The Enchanted Fields: A Tranquil Encounter

Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka enjoyed a delightful meal at a Human World restaurant. Before nightfall, they left the restaurant to return to the Academy of Divine Beings. 


"Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother, there's a beautiful sunflower field nearby. Let's take a stroll there before heading back to the academy. What do you think of my suggestion?" Mizuchi Haruka blossomed a smile as radiant as spring, gazing at Kurogami Masayuki with eyes full of gentleness and charm. 


"Sigh! Does that sunflower field remind you of your home?" Although Kurogami Masayuki sighed, he had no intention of criticizing Mizuchi Haruka. He simply didn't want to walk to the sunflower field—perhaps due to a bit of laziness or maybe because he had just enjoyed a hearty meal and didn't want to walk with a full, food-laden stomach. 


"You guessed it right, Kurogami Masayuki! How did you know? Are you studying psychology?" Mizuchi Haruka continued to smile innocently, her sea-blue eyes twinkling, replacing persuasion with a playful expression. "Come on! Is it because you're too full, and you don't want to walk to the sunflower field? But you're my elder brother; you should indulge me a little! Besides, I'll treat you to a delicious meal that will fill your stomach, so please follow my suggestion! Otherwise, I'll tell the master that you're bullying me!" 


"If you do that, I won't be your advisor and companion in the war to win the heart of that fickle snow wolf of yours with the human girl anymore! At that time, you'll have to handle it on your own!" Kurogami Masayuki yawned gently, likely influenced by the large wine bottle he had consumed earlier. Indeed, he had almost finished the entire bottle, while Mizuchi Haruka had only taken a few sips. It seemed like the large bottle of wine had made him a bit tipsy. 


"Come on, elder brother, I'm about to cry here! Do you find joy in making me cry? You're my elder brother, and the master entrusted you with the task of taking care of me. Can't you just indulge my wishes a bit? Plus, I'm inviting you to a delicious meal that will make your stomach full, so please comply with my request! Otherwise, I'll tell the master that you're bullying me!" Mizuchi Haruka kept pulling at Kurogami Masayuki's clothes continuously, as if she wanted him to follow her wishes, displaying a pleading gesture. 


"Alright, alright! Let's go to the sunflower field for a short stroll then, flower princess! I don't want you to cry here. You're skilled at these tricks; even for this, you're using tears to threaten me! Why don't you shed tears in front of that snow wolf? You're only good at manipulating my emotions!" Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a slightly weary tone. Although he was feeling sleepy now, all he wanted was to quickly return to the Academy of Divine Beings, climb onto his long and wide bed, cover himself with a warm duck feather blanket, and sleep until morning. However, he had to go along with his younger sister's wishes. 


"Thank you, elder brother! I know you're kind to me! In the war for Snow Sky-Dog's love, I also need your help!" Mizuchi Haruka expressed joyfully, running her fingers through her shiny, long hair and flashing her enchanting eyes. 


The two young deities walked to the sunflower field. Perhaps walking after a hearty meal might affect Kurogami Masayuki's digestion, but he had no other choice now, as he had agreed to his sister's request. He didn't want to be someone who didn't keep his word, so he had to accept this inconvenience. A while later, they reached the sunflower field. The field was filled with numerous golden sunflowers, so many that it was impossible to count, and the yellow color of the sunflowers seemed to engulf Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka. 


"Whoa, the golden sunflowers are so beautiful! I love them!" exclaimed Mizuchi Haruka. 


"Do you love the golden sunflowers more, or do you love Snow Sky-Dog more?" Kurogami Masayuki asked a question that was both playful and teasing towards Mizuchi Haruka. 


"Elder brother, you're truly strange! These two things are very different!" Mizuchi Haruka picked a golden sunflower, holding it in her hand with her joyful and innocent expression. "Do you find this sunflower beautiful? I love yellow the most because it's the color of hope!" 


"I thought you preferred white because it's the characteristic color of that snow wolf!" Kurogami Masayuki teased the flower princess, who was immersed in the indescribable joy of the sunflower field. 


"Why do you always tease me like this, elder brother? I also like white! Because it's the color of purity. That snow wolf always wears a full set of white clothes, looking elegant and noble! As for you, your style is hard to guess! You have many different outfits, and they are combined from various colors. They are not too flashy, but I don't know which color represents you!" Mizuchi Haruka pinned the golden sunflower to her head and said. 


"I'm not like that snow wolf! Although strong, he only knows how to use a few freezing techniques and create a cold atmosphere. If he encounters an opponent with a counter magic, he can only kneel before that person if he wants to live; otherwise, he will undoubtedly use his white feather wings like snow to fly away quickly. As for me, I understand all types of magic, so I'm not afraid of any opponent with countermagic!" Kurogami Masayuki replied straightforwardly. 


"That's why you wear various outfits that are not simply one solid color, to remind yourself to always train in many different types of abilities, right? Wow, you have willpower and a sense of responsibility!" Mizuchi Haruka admired. 


"Of course! That's how it is! I'm not like that snow wolf! And you, the princess who loves to sleep, besides loving Snow Sky-Dog, also have to diligently practice magic. Otherwise, I'll pour something on your tiny head!" Kurogami Masayuki pretended to threaten Mizuchi Haruka, but he would never actually do that. 


"Elder brother won't do that! I know you love me, elder brother!" Mizuchi Haruka had correctly guessed her elder brother's mindset. Perhaps in recent times, she had also been studying psychology. 


"Hmph, just wait; if you're lazy in your studies, I'll deal with you!" 


"I know, elder brother! I will diligently train in magic. Are you satisfied?" Mizuchi Haruka used her sparkling eyes instead of the enchantment technique on Kurogami Masayuki, as she wanted him to feel more comfortable with her. 


"Do remember your words, sleeping princess!" 


"I know, elder brother, hehe!" Mizuchi Haruka laughed. Since the incident of Snow Sky-Dog's affair, she hadn't laughed so freely. Kurogami Masayuki looked at this innocent smile and felt affection for his younger sister. That's why he was determined to help Mizuchi Haruka compete for the love of Snow Sky-Dog, who was currently dividing his love between the two girls in this love triangle. 


Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka cherished the peaceful moment amidst the sunflower field. The evening sunlight sparkled through fluffy white clouds in the blue sky. A serene feeling permeated the air, blending with the gentle fragrance of sunflowers. 


"Kurogami Masayuki, this truly is a wonderful place. The vibrant bloom of these sunflowers and their golden color create a vivid painting," Mizuchi Haruka emphasized the beauty of the sunflower field. 


Kurogami Masayuki looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of tranquility in his soul from the beauty of the sunflower field. 


"Yes, this is a great place to enjoy peace and rest after the challenges of life at the Academy of Divine Beings." 


Mizuchi Haruka smiled gently and sincerely. 


"Elder brother, thank you for agreeing to bring me here. I feel like I'm living in a fairy tale, don't you think?" 


Kurogami Masayuki looked at Mizuchi Haruka, his gaze warm. 


"That's right, flower princess. But perhaps we should also discuss the war for Snow Sky-Dog's heart. What makes you believe he's worth fighting for?" 


Mizuchi Haruka held a golden sunflower in her hand, her expression contemplative. 


"Elder brother, I sense sincerity and love from him. Every word and every gesture makes my heart flutter. Perhaps he is trying to do right, and even though this love affair is complicated, in his heart, I see a clear sky." 


Kurogami Masayuki nodded, understanding his sister's emotions. 


"We also need to understand more about Snow Sky-Dog. He may be special, but there might be undiscovered secrets within him." 


Mizuchi Haruka looked into the sunflower field and spoke. 


"Elder brother, this battle is not just for Snow Sky-Dog, but also for us. It's an opportunity for us to understand love and trust better. Elder brother, we will be the victors, won't we?" 


Kurogami Masayuki looked at Mizuchi Haruka with a gaze full of trust. 


"That's right, princess. We will hold onto Snow Sky-Dog's heart, and through that, we will also understand ourselves better."