slowly, and the warm afternoon sunlight glistened through her long hair. 


"Big brother is right; sometimes, life only becomes meaningful when we dare to step beyond limits and face unexpected challenges." 


"Let's enjoy the meal and the joy of life, little sister. Somewhere between emotions and tears, we find the true meaning of living," Kurogami Masayuki emphasized, his voice conveying depth and philosophy. 


The two young deities continued their conversation, entering a world full of colors of cuisine and joy, where they could savor moments filled with genuine meaning and sincere affection for each other.