Blossoms of Destiny: A Sibling's Bond in the Sunset Battle

Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka were joyfully admiring the flowers in the flower field as the sun was gradually setting. Both of them enjoyed the radiant red hues of the sunset slowly descending upon the flower field.

"Kurogami Masayuki, elder brother, the sunset over the flower field is truly beautiful. Don't you think so?" Mizuchi Haruka asked Kurogami Masayuki, her voice gentle and full of emotion.

"Certainly, little sister! I do see it that way," replied Kurogami Masayuki, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "I wish Snow Sky-Dog could join us in watching the sunset, but unfortunately, that can't happen. Perhaps, at this moment, that snow wolf is feeling tense due to the responsibilities entrusted to him by our master."

"Well, it seems I'm not the only one receiving attention from you, elder brother! You're not only good to me but also genuinely concerned about that snow wolf," Mizuchi Haruka said, using her crystal-clear eyes that could penetrate souls to look straight into the large brown eyes of Kurogami Masayuki.

"Of course, little sister! Both of you are my siblings. Our master assigned me the duty to take care of and protect you both. Therefore, I am determined to fulfill that duty. I don't want to disappoint our master," Kurogami Masayuki responded with a resounding and determined voice.

"Thank you, elder brother! It seems that your care for me and Snow Sky-Dog goes beyond the responsibility our master entrusted to you. Isn't that right, elder brother?" Mizuchi Haruka looked at Kurogami Masayuki, and she blinked her beautiful eyes, perhaps not wanting to bewitch Kurogami Masayuki as she did with Snow Sky-Dog, but rather wanting him to reveal the truth.

"Indeed, my care for you and Snow Sky-Dog is not only because of the duty assigned by our master but also genuine affection from my heart. Mizuchi Haruka, you are beautiful, but I don't love you. I care for you with the love of an elder brother for his younger sister. However, that doesn't mean I don't sincerely care for you. The same goes for Snow Sky-Dog. I don't see him as a rival; I see him as my younger brother. Your romantic entanglement with Snow Sky-Dog is quite complicated! It puts me, being in the middle, in a difficult position. You often joke with me that I'm jealous of Snow Sky-Dog, but that's not true. First, I feel a bit annoyed! Second, I genuinely worry about both of you because, in the celestial realms, gods are not allowed to love each other. So, if you manage to defeat the human girl in the war for Snow Sky-Dog's affection, it might be challenging for you to become Snow Sky-Dog's woman. But regardless, you both are my siblings. I care for you not only because of the promise to our master but also because of the sincere affection of an elder brother for his younger siblings. So, I will disregard everything to help both of you. I won't let anyone harm or kill you!" Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a determined and spirited voice.

"Thank you, elder brother! You are truly..."

"Enough! Your love story makes me sick! Today, both of you have to die here!"

A horrifying voice echoed from afar, and the owner of that voice quietly approached the two young deities. He was dressed in black attire and wore a black mask, concealing his face, and making it impossible to know who he was.

"Are you a youkai?" Mizuchi Haruka asked, slightly panicked by this unexpected turn of events, her voice trembling. However, Kurogami Masayuki remained calm, nothing could disturb his composure.

"Mizuchi Haruka, he is not a youkai; he is a deity, a deity from our academy. He's the one we encountered and fought in the academy's dining hall. I don't know his name, but I know his nickname. His nickname is 'Steel Dragon.' He is the god of steel. Mizuchi Haruka, step back, my younger sister. Let me, the elder brother, handle him. Your magic is specifically related to trees and greenery, and his magic counters yours. So, you stay back, and I will deal with him!" Kurogami Masayuki gently advised his younger sister. Mizuchi Haruka followed her elder brother's advice, looking a bit anxious. She couldn't understand why she felt such an inexplicable anxiety. Despite her trust in Kurogami Masayuki's strength, the dreadfulness of the 'Steel Dragon' seemed to instill fear in her. Suddenly, a premonition of Kurogami Masayuki's death filled her mind, and this premonition seemed to be taking over her thoughts. After all that had happened, Kurogami Masayuki had always been there for her whenever she faced difficulties, whenever she needed the utmost support. Therefore, she never wanted her elder brother to die. Greedily envisioning a future where Kurogami Masayuki attended her wedding with Snow Sky-Dog and engaged in lively conversations with other guests, she didn't want her elder brother to die now, especially not while protecting her.

"Steel Dragon" heard Kurogami Masayuki speaking and slowly removed his black mask, saying,

"Kurogami Masayuki, do you even know that it's me who wants to kill you? Even when I wear this black mask on my face? You're quite skilled, Kurogami Masayuki, but unfortunately, you offended me. So today, both you and your little sister must die!" Kurogami Masayuki remained silent, saying nothing. He stared defiantly at his adversary, focusing his magic and channeling it into his ten fingertips.

"Steel Dragon" summoned all the magic he could muster and then charged at Kurogami Masayuki. During his charge, his magic shattered half of the flower field. After concentrating magic and channeling it into his ten fingertips, Kurogami Masayuki also entered the battle against the "Steel Dragon."

The red glow of the sunset gradually covered the flower field. In the intense and dramatic battle on the flower field, the magic of the "Steel Dragon" shattered half of the field of sunflowers. "Steel Dragon" and Kurogami Masayuki faced each other, entering combat between the strength of steel and diverse magical arts.

"Steel Dragon" moved with the speed of the wind, and his strength was incredibly powerful. His attacks carried the distinctive strength of steel, with considerable weight and high damage, shaking the surrounding space. Kurogami Masayuki faced these powerful strikes by flexibly moving and utilizing magic skillfully.

The battle became fierce, and the tension continued to rise. Mizuchi Haruka stood watching, anxiously worrying about her elder brother. The cold wind of the battlefield blew through the flower field, causing the fresh flowers to fall like the contrasting emotions between the two opponents.

Although the battle was proving difficult, Kurogami Masayuki maintained his spirit and patience. He realized that to defeat the "Steel Dragon," he had to utilize his strength and creativity in tactics.

With his agility, Kurogami Masayuki avoided a powerful strike from the "Steel Dragon" and created a large sword from his magic. Facing the opponent's steel strength, he transformed his sword into a special metal capable of absorbing energy.

"Steel Dragon," seemingly having the upper hand, was caught off guard by Kurogami Masayuki's creativity. Kurogami Masayuki not only defended but also used the opponent's strength to create a new magic, a special technique capable of controlling and countering the "Steel Dragon."

The battle became unpredictable and more intense. Kurogami Masayuki and "Steel Dragon" unleashed powerful attacks, each offensive and defensive move becoming a colorful masterpiece on the flower field.

Meanwhile, Mizuchi Haruka prayed incessantly, hoping that her elder brother would safely overcome this challenge. The setting sun gradually turned purple, adding to the mystical painting of the confrontation.

Finally, after a series of fierce battles, Kurogami Masayuki took advantage of a gap in the "Steel Dragon's" defense and delivered a lethal strike. "Steel Dragon" collapsed, his magic dispelled. He then used all remaining strength to flee as fast as possible.

Kurogami Masayuki stood in the flower field, his breath slowly recovering. Mizuchi Haruka ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Elder brother, you did it!" Mizuchi Haruka exclaimed with joyful happiness. Kurogami Masayuki just laughed and looked towards the setting sun.

"We've overcome this challenge together, little sister. But everything is not over yet. Let's continue walking on our path; we will face more challenges and discoveries."

With strong spirits and unwavering unity, Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka ventured into the next challenges of life, where they would encounter new difficulties and seek the next moments of happiness.